
TC Energy Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?

TC Energy Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?

tc energy股票:買入、賣出還是持有?
The Motley Fool ·  09/25 09:30

TC Energy (TSX:TRP) has had quite the rollercoaster ride on the TSX over the last few years! Initially, the company faced some bumps due to delays and cost overruns on major projects. However, as it navigated these challenges and focused on strengthening its pipeline and utility operations, things started looking up. Overall, TC Energy has shown resilience, adapting to market demands and aiming to provide stable dividends. But is it still a buy?

在過去的幾年中,TC Energy(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TRP)在多倫多證券交易所上經歷了相當大的過山車!最初,由於重大項目的延誤和成本超支,該公司面臨一些阻礙。但是,當它應對這些挑戰並專注於加強管道和公用事業運營時,情況開始好轉。總體而言,TC Energy表現出了彈性,適應了市場需求,旨在提供穩定的股息。但它還是值得購買的嗎?

The background


TC Energy is a Canadian powerhouse in the energy sector, primarily known for its extensive network of pipelines that transport oil and gas across North America. With a history dating back to 1951, this company has been on quite the journey, evolving from a regional pipeline operator to a key player in the North American energy landscape. It operates some of the most significant pipelines, including the iconic Keystone pipeline. Beyond just pipelines, TC Energy is also making strides in the renewable energy sector, thus investing in solar and wind projects to diversify its portfolio and contribute to a more sustainable future.

TC Energy是加拿大能源領域的強國,主要以其在北美輸送石油和天然氣的廣泛管道網絡而聞名。該公司的歷史可以追溯到1951年,從區域管道運營商發展成爲北美能源領域的關鍵參與者,已經走上了漫長的旅程。它運營着一些最重要的管道,包括標誌性的Keystone管道。除了管道之外,TC Energy還在可再生能源領域取得了長足的進步,因此投資了太陽能和風能項目,以實現其投資組合的多元化,爲更可持續的未來做出貢獻。

What makes TC Energy particularly interesting is its commitment to not just energy delivery but also safety and environmental stewardship. The company prioritizes the integrity of its pipelines and infrastructure, thus ensuring that they operate safely while minimizing their environmental impact. This dedication has earned them a reputation as a responsible energy provider. Plus, TC Energy is all about stability, often providing reliable dividends to its shareholders. This makes it an appealing option for investors looking for a mix of growth and income.

TC Energy之所以特別有趣,是因爲它不僅致力於能源交付,還致力於安全和環境管理。該公司優先考慮其管道和基礎設施的完整性,從而確保管道和基礎設施的安全運行,同時最大限度地減少對環境的影響。這種奉獻精神爲他們贏得了負責任的能源供應商的聲譽。此外,TC Energy注重穩定,通常爲股東提供可靠的股息。對於尋求增長和收入混合的投資者來說,這使其成爲一個有吸引力的選擇。

Recent moves


TC Energy has been busy making headlines recently, especially with its spinoff of the Liquids Pipelines business into a new entity called South Bow Corporation. On August 28, 2024, South Bow closed a massive notes offering worth approximately $7.9 billion. This is a significant step toward establishing its independent capital structure. The move was met with strong market interest and is one of the final milestones leading to the spinoff, set to close early in the fourth quarter of 2024. With South Bow poised to operate 4,900 kilometres of crude oil pipeline infrastructure, it aims to connect Alberta's crude oil supplies directly to U.S. refining markets — essentially making it a key player in the energy transport sector.

TC Energy最近一直忙於成爲頭條新聞,尤其是它將液體管道業務分拆爲一家名爲South Bow Corporation的新實體。2024年8月28日,South Bow完成了價值約79億美元的大規模票據發行。這是朝着建立其獨立資本結構邁出的重要一步。此舉引起了市場的強烈興趣,是分拆前的最後里程碑之一,分拆定於2024年第四季度初完成。隨着South Bow準備運營4,900公里的原油管道基礎設施,其目標是將艾伯塔省的原油供應直接連接到美國煉油市場——實質上使其成爲能源運輸領域的關鍵參與者。

In addition to the spinoff, TC Energy also completed the sale of the Portland Natural Gas Transmission System for around $1.14 billion. A deal that showcases its strategy to enhance balance sheet strength and streamline operations. This transaction is part of a broader initiative to reach a $3 billion asset divestiture target in 2024. TC Energy continues to focus on reducing its debt-to-earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) ratio — all while maintaining its commitment to safe and reliable energy transport, these recent developments highlight the company's adaptability and strategic foresight.

除了分拆外,TC Energy還以約11.4億美元的價格完成了對波特蘭天然氣輸送系統的出售。該交易展示了其增強資產負債表實力和簡化運營的戰略。該交易是更廣泛計劃的一部分,該計劃旨在在2024年實現30億美元的資產剝離目標。TC Energy繼續專注於降低其扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的債務與收益(EBITDA)的比率——同時保持其對安全可靠的能源運輸的承諾,最近的這些事態發展凸顯了該公司的適應能力和戰略遠見。

Still valuable?


Recent earnings and valuations for TC Energy reveal a company that's not just holding its ground. It's actively moving forward with impressive growth strategies. In the second quarter of 2024, TC Energy reported a comparable EBITDA of $2.7 billion, reflecting a healthy year-over-year increase. And net income attributable to common shares skyrocketed to $1.0 billion, a significant jump from the previous year. This surge highlights the company's effective management and the successful implementation of strategic initiatives, including the spinoff of its Liquids Pipelines business into South Bow Corporation. With a forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 14.37, the stock appears reasonably valued for its growth potential.

TC Energy最近的收益和估值顯示,這家公司不僅堅持自己的立場。它正在通過令人印象深刻的增長戰略積極向前邁進。2024年第二季度,TC Energy公佈的可比息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲27億美元,同比增長良好。歸屬於普通股的淨收益猛增至10億美元,比上年大幅增長。這種激增凸顯了該公司的有效管理和戰略舉措的成功實施,包括將其液體管道業務分拆給South Bow Corporation。該股的遠期市盈率(P/E)爲14.37,就其增長潛力而言,其估值似乎合理。

Plus, TC Energy's commitment to enhancing its asset portfolio through significant divestitures and strategic partnerships shows its dedication to maximizing shareholder value. The company is on track to achieve its $3 billion asset divestiture target. This will strengthen its balance sheet and improve its debt-to-EBITDA ratio, which is expected to hit 4.75 times by year-end. With plans to invest in new projects and improve operational efficiency, TC Energy seems well-positioned to meet the growing energy demands in North America while pursuing sustainability initiatives. As it navigates the transition into separate entities with distinct strategies, investors can look forward to a bright future. TC Energy has ample opportunities for growth and profitability on the horizon!

此外,TC Energy致力於通過重大資產剝離和戰略合作伙伴關係來增強其資產組合,這表明其致力於實現股東價值最大化。該公司有望實現其30億美元的資產剝離目標。這將加強其資產負債表並改善其債務與息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的比率,預計到年底該比率將達到4.75倍。由於計劃投資新項目和提高運營效率,TC Energy似乎處於有利地位,可以在推行可持續發展計劃的同時滿足北美不斷增長的能源需求。在向具有不同策略的獨立實體過渡時,投資者可以展望光明的未來。TC Energy有充足的增長和盈利機會即將到來!

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