
Market Story | S&P 500 Hits All-Time High Tuesday Before Falling Back

Market Story | S&P 500 Hits All-Time High Tuesday Before Falling Back

moomoo資訊 ·  16:03

The market cooled in the afternoon after climbing in morning trading. The S&P 500 hit a record high Tuesday morning before falling back, one day before the most exciting FOMC monetary policy meetings for years, with investor hype expecting at least the first 25 bp rate cut -0.25%.

上午交易中市場上漲後,下午有所降溫。週二上午標普500指數創下紀錄高點,然後回落,正好在最令人興奮的一天的前一天。 FOMC 投資者熱情高漲,期待至少首次25個點子的利率期貨削減-0.25%。

Just past 4 pm ET the     $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ was up 3 bps, the        $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ fell 0.04%, and the     $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ climbed 0.20%.

美東時間下午4點後 $標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ 上漲了3個點子,$道瓊斯指數 (.DJI.US)$ 下跌了0.04%,而 $納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$ 上漲了0.20%。

In macro, investors are looking toward the Wednesday FOMC Monetary Policy meeting, where the Treasury Futures market expects rate cuts, according to the CME FedWatch tool.

宏觀方面,投資者正期待週三的FOMC貨幣政策會議,在這次會議上,根據CME FedWatch工具顯示,國債期貨市場預計會出現減息。

On Monday, Former President of the New York Federal Reserve Bill Dudley wrote in Bloomberg Opinion that the FED should go for larger cuts on Wednesday.


"As I noted last Friday at a Bretton Woods Committee conference in Singapore, the logic supporting a 50-basis-point cut is compelling," he wrote. He said inflation is lower, and jobs are still secure, "Yet short-term interest rates remain far above neutral. This disparity needs to be corrected as quickly as possible."

「正如我上週在新加坡的佈雷頓森林委員會會議上所說,支持50個點子減息的邏輯是令人信服的,」他寫道。他說通脹率較低,就業狀況仍然穩定,「然而短期利率仍遠高於中性水平,這種差距需要儘快糾正。」 更廣泛的加密貨幣市場也經歷了回撤,其中CoinMarketCap上的加密貨幣指數在過去24小時下跌了1%。 週二,美國八月份零售銷售數據由美國人口調查局公佈,數據顯示零售銷售總值環比增長0.1%,排除食品服務、汽車、建築材料和汽油的核心銷售。FHN金融公司的馬克·斯特里伯說,一些類別出現了價格下跌,但數據表明家庭需求仍然強勁。

Tuesday, U.S. August retail numbers came out from the Census Beuro and showed the total value of retail sales increased 0.1% month over month, and 'core' sales excluding food services, auto, building materials, and gasoline. Mark Strieber from FHN Financial said some categories fell from price declines- but the figures indicate household demand is still resilient.


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Yesterday, users talked about rate cuts and how they might affect or not affect their investments.


Traders, what do you think, is the market in 2024 about following the herd? What you watching on the stock market today? What is the herd following? Let me know in the comments below!


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