
US Department Of Energy To Invest $3B in Battery Production

US Department Of Energy To Invest $3B in Battery Production

Benzinga ·  09/20 13:24

On Friday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced over $3 billion for 25 projects in 14 states to boost domestic production of advanced batteries and materials.

美國能源部(US DOE)週五宣佈將爲14個州的25個項目提供超過30億美元,以促進先進電池和材料的國內生產。

Of the 25 selected projects, over half have committed to or signed a Project Labor Agreement, and 10 have agreements with labor or neutrality pledges.


Union partners include NABTU, Boilermakers, SMART, Carpenters, Operating Engineers, UFCW, IBEW, and the UA. These projects, once finalized, are expected to create over 8,000 construction jobs and 4,000 operating jobs.

工會合作夥伴包括北美建築貿易工會(NABTU)、爐工(Boilermakers)、電工工會(SMARt)、木工(Carpenters)、運輸工程師(Operating Engineers)、聯合食品和商業工會(UFCW)、國際兄弟會(IBEW)和給水工會(UA)。這些項目一經最終確定,預計將創造超過8,000個施工崗位和4,000個運營崗位。

This initiative supports the administration's clean energy strategy alongside a $120 billion private sector investment in the EV supply chain.


These projects, which are essential for the U.S. grid and transportation electrification, are expected to improve facilities for producing battery-grade materials, components, manufacturing, and recycling.


The DOE is leveraging grants and loans to build a resilient battery manufacturing supply chain for Americans. Through MESC, the Investing in America agenda will generate $16 billion for battery manufacturing and recycling via the Battery Materials Processing and Manufacturing Program.


U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said, "We're in the midst of a manufacturing revival in the United States as the Biden-Harris Administration's Investing in America agenda continues to breathe new life into communities and local economies across the country,"

美國能源部部長Jennifer m. Granholm表示:"在拜登-賀錦麗政府的投資美國計劃繼續爲全國的社區和地方經濟注入新的生機的同時,我們正處於美國製造業復興的中間。"

John Podesta, Senior Advisor to President Biden for International Climate Policy, stated, "Today's battery manufacturing grants from DOE will boost America's manufacturing base, create good-paying union jobs all over the country, and help tackle the climate crisis."

總統拜登的國際氣候政策高級顧問約翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta)表示:"美國能源部今天的電池製造撥款將促進美國的製造業基地,爲全國各地創造高薪的工會工作崗位,並幫助應對氣候危機。"

As per Reuters report, Albemarle Corporation (NYSE:ALB) will receive $67 million for a project in North Carolina to produce commercial quantities of anode material for next-generation lithium-ion batteries.

根據路透社報道,美國雅保(Albemarle Corporation)將獲得6700萬美元,用於在北卡羅來納州生產下一代鋰離子電池的商業數量的負極材料。

In addition, the DOE plans to award Dow Inc. (NYSE:DOW) $100 million to produce battery-grade carbonate solvents for lithium-ion battery electrolytes.

此外,美國陶氏化學(Dow Inc.)計劃獲得1億美元,用於生產鋰離子電池電解液的電池級碳酸鹽溶劑。

Also, Honeywell International Inc. (NASDAQ:HON) is projected to attain $126.6 million to construct a commercial-scale facility in Louisiana for producing a key electrolyte salt essential for lithium batteries.

此外,美國霍尼韋爾國際公司(Honeywell International Inc.)將獲得1.266億美元,用於在路易斯安那州建設一座商業規模設施,生產鋰電池所需的重要電解質鹽。

This month, Occidental Petroleum's (NYSE:OXY) subsidiary, 1PointFive, disclosed that the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) planned to provide up to $500 million to support the development of the South Texas Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub.

本月,西方石油(Occidental Petroleum)的子公司1PointFive披露,美國能源部的清潔能源演示辦公室計劃提供最多5億美元的資金,支持南德克薩斯州直接空氣捕集(DAC)中心的發展。

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Photo by earth phakphum via Shutterstock


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