
Baselode Defines the Significance of Massive Clay Alteration System Identified on Hook Uranium Project

Baselode Defines the Significance of Massive Clay Alteration System Identified on Hook Uranium Project

newsfile ·  09/23 06:00
  • Five drill holes outlined an open massive hydrothermal clay alteration system measuring at least 200 m x 100 m, resembling alteration found in Athabasca high-grade uranium deposits
  • Radioactivity within the clay alteration system increases with depth and remains open
  • Drill hole HK24-010 intersected 13.4 metres of continuous radioactivity within a 200 m wide alteration system
  • New defined target areas are within 6 km of near-surface ACKIO uranium prospect
  • 五個探鑽孔描繪出一個開放的大規模熱液蝕變系統,面積至少爲20000萬 x 10000萬,類似於Athabasca高品位鈾礦牀中發現的蝕變
  • 粘土蝕變系統內的放射性隨深度增加並保持開放
  • HK24-010號鑽孔在一個20000萬寬的蝕變系統內連續交叉13.4米的放射性
  • 新定義的目標區位於距離近地表的ACKIO鈾礦前景不到6公里的地方

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - Baselode Energy Corp. (TSXV: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) ("Baselode" or the "Company") is pleased to provide results and findings from the exploration and discovery portion of the drill program on Hook project ("Hook") in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan.

多倫多,安大略--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年9月23日) - Baselode Energy corp. (tsxv: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) ("Baselode"或"公司")很高興向您提供位於薩斯喀徹溫北部Athabasca盆地邊緣Hook項目("Hook")的勘探和發現部分鑽探計劃的結果和發現。

"These results represent an important discovery on our Hook project. While we've already made a discovery at Hook with ACKIO, this is only a small part of the broader Hook land package. The potential on the property is substantial as Hook is an extensive project, and our discovery at ACKIO, combined with our neighbour Atha Energy's discovery in their Gemini Mineralized Zone, highlights that the region has all the geological features needed to host significant uranium deposits. More importantly, we can clearly demonstrate that this area is fertile with uranium mineralization. Large-scale alteration systems are key indicators when it comes to uranium, which tends to occur in smaller deposits relative to other minerals. We're pleased to have uncovered such a large system, exhibiting all the hallmark features needed for a new high-grade Athabasca uranium discovery," commented James Sykes, CEO, President, and Director of Baselode.

"這些結果代表了我們Hook項目上的一個重要發現。雖然我們已經在Hook取得了ACKIO的發現,但這只是Hook更廣泛地區塊的一小部分。物業的潛力巨大,因爲Hook是一個龐大的項目,我們在ACKIO的發現,再加上我們鄰居Atha Energy在他們的雙子座礦化區的發現,突顯了該地區擁有承載重要鈾礦牀所需的所有地質特徵。更重要的是,我們可以清晰地表明這個區域富含鈾礦化。大規模蝕變系統是鈾礦的重要指標,由於鈾傾向於以較小的礦牀形式存在,相對於其他礦物來說。我們很高興發現了這麼大的系統,展示了所有需要的新高品位Athabasca鈾礦牀發現所需的標誌性特徵," Baselode的首席執行官,總裁兼董事詹姆斯·賽克斯評論道。

Watch this video for a detailed analysis of the two follow-up target areas and a comparison of Hook alteration systems to seven Athabasca high-grade uranium deposits that have combined over 700 million pounds of uranium.


The first alteration system the Company highlights is in the HK24-016 area, measuring more than 250 metres wide by 400 metres deep, with a core of massive clay and bleached alteration styles that measure 100 metres wide by at least 200 metres deep. These core alteration styles are important as they are the same style associated with at least three basement-hosted Athabasca high-grade uranium deposits.


The second alteration system identified in the HK24-010 area is significant due to its similarly large scale, intersecting 13 meters of continuous anomalous radioactivity within pegmatite along the margin of the fluid pathway. While assays are pending, the Company is well-funded and eager to proceed with follow-up drill plans for these high-priority exploration targets.


Hook Exploration Drill Hole Highlights


HK24-016 area


Drill holes HK24-016, HK24-017, and HK24-021 to HK24-023 were collared 5.5 kilometres southwest of ACKIO (Figure 2, Figure 3). HK24-016 intersected 140 metres of massive hydrothermal clay and bleaching alteration (the "clay alteration") within a broader 370 m thick alteration corridor (Figure 4). The drill hole intersected anomalous radioactivity associated with fracture-controlled remobilized hematite alteration within the clay alteration (Figure 5).


Both HK24-017 and HK24-021 targeted the clay alteration up-dip and down-dip, with each intersecting 30 and 145 metres of clay alteration, respectively. HK24-022 was collared 100 metres southeast of HK24-016 and intersected 60 metres of clay alteration, and HK24-023 was collared 50 metres northeast and intersected 110 metres of clay alteration. Initial observations suggests follow-up drilling is required beneath HK24-021 and to the north of HK24-023.


The clay alteration encountered within these Hook drill holes (Figure 6) share numerous similarities to massive hydrothermal clay alteration systems observed in Athabasca basement-hosted, high-grade uranium systems, such as Cameco's Millennium and Eagle Point deposits, Uranium Energy Corp's Roughrider deposits, and Denison Mines' Gryphon deposit.

這些Hook鑽孔中遇到的粘土改造(圖6)與Athabasca地層寄主,高品位鈾系統中觀察到的大規模熱液粘土改造系統有許多相似之處,如cameco的Millennium和Eagle Point礦牀,鈾能源公司的Roughrider礦牀,丹尼森礦業的Gryphon礦牀。

The upper outer halo of the clay alteration is further identified with unique limonite liesegang banding and fracture-controlled alteration, including a distinct quartz stockwork. These are also similar outer halo alteration styles that have been observed within large-scale Athabasca uranium deposits.


HK24-010 area


Drill holes HK24-009 and HK24-010 were collared 6 kilometres northeast of ACKIO (see Figure 2, Figure 7). Details of these drill holes were initially released on July 17, 2024. HK24-010 has returned the best radioactive intersection outside of Baselode's near-surface ACKIO uranium prospect with 13.2 metres of continuous anomalous radioactivity starting at 186 metres beneath the surface hosted within a pegmatite along the western margin of a 200 m-wide, structurally-controlled, hematite and bleached alteration system. The area remains open in all directions.


Drill hole samples have been sent to Saskatchewan Research Council for uranium and multi-element analysis. Results will be released after being received and reviewed by the Company.




  1. cps* = "counts-per-second", as measured with a handheld RS-125 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer/Scintillometer ("RS-125"). The reader is cautioned that Baselode uses scintillometer readings as a preliminary indication for the presence of radioactive materials (uranium, thorium and/or potassium), and that scintillometer results may not be used directly to quantify or qualify uranium concentrations of the rock samples measured.
  2. The Company defines groupings of RS-125 as i) background radioactivity (50 to 200 cps), ii) above-background radioactivity (200 to 300 cps), and iii) anomalous radioactivity (300 to 1,000 cps).
  3. "Radioactivity (>300 cps)" in Table 1 is defined as drill core length with no greater than 2.0 m of consecutive drill hole length measuring less than 300 cps.
  4. All reported drill hole depths and lengths do not represent true thicknesses.
  1. cps* = "每秒計數",使用手持式RS-125 Gamma射線光譜儀/閃爍計數器("RS-125")測量。讀者需注意,Baselode使用閃爍計數器讀數作爲放射性物質(鈾,釷和/或鉀)存在的初步指示,並且閃爍計數器讀數可能無法直接用於量化或確定岩石樣本的鈾濃度。
  2. 公司將RS-125的分組定義爲i) 背景放射活性(50至200 cps),ii) 超出背景放射活性(200至300 cps),和iii) 異常放射活性(300至1000 cps)。
  3. "表1中的"放射性(>300 cps)"被定義爲鑽孔核長,不超過200萬的連續鑽孔長度小於300 cps。
  4. 所有報告的鑽孔深度和長度不代表真實厚度。

About Baselode Energy Corp.

關於Baselode Energy Corp。

Baselode controls 100% of approximately 238,930 hectares for exploration in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The land package is free of any option agreements or underlying royalties.

Baselode在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫北部Athabasca Basin地區擁有約238,930公頃的勘探權。該土地包不包括任何期權協議或底層專利。

The Company discovered the ACKIO near-surface, uranium prospect in September 2021. ACKIO measures greater than 375 m along strike, greater than 150 m wide, comprised of at least 9 separate uranium Pods, with mineralization starting as shallow as 28 m and 32 m beneath the surface in Pods 1 and 7, respectively, and down to approximately 300 m depth beneath the surface with the bulk of mineralization occurring in the upper 120 m. ACKIO remains open at depth, and to the north, south and east.


Baselode's Athabasca 2.0 exploration thesis focuses on discovering near-surface, basement-hosted, high-grade uranium orebodies outside the Athabasca Basin. The exploration thesis is further complemented by the Company's preferred use of innovative and well-understood geophysical methods to map deep structural controls to identify shallow targets for diamond drilling.

Baselode的Athabasca 2.0勘探論文專注於在Athabasca盆地之外發現近表層、基岩寄主、高品位鈾礦體。該勘探論文進一步通過公司首選的創新和被理解的地球物理方法來描繪深層構造控制,並識別用於金剛石鑽探的淺層目標。

QP Statement


The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Cameron MacKay, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration & Development for Baselode Energy Corp., who is considered to be a Qualified Person as defined in "National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects."

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Cameron MacKay,P.Geo.(Baselode Energy Corp.的副總裁,勘探和開發)審查和批准,他被認爲是符合"國家43-101號法令,礦產項目披露標準"中定義的合格人員。

For further information, please contact:


James Sykes, CEO, President and Director
Baselode Energy Corp.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the TSX Venture Exchange policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供方(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中定義的術語)對本公告的充分性或準確性不承擔責任。

Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Baselode Energy Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Baselode Energy Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under Baselode Energy Corp. profile at .


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, unless an exemption from such registration is available.


FIGURE 1 - Baselode projects location map. ACKIO uranium prospect identified with yellow circle.

圖1 - Baselode項目位置圖。用黃色圓圈標識的ACKIO鈾礦跡。

FIGURE 2 - Drill holes (HK24-009 to HK24-023) location map

圖2 - 鑽孔(HK24-009至HK24-023)位置圖

FIGURE 3 - HK24-016 target area drill holes (HK24-016, HK24-017, and HK24-021 to HK24-023) location map

圖3 - HK24-016目標區域鑽孔(HK24-016、HK24-017和HK24-021至HK24-023)位置圖

FIGURE 4 - Cross-section interpretation of large hydrothermal fluid system with core massive clay and bleaching alteration (blue)

圖表4 - 巨大熱液流體系統的橫截面解釋,帶有核心厚重粘土和漂白蝕變(藍色)

FIGURE 5 - Fracture-controlled, hydrothermal remobilized anomalous radioactivity, HK24-016

圖表5 - 受斷裂控制,熱液重排的異常放射性,HK24-016

FIGURE 6 - Massive clay and bleaching alteration system, HK24-021. NOTE: clay has been gouged with carbon scribe to demonstrate drill core softness

圖表6 - 厚重粘土和漂白蝕變系統,HK24-021。注意:粘土已經被碳筆刻以展示鑽芯的軟度

FIGURE 7 - HK24-010 target area drill holes (HK24-009 and HK24-010) location map

圖表7 - HK24-010目標區鑽孔(HK24-009和HK24-010)位置圖

MOVIE 1 - Clay alteration and bleaching identified within drill hole HK24-021

電影1 - 在HK24-021鑽孔內識別出的粘土蝕變和漂白

TABLE 1 - 2024 Hook drill collar details and radioactivity results (HK24-009 to HK24-023)

表格1 - 2024 Hook鑽領口詳情和放射性結果(HK24-009到HK24-023)

DDH East North Elevation Az. Dip EOH Radioactivity (>300 cps) Assay Results (>0.05 wt% U3O8)
HK24-009 529,818 6,378,321 449 135 -60 219 No significant results
HK24-010 529,825 6,378,317 450 270 -60 240.5 357 cps over 13.2 m at 215.4 m Assay results pending

890 cps over 0.2 m at 231.1 m Assay results pending
HK24-011 525,585 6,369,156 479 130 -60 247.5 No significant results
HK24-012B 527,800 6,369,829 463 290 -50 173.2 380 cps over 0.25 m at 134.15 m Assay results pending

300 cps over 0.2 m at 137.1 m Assay results pending

315 cps over 0.5 m at 140.15 m Assay results pending

640 cps over 0.1 m at 148.5 m Assay results pending
HK24-013 525,888 6,371,111 472 290 -60 215 No significant results
HK24-014 525,888 6,371,111 472 290 -75 203 No significant results
HK24-015B 527,104 6,368,866 466 300 -60 452.5 No significant results
HK24-016 524,792 6,367,676 481 300 -60 426.8 310 cps over 0.2 m at 288.75 m Assay results pending
HK24-017 524,792 6,367,676 481 300 -50 347 No significant results
HK24-018 524,862 6,367,037 481 300 -60 263 No significant results
HK24-019 525,000 6,361,150 456 270 -70 302 310 cps over 0.2 m at 36.2 m Assay results pending

300 cps over 0.05 m at 36.9 m Assay results pending

330 cps over 0.1 m at 92.9 m Assay results pending

600 cps over 0.05 m at 139.65 m Assay results pending

350 cps over 0.2 m at 207.0 m Assay results pending

400 cps over 0.15 m at 208.2 m Assay results pending
HK24-020 524,862 6,361,154 456 270 -60 434 No significant results
HK24-021 524,792 6,367,674 482 300 -70 524.3 No significant results
HK24-022 524,831 6,367,584 480 300 -60 512 No significant results
HK24-023 524,816 6,367,717 482 300 -60 446 300 cps over 2.9 m at 419.8 m Assay results pending
15 DDH

5,006 5 DDH 0 DDH
NOTES: East and North units are metres using NAD83 datum, UTM Zone 13N
Elevation is recorded as "metres above sea level"
Az. = Azimuth, EOH = End of hole (measured in metres)
Composite radioactivity results use 300 cps cut-off and do not contain greater than 2.0 m consecutive dilution
DDH 東方 海拔高度(masl) 方位角 傾角 EOH 放射性(>300cps) 化驗結果(>0.05 wt% U3O8)
HK24-009 529,818 6,378,321 449 135 -60 219 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-010 529,825 6,378,317 450 270 -60 240.5 357 cps超過1320萬,價格爲215.4米 化驗結果待定

231.1 米,超過20萬,達到890 cps 化驗結果待定
HK24-011 525,585 6,369,156 479 Dated: September 3, 2024 -60 247.5 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-012B 527,800 6,369,829 463 290 -50 173.2 380 cps在134.15米處超過25萬 化驗結果待定

300 cps在137.1米處超過20萬 化驗結果待定

315 cps在140.15米處超過50萬 化驗結果待定

640 cps在148.5米處超過10萬 化驗結果待定
HK24-013 525,888 6,371,111 472 290 -60 215 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-014 525,888 6,371,111 472 290 -75 203 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-015B 527,104 6,368,866 466 300 -60 452.5 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-016 524,792 6,367,676 481 300 -60 426.8 310 cps超過20萬,價格爲288.75美元 化驗結果待定
HK24-017 524,792 6,367,676 481 300 -50 347 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-018 524,862 6,367,037 481 300 -60 263 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-019 525,000 6,361,150 456 270 1495 302 310 cps超過20萬在36.2米 化驗結果待定

300 cps超過5萬在36.9米 化驗結果待定

330 cps超過10萬在92.9米 化驗結果待定

600 cps超過5萬在139.65米 化驗結果待定

成交量超過20萬股,價格爲207.0萬元tsx 化驗結果待定

成交量超過15萬股,價格爲208.2萬元tsx 化驗結果待定
HK24-020 524,862 6,361,154 456 270 -60 434 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-021 524,792 6,367,674 482 300 1495 524.3 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-022 524,831 6,367,584 480 300 -60 512 沒有顯著的結果
HK24-023 524,816 6,367,717 482 300 -60 446 300 株超過 290 萬,價格爲 419.8 百萬 化驗結果待定
15 鑽探孔

5,006 5 DDH 0個鑽探孔。
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