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- JPG發行首筆13.5億令吉的伊斯蘭債券
JPG Issues Its First Sukuk Of RM1.35 Billion
JPG Issues Its First Sukuk Of RM1.35 Billion
Johor Plantations Group Berhad announced that it has successfully issued its inaugural Sukuk Wakalah in aggregate of RM1.35 billion in nominal value (Sukuk Issuance) from its Sukuk Wakalah Programmes.
With this Sukuk issuance, JPG said it will see a significant reduction in its annual interest expenses. The blended profit rate for the RM1.3 billion IMTN (Islamic Medium-Term Notes) issuance is set at 4.08%, compared to an average of 5.12% on existing facilities. This translates to an approximate saving of RM12.8 million annually, improving the group's cash flow and enhancing profitability.
Upon repayment of the Islamic Syndicated Term Financing (STF-i) of RM1.5 billion and the Islamic Term Financing (TF-i) of RM500 million, collateral valued at RM2.4 billion will be released.The proceeds from the Issuance it said will be used for Shariah-compliant purposes, including refinancing its existing and future Shariah-compliant borrowings, supporting working capital, investments and capital expenditure as well as covering fees and expenses related to establishing the Sukuk Wakalah
Structured on the Shariah principle of Wakalah Bi Al-Istithmar, the issuance marks the world's first Sustainability-Linked Sukuk in the plantation sector, and also the first rated Sukuk under the Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Linked Sukuk Guidelines by the Securities Commission in Malaysia. The Sukuk features a one-way upward adjustment to its profit rates linked to JPG's achievement of pre-determined sustainability performance targets. The targets include 50% carbon intensity
reduction (Scope 1 and 2) against its 2012 baseline, 100% traceability to fresh fruit bunches (FFB) suppliers by 2025 and annual water consumption of 1.2 cubic meters per metric tonne FFB and below.
Maybank Investment Bank acted as the Sole Principal Adviser, Sole Sustainability Structuring Adviser, Joint Lead Arranger and Joint Lead Manager for the Sukuk Issuance. nce, exceeding our 2025 target of RM80 billion."
Johor Plantations Group Berhad宣佈,它已成功從其Sukuk Wakalah計劃中成功發行了其首批Sukuk Wakalah,總額爲13.5令吉的面值(伊斯蘭債發行)。
償還15令吉的伊斯蘭辛迪加定期融資(STF-i)和50000萬令吉的伊斯蘭定期融資(Tf-i)後,將發放價值24令吉的抵押品。該公司表示,發行的收益將用於符合伊斯蘭教法的目的,包括爲其現有和未來符合伊斯蘭教法的借款再融資,支持 營運資金, 投資和資本支出, 以及與建立伊斯蘭信託基金有關的費用和開支
此次發行以Wakalah Bi Al-Istithmar的伊斯蘭教法原則爲基礎,標誌着世界上第一個種植園領域與可持續發展相關的伊斯蘭債券,也是馬來西亞證券委員會根據可持續和責任投資(SRI)關聯債券指南首次評級的伊斯蘭債券。Sukuk的特點是單向向上調整其利潤率,這與JPG實現預先確定的可持續發展績效目標有關。目標包括 50% 的碳強度
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Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
moomoo是Moomoo Technologies Inc.公司提供的金融資訊和交易應用程式。
在美國,moomoo上的投資產品和服務由Moomoo Financial Inc.提供,一家受美國證券交易委員會(SEC)監管的持牌主體。 Moomoo Financial Inc.是金融業監管局(FINRA)和證券投資者保護公司(SIPC)的成員。
在新加坡,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是通過Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.提供,該公司受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)監管(牌照號碼︰CMS101000) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMS) ,持有財務顧問豁免(Exempt Financial Adviser)資質。本內容未經新加坡金融管理局的審查。
在澳大利亞,moomoo上的金融產品和服務是通過Moomoo Securities Australia Limited提供,該公司是受澳大利亞證券和投資委員會(ASIC)監管的澳大利亞金融服務許可機構(AFSL No. 224663)。請閱讀並理解我們的《金融服務指南》、《條款與條件》、《隱私政策》和其他披露文件,這些文件可在我們的網站 https://www.moomoo.com/au中獲取。
在加拿大,透過moomoo應用程式提供的僅限訂單執行的券商服務由Moomoo Financial Canada Inc.提供,並受加拿大投資監管機構(CIRO)監管。
在馬來西亞,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是透過Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 提供,該公司受馬來西亞證券監督委員會(SC)監管(牌照號碼︰eCMSL/A0397/2024) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMSL) 。本內容未經馬來西亞證券監督委員會的審查。
Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
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