


PR Newswire ·  09/16 09:30

Customer-First Commitment Promises Bill Credits if Service is Disrupted and Guaranteed Pricing for Up to Three Years with No Annual Contracts


Unveils New Spectrum Brand Platform 'Life Unlimited'


STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Spectrum today made a series of announcements building on the Company's customer-first philosophy, backed by money-back guarantees. They include a first-of-its-kind Customer Commitment that provides performance and service benchmarks to Spectrum customers and a new and simplified pricing strategy that enables customers to choose bundles with price guarantees, including a 500 Mbps Spectrum Internet plan starting at $30 per month when bundled with two lines of Spectrum's fastest Mobile and/or Spectrum Video service. Additionally, all current Spectrum Internet and Spectrum Internet Ultra customers will have their speeds automatically increased for free to 400 and 600 Mbps, respectively.

2024年9月16日康涅狄克州史達福/PRNewswire/ —— 今天,頻譜公司發佈了一系列公告,強調公司堅持以客戶爲先的理念,支持以退款保證爲基礎。其中包括首創的客戶承諾,爲頻譜客戶提供性能和服務基準,以及全新簡化的定價策略,使客戶能夠選擇帶有價格保證的捆綁服務,包括500 Mbps頻譜互聯網套餐,搭配兩條頻譜最快移動服務和/或頻譜視頻服務線路,月費從30美元起。此外,所有當前的頻譜互聯網和頻譜互聯網Ultra客戶的速度將自動免費增加至分別爲400 Mbps和600 Mbps。

These commitments are encapsulated within Spectrum's new brand platform, Life Unlimited, which provides customers access to a life of 'unlimited' opportunity and possibility when seamlessly connected through Spectrum's Internet, Mobile and Video services. Spectrum's new Customer Commitment, pricing plans, speed increases and brand platform will roll out across its 41-state footprint this week.


Setting the Standard: Spectrum's Groundbreaking Customer Commitment


To ensure Spectrum's new Customer Commitment is aligned with customers' changing needs and expectations, the Company conducted extensive research with current and prospective customers, as well as its employees. This input helped shape the development of the Customer Commitment, which is built around Spectrum's promise of "keeping you connected to enhance your life, whenever and wherever you need us."


The Four Pillars of the Spectrum Customer Commitment are:


1. Reliable Connectivity: We are committed to keeping our customers connected 100% of the time and promptly resolving any issues.


  • We will fix any service disruptions quickly, including dispatching a technician the same day if the customer requests it prior to 5 p.m.
  • If a neighborhood experiences an outage that lasts more than two hours, our agents will offer a credit for the full day.*
  • We will continually invest in our network to ensure consistently reliable service.
  • 我們會迅速解決任何服務中斷情況,如果客戶在下午5點之前要求,我們會派遣技術人員在當天進行修復。
  • 如果一個社區經歷超過兩個小時的停電,我們的代理人將提供全天借記。
  • 我們將持續投資於我們的網絡,以確保始終可靠的服務。

2. Transparency at Every Step: We are committed to clear and simple pricing and timely service updates; we will take responsibility when things go wrong.

2. 每一步透明:我們致力於明確簡單的定價和及時的服務更新;當事情出錯時,我們將承擔責任。

  • Within 15 minutes of identifying an outage in a neighborhood, we will notify affected customers and provide an estimated restoration time.
  • We are implementing whole dollar pricing, with taxes and fees included.
  • There are no annual contracts for any residential services.
  • 15分鐘內,會通知受影響的客戶,並提供估計恢復時間。 我們正在實施全額美元定價,包含稅費。
  • 我們將全面投資於我們的網絡,以確保可靠的服務。
  • 這裏沒有年度合同 任何 住宅服務。

3. Exceptional Service: We are committed to providing exceptional customer experiences.

3. 優質服務:我們致力於提供優質的客戶體驗。

  • We are there whenever our customers need us with 24/7 U.S.-based customer service. If a customer needs help or a professional installation, a technician will be available the same or next day.
  • If a customer is not completely satisfied with any services within the first 30 days, we will give them their money back.
  • If a customer is not completely satisfied with a new mobile device within the first 14 days, we will give them their money back.
  • 無論客戶何時需要,我們都提供全天候美國客戶服務。如果客戶需要幫助或專業安裝,技術人員將在同一天或次日提供幫助。
  • 如果客戶在首個30天內對任何服務不滿意,我們將退還他們的款項。
  • 如果客戶在首個14天對新移動設備不完全滿意,我們將退還他們的款項。

4. Always Improving: We are committed to listening and acting on our customers' feedback to improve our products and customer service.

4. 不斷改進:我們致力於傾聽並採取客戶反饋,以改善我們的產品和客戶服務。

  • The future of connectivity is coming, and we are here to meet it by building a network capable of delivering symmetrical and multi-gigabit speeds.
  • With Xumo, we delivered the next generation of streaming and will continue to expand our streaming services – bringing more entertainment at an incredible value.
  • We will continue to transform the industry by bringing more value and greater flexibility, committed to providing the fastest wireless and WiFi speeds on a network that can handle up to 200 devices today and even more in the future – designed, owned and operated in the USA.
  • We are redefining connectivity while expanding our network to reach approximately 1.75 million unserved and underserved homes and small businesses across the country to help connect everyone, everywhere.
  • We are continuously investing in our network to increase capabilities and achieve our future goal of zero service disruptions and fully automated credits if we fall short.
  • 未來的連接方式即將到來,我們正在構建一個能夠提供對稱和多千兆速度的網絡來應對。
  • 通過Xumo,我們提供了下一代流媒體,並將繼續擴展我們的流媒體服務-爲大家帶來更多娛樂,而且性價比極高。
  • 我們將繼續通過爲行業帶來更多價值和更大的靈活性來改變行業,致力於提供能夠支持今天高達200設備甚至更多的WiFi和無線速度最快的網絡-該網絡在美國設計、擁有和運營。
  • 我們正在重新定義連接方式,同時擴展我們的網絡覆蓋範圍,以便連接全國約175萬未覆蓋和服務不足的家庭和小型企業,助力實現人人聯網。
  • 我們持續投資於我們的網絡以增強功能,並實現我們的未來目標-實現零服務中斷和完全自動化的退款,如果我們未能達標。

Guaranteed Pricing up to Three Years when Bundled and Increased Internet Speeds


In line with its Customer Commitment, Spectrum also announced improved pricing plans – with guaranteed pricing for up to three years – and speed options that will benefit new customers, create more choices and provide faster speeds for existing customers. Beginning Tuesday, September 17, Spectrum Internet, with starting speeds of 500 Mbps, will be offered as low as $30/month, and Spectrum Gig will be offered as low as $40/month, when each are bundled with two lines of Spectrum's fastest Mobile and/or Video services.

與其客戶承諾保持一致,Spectrum還宣佈了更新的定價計劃-提供最長三年的定價保證-以及將惠及新客戶、提供更多選擇和爲現有客戶提供更快速度的速度選項。 從2019年9月17日星期二開始 Spectrum Internet的起始速度爲500 Mbps,將以每月30美元的低價提供,而Spectrum Gig將以每月40美元的低價提供,當每個都與Spectrum最快的移動和/或視頻服務的兩行捆綁時。

For customers who don't take advantage of these new bundled rates, the industry's first converged offer, Spectrum One, remains available, now with a higher starting speed of 500 Mbps with one free Unlimited mobile line included for a year.

對於不利用這些新捆綁價格的客戶,行業首個融合套餐Spectrum One仍然可用,現在開始速度更高達500 Mbps,幷包括一年免費的無限移動電話線路。

"This new commitment to our customers goes beyond words; it is about action," said Cliff Hagan, Executive Vice President, Customer Operations for Charter Communications, Inc., which operates the Spectrum brand. "With approximately 100,000 employees, our customers are also our friends, family and neighbors, and we hold ourselves accountable to them. If we are charging for a service, it should work all the time; if it doesn't, our customers should trust that we'll make it right. By focusing on reliability, transparency and outstanding service, we want to exceed expectations, build lasting loyalty and address our customers' needs with renewed energy and focus on keeping them seamlessly connected. We've already made the investment in our people, tools and systems that will allow us to execute on these commitments and fully stand behind the great value, products and services we provide to our customers."

"我們對客戶的這一新承諾超越言語; 這是一種行動。" 特許通訊公司的執行副總裁克利夫·哈根說道,該公司是Spectrum品牌的運營商。"擁有約10萬名員工,我們的客戶也是我們的朋友、家人和鄰居,我們對他們有責任。如果我們爲某項服務收費,它就應該一直運行;如果某事出了問題,我們的客戶應該相信我們會解決。通過專注於可靠性、透明度和出色的服務,我們希望超越期望,建立持久忠誠,並積極專注於滿足客戶需求,保持他們緊密連接。我們已經爲我們的員工、工具和系統進行了投資,這將使我們能夠履行這些承諾,並全力支持我們爲客戶提供的巨大價值、產品和服務。"

Introducing the 'Life Unlimited' Brand Platform


By refreshing the Spectrum brand around the Life Unlimited theme, Spectrum is emphasizing how its advanced network and cutting-edge connectivity products and services create opportunities and remove barriers to help customers live their best lives. Starting tomorrow, a series of new Life Unlimited themed ads will begin running across Spectrum's footprint on all media channels, including TV and digital campaigns for residential and small/medium-sized business consumers. Additionally, Spectrum is introducing a new brand color palette and sonic.


Spectrum's refreshed brand, encapsulating its Customer Commitment, reflects the Company's purpose: to connect customers to what matters to them, from entertainment to education, from family and friends to their careers, and to the possibilities of living their lives, unlimited.


"Today's launch of Spectrum's Life Unlimited brand platform marks a milestone in our journey to redefine what a connectivity company means to its customers," said Sharon Peters, Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer for Charter. "This initiative is about so much more than a new look and feel for the Spectrum brand; it is a fundamental shift in how we operate, with the goal of building more trust with our customers. Life Unlimited is a platform for action that holds the customer experience at the center of everything we do. By delivering competitive, reliable products and exceptional customer service at an incredible value, we are declaring our unwavering commitment to helping our customers lead unlimited lives, anywhere and everywhere they need us."

特許通訊的Life Unlimited品牌平台的推出,標誌着我們重新定義連接性公司對客戶的意義的里程碑,"說,“這一舉措不僅僅是爲了給Spectrum品牌帶來新的形象和感覺;它是我們在運營中的一個根本轉變,其目標是與我們的客戶建立更多信任。Life Unlimited是一個以行動爲中心的平台,我們一切工作的核心是爲了客戶體驗。通過提供有競爭力、可靠的產品和卓越的客戶服務以令人難以置信的價值,我們宣佈不動搖地致力於幫助我們的客戶無限度地生活,無論他們何時何地需要我們。

More information is available at


*Outages eligible for credit exclude power outages, natural disasters, and overnight scheduled maintenance.


Note to Editors: For Life Unlimited images and video, please visit Charter's media library.

致編輯:欲了解Life Unlimited圖片和視頻,請訪問Charter的媒體庫。

About Spectrum
Spectrum is a suite of advanced communications services offered by Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR), a leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator with services available to more than 57 million homes and businesses in 41 states. Over an advanced communications network, the Company offers a full range of state-of-the-art residential and business services including Spectrum Internet, TV, Mobile and Voice.


For small and medium-sized companies, Spectrum Business delivers the same suite of broadband products and services coupled with special features and applications to enhance productivity, while for larger businesses and government entities, Spectrum Enterprise provides highly customized, fiber-based solutions. Spectrum Reach delivers tailored advertising and production for the modern media landscape. The Company also distributes award-winning news coverage and sports programming to its customers through Spectrum Networks. More information about Charter can be found at

對於中小型企業,Spectrum Business提供相同的寬帶產品和服務套餐,同時配備特殊功能和應用程序以提高生產率。對於大型企業和政府實體,Spectrum Enterprise提供高度定製的基於光纖的解決方案。Spectrum Reach爲現代媒體環境提供定製廣告和製作服務。該公司還通過Spectrum Networks向客戶提供屢獲殊榮的新聞報道和體育節目。有關Charter的更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Charter Communications, Inc.





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