
Daniel Roberson Named Executive Director of PNC Fairfax Connection

Daniel Roberson Named Executive Director of PNC Fairfax Connection

PNC金融服務集團 ·  09/26 00:00

PNC Community Development Banking veteran to lead free community resource


CLEVELAND, Sept. 26, 2024 – PNC has named veteran banker Daniel Roberson as executive director of the PNC Fairfax Connection, PNC's free community resource center in Cleveland's historic eastside community that marked its twelfth anniversary this year.


Roberson will lead the center's staff in sustaining and building upon successful community partnerships and programs designed to empower individuals and businesses and help strengthen the community. He most recently served as PNC's community development officer for northern Ohio and was integral in leading PNC's efforts to deliver financial wellness training to underserved individuals and communities.


"Daniel is highly regarded as a trusted community partner, with a depth of experience that has ranged from starting his PNC career as a branch teller, being promoted to branch manager before becoming the community development officer for our region," said Pat Pastore, PNC regional president for Cleveland. "Daniel maintains strong relationships with a wide range of community partners and non-profit organizations focused on serving the underserved. His community experience and knowledge will further benefit PNC's commitment to our community to improve the quality of life for all members of the PNC Fairfax Connection."

克利夫蘭PNC區域總裁帕特·帕斯托雷說:「丹尼爾被高度視爲值得信賴的社區合作伙伴,他擁有豐富的經驗,包括以分行出納員的身份開始PNC職業生涯,在成爲我們地區的社區發展官員之前晉升爲分行經理。」「丹尼爾與衆多致力於爲得不到充分服務的人群提供服務的社區合作伙伴和非營利組織保持着牢固的關係。他的社區經驗和知識將進一步促進PNC對我們社區的承諾,即改善PNC Fairfax Connection所有成員的生活質量。」

The center is integrated with PNC's Community Development Banking philosophy that is committed to rethinking how communities and financial institutions build strong, healthy, and collaborative relationships that serve and advance the financial needs of individuals and families. PNC Community Development Banking market leader Brian Williams served as PNC Fairfax Connection's executive director from 2017-2021.

該中心與PNC的社區發展銀行理念融爲一體,該理念致力於重新思考社區和金融機構如何建立強大、健康的協作關係,以滿足和促進個人和家庭的財務需求。PNC社區發展銀行市場領導者布萊恩·威廉姆斯在2017-2021年期間擔任PNC Fairfax Connection的執行董事。

Located at the corner of East 83rd Street and Carnegie Avenue, the PNC Fairfax Connection is the result of a collaboration between PNC and the Fairfax neighborhood that features a dynamic physical space, online resources and multi-generational educational programs and events to provide tools and resources to help people achieve their goals, build a stronger community and celebrate the cultural aspects of Fairfax. Since 2012, the PNC Fairfax Connection has provided its members financial literacy, workforce and youth service, in addition to helping members gain employment through programming and specialty services ranging from technology, resume writing and professional development.

PNC Fairfax Connection位於東83街和卡內基大道的拐角處,是PNC與費爾法克斯社區合作的結果,該社區以動態物理空間、在線資源和多代教育計劃和活動爲特色,提供工具和資源,幫助人們實現目標,建立更強大的社區並慶祝費爾法克斯的文化方面。自2012年以來,PNC Fairfax Connection一直爲其成員提供金融知識、勞動力和青年服務,此外還通過編程和專業服務(包括技術、簡歷寫作和專業發展)幫助會員獲得就業。

Roberson brings extensive economic development experience and financial services industry experience to his role as executive director of PNC Fairfax Connection. An Akron native and University of Akron graduate, Roberson joined PNC in 2010. He transitioned into PNC's Community Development Banking team in 2019 and was responsible for fostering relationships with community organizations and connecting opportunities in low-to-moderate income areas through financial literacy, community development lending, investing and economic development initiatives.

羅伯森在擔任PNC Fairfax Connection執行董事時帶來了豐富的經濟發展經驗和金融服務行業的經驗。羅伯森是阿克倫本地人,畢業於阿克倫大學,於2010年加入PNC。他於2019年轉入PNC的社區發展銀行團隊,負責通過金融知識、社區發展貸款、投資和經濟發展舉措促進與社區組織的關係,並連接中低收入地區的機會。

"The PNC Fairfax Connection is highly regarded as a resource center for the community," Roberson said. "I am excited to bring my skills to this amazing center that makes an impact on the community through a wide range of services such as our Center for Financial Education program. I look forward to using my skills and understanding of the community to strengthen PNC Fairfax Connection and empower people to make positive advances in their lives and their neighborhood."

羅伯森說:「PNC費爾法克斯連接被高度視爲社區的資源中心。」「我很高興能將我的技能帶到這個了不起的中心,該中心通過廣泛的服務(例如我們的金融教育中心計劃)對社區產生了影響。我期待利用自己的技能和對社區的理解來加強PNC Fairfax Connection,使人們能夠在生活和社區中取得積極的進步。」

PNC Fairfax Connection operates programs on Mondays through Saturdays. The schedule of activities is available at the facility, posted in many community organizations and listed on the center's website at . All are welcome and there is no fee to become a member at the center or to participate in its programs.

PNC Fairfax Connection在週一至週六運營節目。活動時間表可在該設施獲取,發佈在許多社區組織中,並在該中心的網站上列出,網址爲。歡迎所有人加入,成爲該中心的會員或參與其計劃不收取任何費用。

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: PNC) is one of the largest diversified financial services institutions in the United States, organized around its customers and communities for strong relationships and local delivery of retail and business banking including a full range of lending products; specialized services for corporations and government entities, including corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending; wealth management and asset management. For information about PNC, visit .

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:PNC)是美國最大的多元化金融服務機構之一,圍繞其客戶和社區進行牢固的關係並在當地提供零售和商業銀行業務,包括全方位的貸款產品;爲公司和政府實體提供專業服務,包括企業銀行、房地產融資和資產管理;财富管理和資產管理。有關 PNC 的信息,請訪問。

Craig Friedman
(614) 463-6647 (office)
(614) 558-1567 (mobile)

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(614) 558-1567(手機)

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