
Centrical Launches Team Performance Central & AI Assistant, Saving Team Leaders More Than 4 Hours Per Day While Elevating Frontline Performance

Centrical Launches Team Performance Central & AI Assistant, Saving Team Leaders More Than 4 Hours Per Day While Elevating Frontline Performance

PR Newswire ·  09/17 08:00

Solution provides a unified view of team performance, and a breakthrough AI-powered manager assist tool




  • Centrical Launches New Team Performance Central and AI Assistant: Introducing a groundbreaking solution to provide frontline team leaders—often the most underserved yet critical in driving performance—with a unified view of team performance and an AI-powered manager assist tool.
  • Proven Time Savings: Team leaders across financial services, energy, and BPO sectors report saving 4 hours per day on administrative tasks.
  • Enhanced Manager Experience: Building on its category-defining success in "Employee Performance Experience" by putting employees at the center of business success, Centrical now expands its solution to empower frontline leaders with more effective coaching and team development tools.
  • Future-Proofing Frontline Teams: Centrical leverages AI to help organizations adapt and thrive in today's rapidly evolving work environment.
  • Centrical推出新的團隊績效中心和人工智能助理:引入了一項開創性的解決方案,爲基層團隊領導者提供了團隊績效的統一視圖和一款人工智能經理輔助工具,這些領導者通常是績效推動中最被忽視卻又至關重要的人。
  • 經過驗證的時間節省:金融服務、能源和BPO行業的團隊領導者報告稱,他們每天在行政任務上節省了4小時。
  • 改進的經理體驗:在其對「員工績效體驗」領域的定義性成功基礎上,通過將員工置於業務成功的中心,Centrical現在擴展其解決方案,賦予基層領導者更加有效的輔導和團隊發展工具。
  • 未來與基層團隊保持同步:Centrical利用人工智能幫助組織適應並在當今快速變化的工作環境中蓬勃發展。

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centrical, the leading Performance Experience Platform for frontline employees, announced today the launch of Team Performance Central and AI Assistant for Team Leaders. The breakthrough technology provides team leaders with a unified view of team performance, interactive data exploration, and a revolutionary AI-powered manager assist tool that automatically summarizes team performance and guides team leaders to the next best action by surfacing contextual and personalized coaching and recognition recommendations.

2024年9月17日,紐約/PRNewswire新聞社—Centrical,領先於基層員工的績效體驗平台,今日宣佈推出Team Performance Central和AI助理供團隊領導者使用。這項突破性的技術爲團隊領導者提供了團隊績效的統一視圖、交互式數據探索,以及一款革命性的人工智能經理輔助工具,該工具可以自動總結團隊績效,並通過呈現情境化和個性化的輔導和認可建議,指導團隊領導者進行下一步最佳行動。

Team Performance Central and AI Assistant from Centrical

Driving Significant Time Savings for Team Leaders


Leading customer experience organizations across industries, including financial services, energy, and BPO, reported an average of 4 hours per day in administrative time savings using the new solution.


For managers, this means half a day more to focus on personal conversations, coaching employees, and building human connections—essential for boosting team morale and productivity. As additional capabilities are introduced, these time savings are expected to double, further enabling managers to focus on what matters most: developing their teams and enhancing the employee and customer experience.


A team leader from one of Centrical's clients, a global financial services leader, said, "Everything is at our fingertips, so it gives us more time to spend with agents."


According to CMP Research, 47% of frontline agents are not satisfied with their manager. In addition, Gartner reports that 6 out of 10 leaders report that coaching is one of the top 3 priorities for supervisors. But the same research suggests that supervisors only spend 30% of their time coaching.

根據CMP Research的數據,47%的一線坐席對他們的經理不滿意。此外,Gartner報告指出,10位領導中就有6位表示,指導員工是監督員工的前三大重要事項之一。但同一研究表明,監督員只有30%的時間用於指導。

Centrical's Team Performance Experience gives significant time back to frontline managers and intelligent, actionable insights to make them more effective and efficient coaches.


Empowering Managers to Make informed Decisions, Optimize Team Efficiency, and Improve Customer Experience


Offering a smarter, easier, and faster way to manage frontline team performance, Centrical's new Team Performance Experience empowers frontline team leaders to spot strengths, address weaknesses, and prioritize coaching and recognition opportunities to drive better employee and customer experiences.


Key Features and Benefits:


  • A fully customizable unified view of team performance across all team members and KPIs provides a single place to manage performance.
  • AI-powered Manager Assistant provides contextual performance insights and next best action recommendations for coaching and recognition, suggested follow up questions, and the ability to ask it anything using natural language.
  • Intuitive and interactive data exploration, including smart filters that instantly highlight employees missing or meeting target across KPIs, employees with a significant improvement or drop in performance compared to past performance and performance of the team, and employees recently coached or evaluated, providing clarity to team leaders on who to coach and recognize.
  • Deeper trend analysis and action, enabling team leaders to drill down to view team and employee performance trends on a specific KPI over time, see the impact of past actions, and take immediate action all from one place.
  • 一個可完全定製的統一視圖,顯示所有團隊成員和關鍵績效指標的團隊績效,提供一個統一的地方來管理績效。
  • 基於AI技術的經理助手提供上下文的績效見解和下一個最佳行動建議,推薦後續問題,並用自然語言提問。
  • 直觀而互動的數據探索,包括智能篩選器,即刻突出顯示未達標或達標的員工,業績相比過去有顯著改善或下降的員工,團隊的績效,以及最近接受輔導或評估的員工,爲團隊領導者提供清晰的指導,指導其對誰進行輔導和認可。
  • 更深入的趨勢分析和行動,使團隊領導者能夠深入了解特定KPI的團隊和員工績效趨勢,了解過去行動的影響,並從一個地方立即採取行動。

The Executive Director of a top five global financial services company using the solution across tens of thousands of contact center agents, said, "Centrical has revolutionized how we manage our frontline operations. Despite our significant investments in BI and analytics tools, nothing has made managing team performance as simple and effective as Centrical. Supervisors can instantly see performance trends, identify who needs support, and take decisive actions, all from a single platform. It eliminates unnecessary tasks and allows supervisors to focus on what matters most—coaching and supporting their teams. The feedback from our supervisors has been overwhelmingly positive—they feel more empowered and engaged than ever before."


Marco Brouwer, Contact Center Manager, Teleperformance Benelux, said, "Centrical has transformed our contact center operations by turning our raw data into actionable insights for our frontline teams. The AI-driven support from Centrical enhances our operational efficiency and significantly elevates the customer experience."

Teleperformance Benelux的聯繫中心經理Marco Brouwer表示:「Centrical通過將我們的原始數據轉化爲我們前線團隊可行動的見解,改變了我們的聯繫中心運營。Centrical提供的基於AI技術的支持提高了我們的操作效率,並極大地提升了客戶體驗。」

Ruben Lowenstein, Customer Care Manager, Samsung Benelux, said, "Working with the Centrical platform really enables us to focus on employee growth in a structured, tangible and effective way. And as you can imagine, people growth is business growth."

三星Benelux的客戶關懷經理Ruben Lowenstein表示:「與Centrical平台合作真正使我們能夠以一種有結構、有形且有效的方式專注於員工的成長。而且正如你所想象的那樣,人員的成長就是業務的增長。」

AI Renaissance and the Future of Frontline Teams


Gal Rimon, CEO & Founder, Centrical, said, "The customer experience industry is undergoing a profound transformation, redefining the roles of frontline employees and team leaders. With AI now handling more complex interactions and routine tasks, agents need new skills to connect deeply with customers and solve their problems more effectively. Centrical's new solution empowers our clients to meet these demands head-on, leveraging cutting-edge technology to future-proof their frontline teams.

Centrical創始人兼首席執行官Gal Rimon表示:「客戶體驗行業正在經歷深刻變革,重新定義前線員工和團隊領導者的角色。隨着人工智能現在處理更復雜的互動和例行事務,客服代理人需要掌握新的技能,與客戶建立深入聯繫,並更有效地解決他們的問題。Centrical的新解決方案賦予我們的客戶以應對這些需求的能力,利用尖端技術爲他們的前線團隊未雨綢繆。」

After defining the category of 'Employee Performance Experience' by putting frontline employees at the heart of business success, we are now expanding our solution to strengthen the role of frontline managers, equipping them with the tools to be more effective coaches and leaders. As Richard Branson famously said, 'Take care of your employees, and they'll take care of your customers.' This philosophy is at the core of what we do. Today's advancements in AI and technology allow us to bring this vision to life on an unprecedented scale, helping organizations not just adapt but thrive in this new landscape."

在將前線員工視爲業務成功的核心,定義了「員工績效體驗」類別之後,我們現在正在擴展我們的解決方案,加強前線經理的角色,賦予他們成爲更有效的教練和領導者的工具能力。正如理查德·布蘭森(Richard Branson)所說:「照顧好你的員工,他們會照顧好你的客戶。」這種理念是我們工作的核心。如今人工智能和技術的進步使我們能夠在前所未有的規模上實現這一願景,幫助組織不僅適應,而且在這個新的環境中蓬勃發展。”

Simon Harrison, Founder & Executive Partner, Actionary, said, "Our research shows that frontline employees are under pressure to deal with a higher volume of emotional interactions as AI automates more tactical engagements. Solutions that save team leaders time and offer actionable insights create capacity to help ensure wellbeing through a healthier agent and supervisor relationship dynamic."

Actionary創始人兼執行合夥人Simon Harrison表示:「我們的研究表明,前線員工面臨更多情感互動的壓力,因爲人工智能自動化了更多的戰術互動。節省團隊領導者的時間並提供可行的見解的解決方案,可以通過更健康的代理人和主管關係動態來確保福祉。」

To see how Centrical's new Team Performance Central and AI Assistant can transform your frontline team's performance, register for the upcoming live Demo Day, which will take place October 1, 2024 at 11am ET, or view the video at


About Centrical


Centrical, the Performance Experience Platform, empowers best-in-class customer experiences for the world's leading brands by building highly engaged and productive frontline teams. The platform personalizes the employee experience, guiding individual success and growth, through AI-driven performance, coaching and quality management, personalized microlearning, and voice of the employee—all wrapped in industry leading gamification to make the experience both fun and rewarding. In addition, Centrical's AI copilot empowers frontline managers to develop their teams through more effective and efficient coaching.


Centrical was founded in 2013 and serves customers in 150 countries in 40 different languages. Centrical has offices in New York, Tel-Aviv, and London and customers include leading multinational enterprises such as Microsoft, Teleperformance, DHL, Synchrony Financial, and more.

Centrical成立於2013年,在40種不同語言中爲150個國家的用戶提供服務。Centrical在紐約、特拉維夫和倫敦設有辦公室,客戶包括微軟、Teleperformance、DHL、synchrony financial等領先的跨國企業。

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