
Leading Global Workplace Management Platform Skedda Powers the Modern Workplace

Leading Global Workplace Management Platform Skedda Powers the Modern Workplace

PR Newswire ·  09/24 11:10

Skedda launches new product integrations with Slack and Logitech, two-way sync with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, and adds Visitor Management to its product suite

Skedda 推出與 Slack 和羅技的新產品集成,與微軟 365 和谷歌工作空間進行雙向同步,並將訪客管理添加到其產品套件中

BOSTON, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Skedda, a global workplace management platform, unveils a powerful set of new product innovations aimed at revolutionizing how organizations enable modern workplaces, optimize real estate investments, and drive collaboration and productivity among their teams.

波士頓,2024 年 9 月 24 日 /PRNewswire/-- 斯凱達是一個全球工作場所管理平台,推出了一系列強大的新產品創新,旨在徹底改變組織實現現代工作場所、優化房地產投資以及提高團隊協作和生產力的方式。

"Skedda is proud to work towards building the industry's most powerful platform," said Mark Gentry, CEO of Skedda.


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Book a desk, a meeting room, a parking spot, or even a spot to park your pup. Bring order to chaos with Skedda's workplace management platform. Get started for free.
Award-winning platform Skedda powers the modern workplace.
屢獲殊榮的平台 Skedda 爲現代工作場所提供動力。

"Skedda is proud to expand our solution set as we work towards building the industry's most powerful platform," said Mark Gentry, CEO of Skedda. "Our mission is to empower organizations to bring workplaces to life, and the latest set of product enhancements combined with outstanding growth in our customer base are great progress in accomplishing that mission."


2024 Product Innovation Enabling the Modern Workplace

2024 年產品創新賦能現代工作場所

Over the past 12 months, Skedda tripled the size of its Product and Engineering teams, laying the groundwork for accelerated growth and increased product development and innovation, including:


  • Slack & Microsoft Teams Integrations: A direct integration with Slack and Microsoft Teams allows people to receive automated reports about which teammates are coming into the office each day—all in the apps they already use to get their best work done.
  • Two-way Sync with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace: Organizations can now book meeting rooms directly from Outlook calendar or Google Calendar, streamlining workflows, improving team collaboration, and reducing the risk of errors or double bookings.
  • Visitor Management: Organizations worldwide can now create secure, efficient, and welcoming visitor experiences with Skedda.
  • Logitech Tap Scheduler Tablets: Teams can book meeting rooms directly from Logitech's tablets, syncing automatically with Skedda and reducing clicks-to-book and meeting room squatting.
  • Slack 和微軟 Teams 集成: 與Slack和Microsoft Teams的直接集成使人們能夠自動收到有關每天有哪些隊友進入辦公室的報告,所有這些報告都包含在他們已經用來完成最佳工作的應用程序中。
  • 與微軟365和谷歌工作空間雙向同步:組織現在可以直接從Outlook日曆或谷歌日曆預訂會議室,從而簡化工作流程,改善團隊協作,降低出錯或重複預訂的風險。
  • 訪客管理: 現在,世界各地的組織都可以使用Skedda創造安全、高效和溫馨的訪客體驗。
  • 羅技 Tap Scheduler 平板電腦:團隊可以直接通過羅技的平板電腦預訂會議室,自動與 Skedda 同步,減少點擊預訂和佔用會議室的情況。

See a complete list of Skedda integrations here.

在此處查看 Skedda 集成的完整列表。

"Our rollout of Visitor Management, two-way sync with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, and integrations with Slack and Logitech underscores Skedda's commitment to continuous innovation," said John-Henry Forster, Skedda SVP of Product. "We're laser-focused on the core needs of modern organizations: team collaboration and schedule visibility, resource scheduling and management, and high-fidelity office presence data."


Establishing Expertise in Hybrid Work


As a pioneer in the workplace management space, Skedda continues to build and share its expertise through data-driven research and resulting actionable insights:


  • 2024 Research Report—Not Another Hybrid Work Debate: Skedda's inaugural hybrid work study includes data, case studies, and expert insights on creating a great hybrid workplace strategy and experience.
  • Skedda Academy: Skedda's comprehensive guide helps customers easily get started with the platform—from setting up an account to ensuring adoption.
  • New Hybrid Work Grader: Skedda's first-of-its-kind Hybrid Work Grader is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates an organization's hybrid work maturity, and actionable steps to improve.
  • New Podcast—Heroes of Hybrid Work: Skedda's podcast explores the future of work and features insights from industry experts and business leaders.
    • Season 2: Rapid7 CPO Christina Luconi, former McKinsey Workplace Strategy Leader Phil Kirschner, Top 50 Leader of MA Tiffany Mosher Taylor
    • Season 1: Flex Index CEO Rob Sadow, Gensler Global Workplace Research Director Janet P. McLaurin, former Airbnb Head of People Q Hamirani
  • 2024 年研究報告—不是另一場混合工作辯論了:Skedda的首份混合工作研究包括有關創建出色的混合工作場所策略和體驗的數據、案例研究和專家見解。
  • Skedda Academy:Skedda's 綜合指南 幫助客戶輕鬆開始使用該平台——從設置帳戶到確保採用該平台。
  • 全新混合工作評分器:Skedda's 首款混合工作平地機 是一項全面的評估,旨在評估組織的混合辦公成熟度以及可行的改進措施。
  • 新播客—混合工作英雄:Skedda的播客探討了工作的未來,並收錄了行業專家和商界領袖的見解。
    • 第 2 季:Rapid7 首席運營官克里斯蒂娜·盧科尼、前麥肯錫工作場所戰略負責人菲爾·科什納、馬薩諸塞州前 50 名領導人 Tiffany Mosher Taylor
    • 第 1 季:Flex Index 首席執行官 Rob Sadow、Gensler 全球工作場所研究總監 Janet P. McLaurin、前愛彼迎人事主管 Q Hamirani

"The hybrid work debate is over, but that doesn't mean you can set it and forget it," said Jenny Moebius, SVP at Skedda and Host of Heroes of Hybrid Work. "Instead, leaders need to see everything through a new lens—the hybrid work lens—and lead with intentionality. This includes establishing policies at the team-level; designing office layouts that support the modern workplace; ensuring equitable access to remote and in-office technology; and focusing on new training such as combating proximity bias."


About Skedda
Skedda is a leading global workplace management platform, serving over 7,000 customers including Toyota, Siemens, Mercedes-Benz, MIT, and Harvard University. The company is a key player in shaping the future of the modern workplace experience with interactive floor plans, desk and meeting room booking, visitor management, rich utilization analytics, and integrations with Slack, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace. Each year, Skedda wins awards from G2, Capterra, GetApp, and SoftwareAdvice.

關於 Skedda
斯凱達 是全球領先的工作場所管理平台,爲包括豐田、西門子、梅賽德斯-奔馳、麻省理工學院和哈佛大學在內的7,000多家客戶提供服務。該公司通過交互式樓層平面圖、辦公桌和會議室預訂、訪客管理、豐富的利用率分析以及與Slack、微軟365和谷歌工作空間的集成,在塑造現代工作場所體驗的未來方面發揮了關鍵作用。每年,Skedda都會獲得G2、Capterra、GetApp和SoftwareAdvice頒發的獎項。


來源 Skedda


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