
Redwood Software Placed in 2024 Magic Quadrant for SOAP Report

Redwood Software Placed in 2024 Magic Quadrant for SOAP Report

PR Newswire ·  13:02

Based on Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute


FRISCO, Texas, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Redwood Software, a leading and innovative provider of solutions in Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms (SOAP), today announced that Redwood Software has been positioned by Gartner as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for SOAP report. The evaluation was based on specific criteria that analyzed the company's overall Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute.

德克薩斯州弗里斯科,2024年9月17日 /PRNewswire/ — 領先的創新服務協調和自動化平台(SOAP)解決方案提供商雷德伍德軟件今天宣佈,Gartner已將紅木軟件列爲SOAP報告魔力象限的領導者。該評估基於分析公司總體願景完整性和執行能力的特定標準。

Fully focused on automation to drive business outcomes, Redwood's portfolio of SOAP solutions includes RunMyJobs, ActiveBatch and Tidal, all of which are integrated with Redwood's highly secure managed file transfer solution, JSCAPE. Redwood uniquely enables enterprises to orchestrate all applications, processes and data, delivering end-to-end automation fabrics for critical processes such as data pipeline management, order-to-cash, record-to-report and supply chain management.

雷德伍德的SOAP解決方案組合完全專注於自動化以推動業務成果,包括RunmyJobs、ActiveBatch和Tidal,所有這些解決方案都與雷德伍德高度安全的託管文件傳輸解決方案JSCAPE集成在一起。Redwood 獨一無二地使企業能夠協調所有應用程序、流程和數據,爲數據管道管理、訂單到現金、從記錄到報告和供應鏈管理等關鍵流程提供端到端的自動化架構。

Redwood believes that customers benefit from:


  • The only SaaS-based composable automation solution purpose-built for hybrid cloud and designed to scale with lightweight auto-updating agents
  • An extensive library of pre-built connectors to avoid custom coding, including SAP integrations at the transaction level that maintain a clean core
  • Advanced real-time SLA management and monitoring with predictability and dynamic scheduling
  • Best-in-class, rapid response support teams with 24/7 support, contributing to an industry-leading 48 net promoter score (NPS)
  • 唯一一款基於 SaaS 的可組合自動化解決方案,專爲混合雲而構建,旨在使用輕量級自動更新代理進行擴展
  • 大量的預建連接器庫,可避免自定義編碼,包括在事務級別上保持核心乾淨的 SAP 集成
  • 具有可預測性和動態調度的高級實時 SLA 管理和監控
  • 一流的快速響應支持團隊提供全天候支持,使淨推薦值 (NPS) 達到業界領先的 48

"At Redwood, we believe in the transformative power of automation. We believe every IT and business process that can be automated, should be automated and lights-out automation is key to continuous growth, innovation and success," said Kevin Greene, Redwood Software CEO. "This recognition from Gartner, who we feel is one of the most trusted voices in technology research, we believe demonstrates Redwood's dedication to delivering industry-leading automation solutions, providing people the time and freedom to imagine and define the future – unleashing their human potential."

「在雷德伍德,我們相信自動化的變革力量。我們認爲,每個可以自動化的IT和業務流程都應該自動化,而無人值守的自動化是持續增長、創新和成功的關鍵。」 紅木軟件首席執行官凱文·格林說。「我們認爲Gartner是技術研究中最值得信賴的代言人之一,這一認可表明了雷德伍德致力於提供行業領先的自動化解決方案,爲人們提供想象和定義未來的時間和自由——釋放他們的人類潛力。」

A Gartner Magic Quadrant is a culmination of research in a specific market, giving you a wide-angle view of the relative positions of the market's competitors. A Magic Quadrant provides a graphical competitive positioning of four types of technology providers, in markets where growth is high and provider differentiation is distinct: Leaders execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow. Visionaries understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well. Niche Players focus successfully on a small segment or are unfocused and do not out-innovate or outperform others. Challengers execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction.

Gartner 魔力象限是對特定市場研究的結晶,可讓您從廣角角度了解市場競爭對手的相對地位。魔力象限提供了四類技術提供商的圖形競爭定位,這些市場增長迅速,提供商差異化明顯:領導者在當前願景下表現良好,爲未來做好了準備。有遠見的人了解市場的走向,或者對改變市場規則有遠見,但執行得還不好。利基玩家成功地專注於一小部分細分市場,或者注意力不集中,創新能力或表現不優於其他細分市場。挑戰者今天表現良好,或者可能在很大一部分細分市場中佔據主導地位,但對市場方向的理解並不理解。

View a complimentary copy of the Magic Quadrant report to learn more about why Redwood Software was positioned as a Leader at .

查看魔力象限報告的免費副本,詳細了解Redwood Software爲何被定位爲領導者 。

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Gartner 免責聲明

Gartner, Inc. Magic Quadrant for Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms. Hassan Ennaciri, Chris Saunderson, etl. 11 September 2024.

Gartner, Inc. 服務編排和自動化平台魔力象限。哈桑·恩納西里、克里斯·桑德森等人,2024年9月11日。

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About Redwood Software


Redwood Software is the leader in full stack automation fabric solutions for mission-critical business processes. With the first SaaS-based composable automation platform specifically built for ERP, we believe in the transformative power of automation. Our unparalleled solutions empower you to orchestrate, manage and monitor your workflows across any application, service or server — in the cloud or on premises — with confidence and control. Redwood's global team of automation experts and customer success engineers provide solutions and world-class support designed to give you the freedom and time to imagine and define your future. Get out of the weeds and see the forest, with Redwood Software. For more information, visit . Follow Redwood Software on LinkedIn, @Redwood Software.

Redwood Software是關鍵業務流程全棧自動化架構解決方案的領導者。憑藉首款專爲 ERP 構建的基於 SaaS 的可組合自動化平台,我們相信自動化的變革力量。我們無與倫比的解決方案使您能夠滿懷信心和控制地編排、管理和監控任何應用程序、服務或服務器的工作流程,無論是在雲端還是在本地。Redwood 的全球自動化專家和客戶成功工程師團隊提供解決方案和世界一流的支持,旨在讓您有自由和時間來想象和定義自己的未來。使用 Redwood Software 擺脫雜草,看看森林。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。在 LinkedIn 上關注紅木軟件, @Redwood 軟件

Media Contact: Liz Reilly, [email protected]

媒體聯繫人:麗茲·賴利,[email protected]

SOURCE Redwood Software

來源 Redwood 軟件


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