More Upside For Kimlun From Recent Wins
More Upside For Kimlun From Recent Wins
Kimlun Corporation Bhd (KIMLUN) has won its fifth contract in FY24 worth RM128.1m contract to build a residential development project in Johor Bahru.
Kimlun Corporation Bhd(KIMLUN)贏得了24財年的第五份合同,價值1281.0萬令吉,用於在柔佛州新山建造住宅開發項目。
The contract from Tanah Sutera Development Sdn Bhd brings its YTD contract wins to RM789.0m and outstanding order book to RM3.28b.
Tanah Sutera Development Sdn Bhd的合同使其年初至今贏得的合同達到78900萬令吉,未償訂單量達到32.8令吉。
The residential development project in Johor Bahru comprises two sections: the first which is valued at RM57.86m is expected to be completed by 3QCY26 while the second section which is worth RM70.27m is scheduled for completion within 21 months.
柔佛州新山的住宅開發項目包括兩個部分:第一部分的價值爲5786萬令吉,預計將由 3QCY26 完成,而第二部分價值7027萬令吉,計劃在21個月內完工。
Analysts at Kenanga maintain their forecasts of the target price at RM1.69 and the OUTPERFORM rating for the company. KIMLUN's stock closed at 1.43 on Thursday. (Google-hosted Bursa updates)
Kenanga的分析師維持對目標價格的預測爲1.69令吉,並維持該公司的跑贏大盤評級。KIMLUN的股票週四收於1.43。(谷歌託管的 Bursa 更新)