Firmament-Backed Panacea Acquires KA Consulting, Expanding Eligibility Determination and Revenue Integrity Capabilities
Firmament-Backed Panacea Acquires KA Consulting, Expanding Eligibility Determination and Revenue Integrity Capabilities
NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Firmament-backed Panacea Healthcare Solutions (the "Company"), a leading provider of healthcare financial and clinical software and tech-enabled services, announced today the acquisition of CBIZ KA Consulting Services, LLC ("KA Consulting"), a provider of eligibility, clinical coding and auditing, and revenue integrity solutions to U.S.-based hospitals and healthcare systems. The acquisition will enhance and expand Panacea's ability to deliver comprehensive financial, revenue integrity, compliance, and clinical products and services to healthcare organizations nationwide.
營業收入支持的Panacea Healthcare Solutions(「公司」)是一家領先的醫療保健財務和臨床軟件以及技術服務提供商,宣佈今天收購了CBIZ KA Consulting Services,LLC(「KA Consulting」),該公司爲美國的醫院和醫療系統提供資格、臨床編碼和審計以及收入完整性解決方案。此次收購將增強和擴展Panacea向全美醫療機構提供綜合財務、收入完整性、合規性和臨床產品和服務的能力。
As part of the acquisition, the executive leadership team from KA Consulting will be integrated into Panacea. George Kelley, Chief Operating Officer of KA Consulting, will assume the role of President of Panacea's newly created KA Consulting division. With George's leadership and the support of the KA Consulting team, Panacea will significantly enhance its capacity to serve the evolving needs of healthcare providers across the country.
作爲收購的一部分,KA Consulting的高管團隊將整合到Panacea中。KA Consulting的首席運營官George Kelley將擔任Panacea新成立的KA Consulting部門的總裁。在George的領導和KA Consulting團隊的支持下,Panacea將大大增強其爲全國各地的醫療機構服務的能力,以滿足其不斷變化的需求。
"I'm thrilled to bring together two firms with such deep expertise and commitment to their customers. Panacea and KA have long been complementary firms serving a similar customer base. Through this combination, our clients will gain greater access to the most comprehensive suite of revenue-oriented products and services available," said Kevin Chmura, Panacea's Chief Executive Officer.
「我很高興能將這兩家在專業知識和對客戶的承諾上如此深厚的公司彙集在一起。Panacea和KA長期以來一直是服務於相似客戶群體的互補公司。通過這種結合,我們的客戶將獲得更廣泛的營收型產品和服務套件。」Panacea的首席執行官Kevin Chmura說。
"This acquisition solidifies Panacea's role as a premier provider of comprehensive financial, revenue integrity, and compliance program management. We are excited to welcome the KA Consulting team to the Panacea family and look forward to continuing to support Panacea's mission long into the future," said Green Campbell, Principal at Firmament.
「這次收購使Panacea鞏固了作爲全面財務、收入完整性和合規性項目管理的首要提供者的角色。我們很高興歡迎KA Consulting團隊加入Panacea大家庭,並期待着長期支持Panacea的使命。」Firmament的負責人Green Campbell說。
About Panacea
Panacea () provides revenue integrity software and services to more than 600 hospitals and health systems nationwide, enabling healthcare providers to optimize and manage their pricing strategy, pricing transparency & integrity, claims & reimbursement, and compliance training.
About KA Consulting
KA Consulting () provides eligibility services, clinical coding and auditing services, and revenue integrity solutions to U.S.-based hospitals and healthcare systems.
關於KA Consulting
KA Consulting()爲美國的醫院和醫療系統提供資格審查服務、臨床編碼與審核服務以及收入完整性解決方案。
About Firmament
Firmament () provides control equity, minority equity and growth debt capital to lower-middle market businesses primarily in three core industry verticals: Technology, Healthcare and the Environment. Within these verticals, we make investments in service, software and specialty-manufacturing companies with significant scaling potential. We seek to be a value-added partner to entrepreneurs, management teams, and business owners, and curate solutions by deploying versatile capital in a user-friendly way. With offices across the United States, Firmament is focused on turning small business into big business.
Media Contact
Isabella Schepel
[email protected]
Isabella Schepel
[email protected]
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