
LIFT Announces Initial Mineral Resource of 50.4 Million Tonnes at 1.00% Li2O, at the Yellowknife Lithium Project, NWT, Canada

LIFT Announces Initial Mineral Resource of 50.4 Million Tonnes at 1.00% Li2O, at the Yellowknife Lithium Project, NWT, Canada

LIFt宣佈在加拿大西北地區的Yellowknife 鋰礦項目初步涉礦概念達到5040萬噸,含鋰氧化鑭1.00%
Accesswire ·  10/01 03:05



  • The maiden resource estimate at the Yellowknife Lithium Project represents the 3rd largest hard-rock maiden resource estimate in Canada and the 10th largest hosted in the Western Hemisphere.

  • 6 of the 8 spodumene dykes included in the maiden resource estimate have unconstrained mineralization, providing significant opportunity for growth.

  • 5 undrilled spodumene dykes hosted within the Yellowknife Lithium Project that were not included in the maiden resource estimate have excellent potential to further expand the resource profile.

  • The maiden resource estimate is only based on 10 months and 49,548 m of drilling (286 drill holes from June 2023 to April 2024).

  • The maiden resource estimate further positions the Yellowknife Lithium Project as a globally significant source of spodumene and will underpin a preliminary economic assessment that is on track to be completed in Q2 2025.

  • Excellent access to infrastructure, including the Ingraham Trail running through part of the mineral resource, proximity to rail at Hay River, existing powerlines outside of Yellowknife, and access to major ports in Prince Rupert and Vancouver for shipment to Asian markets.

  • The x-ray diffraction analysis and pilot-scale testing completed as part of the Yellowknife Lithium Project metallurgical program (see press release dated September 23, 2024) provides confirmation of simple lithium mineralogy and that low-cost dense medium separation ("DMS") is suitable for the spodumene dykes included the maiden resource estimate.

  • 黃刀鋰礦項目的首次資源評估代表加拿大第三大硬巖首次資源評估,位居西半球第十大。

  • 在首次資源評估中包括的8個鋰輝石脈中,有6個礦化沒有受限制,爲增長提供了顯著機會。

  • 黃刀鋰礦項目內5個未鑽探的鋰輝石脈,未包含在首次資源評估中,具有很好的潛力進一步擴大資源規模。

  • 首次資源評估僅基於10個月和4954800萬的鑽探(從2023年6月到2024年4月的286個鑽孔)。

  • 首次資源評估進一步將黃刀鋰礦項目定位爲全球重要的鋰輝石來源,並將支撐預計在2025年第二季度完成的初步經濟評估。

  • 擁有出色的基建條件,包括穿過礦產區的因格拉漢姆小道、海河附近的鐵路、黃刀外的電力線路,以及前往亞洲市場的主要港口——魯珀特王子港和溫哥華的便利通道。

  • 作爲黃刀鋰礦項目冶金工藝計劃的一部分,X射線衍射分析和試驗性規模測試已於2024年9月23日發佈的新聞稿提供了對簡單鋰礦物學的確認以及低成本的稠密介質分離(「DMS」)適用於首次資源估計中包括的鋰輝石脈。

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / Li-FT Power Ltd. ("LIFT" or the "Company") (TSXV:LIFT)(OTCQX:LIFFF)(Frankfurt:WS0) is pleased to announce the initial (i.e. first) National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the Yellowknife Lithium Project ("YLP"), located in the Northwest Territories. The mineral resource estimate covers 8 of 13 spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes that comprise LIFT's YLP (Figure 1). The consolidated in-pit MRE is reported at 50.4 million tonnes (Mt) grading 1.00% Li2O for 506,000 tonnes of Li2O (1.25 million tonnes of LCE) in the inferred category and will form the basis of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) targeted for delivery in Q2 2025.

溫哥華,卑詩省 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月1日 / 力興能源有限公司(「LIFT」或「公司」)(TSXV:LIFT)(OTCQX:LIFFF)(Frankfurt:WS0)高興宣佈位於西北地區的耶洛奈夫鋰礦項目(「YLP」)的首個National Instrument 43-101(「NI 43-101」)合規礦產資源估算(「MRE」)。此礦產資源評估涵蓋了LIFT的YLP中13個礦脈脈岩中的8個Spodumene(鋰輝石)含量,圍繞合併的在坑MRE彙報爲5040萬噸(Mt),品位爲1.00% Li2O,相當於506,000噸Li2O(125萬噸LCE)的推測類別,並將成爲計劃於2025年第2季度交付的初步經濟評估(PEA)的基礎。

Figure 1 - Location of LIFT's Yellowknife Lithium Project. Drilling has been thus far mainly focused on the Near Field Group of pegmatites which are located to the east of the city of Yellowknife along a government-maintained paved highway, and advancing to the Echo target, the first drilling in the Further Afield Group.

圖1 - LIFT的耶洛奈夫鋰礦項目的位置。迄今爲止,鑽探主要集中在靠近市中心以東沿着政府維護的柏油公路的Pegmatites Near Field Group,並且在進一步向Echo目標探測的Further Afield Group進行了首次鑽探。

Francis MacDonald, CEO of LIFT comments, "The announcement of Li-FT's first NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate for the Yellowknife Lithium Project marks a significant milestone for both the Company and the Northwest Territories. With an estimated 50.4 million tonnes at a grade of 1.00% Li2O based only on the initial drilling program, the Yellowknife Lithium Project already ranks among the top 10 largest spodumene projects in the Americas. The majority of the deposits included in the MRE have not yet been constrained by the drilling completed to-date and have excellent potential to significantly grow through further drill programs. This resource will be pivotal in advancing the PEA we are targeting for Q2 2025."

LIFt的首席執行官Francis MacDonald評論說:「力興能源首次發佈的耶洛奈夫鋰礦項目的NI 43-101礦產資源估算公告標誌着公司和西北地區的重要里程碑。基於初步鑽探計劃,預計5040萬噸,品位爲1.00% Li2O的鋰礦礦項目已位列美洲前10大Spodumene項目之一。MRE中包含的大多數礦牀尚未受到迄今爲止完成的鑽探的限制,並且具有通過進一步鑽探項目顯着增長的潛力。這一資源將對我們力爭在2025年第2季度完成的PEA的推進起到關鍵作用。」

Table 1-Yellowknife Lithium Project Deposit In-pit Mineral Resource Estimate


Cut-off Grade (Li2O%)

Pegmatite Deposit


Li2O Grade (%)

Li2O (t)

LCE (t)*

Resource Classification


Big East, Fi Main and Fi SW







Big West, Nite, Shorty, Echo and Ki














鋰氧化物 (噸)

鋰碳酸鹽當量 (噸)*



大東、Fi主要和Fi SW







Big West, Nite, Shorty, Echo and Ki











* Lithium carbonate equivalent ("LCE")

* 鋰碳酸鹽當量("LCE")

Yellowknife Lithium Project Mineral Resource Estimate Notes:

Yellowknife 鋰項目 涉礦概念估算說明:

  1. The Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) was estimated by Allan Armitage, Ph.D., P. Geo. of SGS Geological Services, an independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

  2. The classification of the current MRE into Inferred mineral resources is consistent with current 2014 CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves.The effective date for the Mineral Resource Estimate is September 25, 2024.

  3. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimateand numbers may not add due to rounding.

  4. The mineral resource is presented undiluted and in situ, constrained by continuous 3D wireframe models, and are considered to have reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.

  5. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that most Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

  6. The YLP MRE is based on a validated database which includes data from 286 surface diamond drill holes totaling 49,548 m. The resource database totals 10,842 assay intervals representing 10,846 m of drilling. The average assay sample length is 1.00 m.

  7. The MRE is based on 126 three-dimensional ("3D") pegmatite resource models, constructed in Leapfrog, representing the Big East, Big West, Fi Main, Fi SW, Nite, Shorty, Echo and Ki pegmatite deposits. Li2O grades were estimated for each mineralization domain using 1.0 metre composites. To generate grade within the blocks, the inverse distance squared (ID2) interpolation method was used for all deposits.

  8. Average density values were assigned to pegmatite and waste domains based on a database of 2,062 samples.

  9. Li-FT envisions that the YLP deposits may be mined using open-pit mining methods. Mineral resources are reported at a base case cut-off grade of 0.40 to 0.50% Li2O. The in-pit Mineral Resource grade blocks are quantified above the base case cut-off grades, above the constraining pit shell, below topography, and within the constraining mineralized domains (the constraining volumes).

  10. The results from the pit optimization are used solely for the purpose of testing the "reasonable prospects for economic extraction" by an open pit and do not represent an attempt to estimate mineral reserves. There are no mineral reserves on the Property. The results are used as a guide to assist in the preparation of a Mineral Resource statement and to select an appropriate resource reporting cut-off grade.

  11. The base-case Li2O Cut-off grade considers the following assumptions: a lithium concentrate (5.5% Li2O) price of US$920/t, a mining cost of US$3.25/t mined, processing, treatment, refining, G&A and transportation cost of USD$19.50/t of mineralized material, metallurgical DMS recovery of 60% was assumed, as were pit slope angles of 60o and mining loss and dilution of 5% and 5%.

  12. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues.

  1. 礦產資源估計(MRE)由SGS地質服務的獨立合格人士Allan Armitage博士、P. Geo.進行評估,符合《NI 43-101》定義的獨立合格人士標準。

  2. 將目前的MRE分類爲推斷礦產資源,符合2014年礦產資源和礦產儲量CIm定義標準。礦產資源估算的有效日期爲2024年9月25日。

  3. 所有數字均經四捨五入,以反映估算的相對準確性,由於四捨五入,數字可能不會相加。

  4. 礦產資源呈未稀釋狀態且原地保留,受連續三維線框模型約束,被認爲具有最終經濟開採的合理前景。

  5. 未經證實經濟可行性的礦物資源不是礦物儲備。推斷礦物資源的置信程度低於適用於指示礦物資源的置信程度,不得轉換爲礦物儲備。大部分推斷礦物資源有望通過持續的勘探升級爲指示礦物資源。

  6. YLP MRE基於經過驗證的數據庫,其中包括來自286個地表鑽孔的數據,總計4954800萬。資源數據庫總計10842個化驗間隔,代表1084600萬的鑽探。平均化驗樣品長度爲100萬。

  7. MRE基於126個三維(「3D」)長石資源模型,使用Leapfrog構建,代表Big East、Big West、Fi Main、Fi SW、Nite、Shorty、Echo和Ki長石礦牀。 使用1.0米組塊估算了Li2O品位。爲了在區塊內生成品位,對所有礦牀使用了反距離平方(ID2)插值方法。

  8. 基於2062個樣本數據庫,將平均密度值分配給長石和廢料區域。

  9. Li-Ft設想YLP礦牀可能採用露天開採方法。礦產資源按照基準截止品位爲0.40至0.50% Li2O進行報告。在坑內,礦產資源等級塊被量化,高於基準截止品位,高於限制礦坑外殼,低於地形,位於限制的礦化領域內(約束體積)。

  10. 坑優化結果僅用於測試露天開採的「合理開採前景」,並不代表估算礦石儲量的嘗試。該地塊上沒有礦石儲量,這些結果被用作協助準備礦產資源報告陳述並選擇適當的資源報告截止品位的指南。

  11. 基本情形下的Li2O截止品位考慮以下假設:鋰精礦(5.5% Li2O)價格爲920美元/噸,採礦成本爲3.25美元/噸開採,加工、處理、精煉、總務及運輸成本爲19.50美元/礦化材料噸,冶金重選分離(DMS)的回收率假定爲60%,坑壁傾斜角度爲60度,採礦損失和混合損耗分別爲5%和5%。

  12. Fury Gold Mines Limited是一家資金充裕的加拿大探礦公司,位於加拿大的兩個豐富的採礦區域,持有Dolly Varden Silver Corp的54,000,000普通股頭寸(約佔已發行股份的19%)。 Fury由一個管理團隊和董事會領導,他們在融資和推進勘探資產方面擁有成功的記錄,旨在通過嚴格的項目評估和卓越的勘探工作發展其數百萬盎司的黃金平台。 Fury致力於遵守最高的行業標準,包括企業治理、環境保護、社區參與和可持續採礦。有關Fury Gold Mines的更多信息,請訪問。

Figure 2 - Scatterplot of spodumene projects in the Americas (MRE vs. Grade). After only 10 months of drilling, the estimated 50.4 million tons at a grade of 1.00% Li2O, ranks the YLP project as one of the top 10 largest spodumene project in the Americas. Sources: Company disclosures.

圖2 - 美洲鋰輝石項目的分散圖(礦產資源量vs品位)。僅僅10個月的鑽探後,預計5040萬噸品位1.00% Li2O,讓YLP項目成爲美洲十大最大的輝石項目之一。資料來源:公司披露。

Figure 3 - 8 of 13 resource pegmatites dykes with 2024 drilling plotted. The initial MRE was calculated from 286 drill holes or 49,548m of drilling, using 126 three-dimensional ("3D") pegmatite geology models constructed from surface mapping and drill core logging.

圖3 - 13個資源長石岩脈中的8個,2024個鑽孔進行了繪製。最初的礦產資源評估(MRE)是通過286個鑽孔或4954800萬個的鑽孔計算的,使用了從地表測繪和鑽孔巖芯記錄中構建的126個三維(「3D」)長石地質模型。

Figure 4 - Isometric views of the eight in-pit resource estimates at the Yellowknife Lithium Project. The resource blocks were calculated using Li assay data from 286 drill holes, within 126 three-dimensional ("3D") pegmatite geology bodies representing the Big East, Big West, Fi Main, Fi SW, Nite, Shorty, Echo and Ki pegmatite deposits.

圖4 - 黃刀鋰項目的八個坑內資源估算的等距視圖。資源塊是使用來自286個鑽孔的Li測定數據計算的,在126個三維(「3D」)長石地質體內,代表Big East、Big West、Fi Main、Fi SW、Nite、Shorty、Echo和Ki長石礦牀。

Table 2 - Maiden resource estimates for Canadian spodumene projects


See Appendix A for references


Table 3 -Yellowknife Lithium Project Deposit Cut-Off Grade Sensitivity


Figure 5 - Isometric long section of the Big-E resource block model and pit, looking southeast. The limits of drilling are defined by some of the strongest intercepts of spodumene mineralization on the project to date, demonstrating the potential for considerable future resource growth. In addition to Big-E, 5 more dykes have unconstrained mineralization all with the potential to significantly increase the collective resource base at the YLP.

圖5 - 東南方向查看Big-E資源區塊模型及礦坑的等距剖面圖。至今爲止項目中具有較強鋰輝石礦化截獲的鑽探限制了未來資源增長的潛力。除了Big-E外,另外5條巖牆有未約束的礦化潛力,所有這些都有可能顯著增加YLP的綜合資源基礎。

Initiation of Preliminary Economic Assessment


In association with the MRE and metallurgical test work completed over the last year (see press release dated September 23, 2024), LIFT initiated a PEA for the Yellowknife Lithium Project and anticipates completion within the first half of 2025.


Qualified Person


The disclosure in this news release of scientific and technical information regarding LIFT's mineral properties has been reviewed and approved by Ron Voordouw, Ph.D., P.Geo., Partner, Director Geoscience, Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd., and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and member in good standing with the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (NAPEG) (Geologist Registration number: L5245).

本新聞發佈中有關LIFT礦區的科學和技術信息的披露已經由Ron Voordouw博士,P.Geo.,合夥人,董事地質科學,Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd.審核並獲得批准。符合《礦產項目披露標準」(NI 43-101)中的合格人員,並且是西北地區和努納武特地區專業工程師和地質學家協會(NAPEG)的有效會員(地質學家註冊號:L5245)審查通過。

About LIFT


LIFT is a mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of lithium pegmatite projects located in Canada. The Company's flagship project is the Yellowknife Lithium Project located in Northwest Territories, Canada. LIFT also holds three early-stage exploration properties in Quebec, Canada with excellent potential for the discovery of buried lithium pegmatites, as well as the Cali Project in Northwest Territories within the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group.

LIFt 是一家從事加拿大鋰長石項目的收購、勘探和開發的礦產勘探公司。該公司的旗艦項目是位於加拿大西北地區的 Yellowknife Lithium 項目。LIFt 還持有魁北克省三個早期勘探物業,這些物業有很好的鉭鋰長石礦發掘潛力,以及位於西北地區的 Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group 中的 Cali 項目。

For further information, please contact:


Francis MacDonald Daniel Gordon
Chief Executive Officer Investor Relations
Tel: +1.604.609.6185 Tel: +1.604.609.6185
Email: Email:

Francis MacDonald Daniel Gordon
電話:+1.604.609.6185 電話:+1.604.609.6185
電子郵件 電子郵件

Appendix A: References


Patriot Battery Metals Inc. - SKWN

愛國者電池金屬公司 - SKWN

"NI 43-101 Technical Report - Mineral Resource Estimate for the CV5 Pegmatite, Corvette Property" effective June 25, 2023; Todd McCracken, P.Geo, Ryan Cunningham, M.Eng., P.Eng, et al.; Inferred: 109.2 Mt at 1.02% Li2O

"NI 43-101技術報告 - Corvette地產CV5脈石的礦產資源估算",有效日期爲2023年6月25日;Todd McCracken,P.Geo,Ryan Cunningham 萬.Eng.,P.Eng等;推斷資源:1.02%鋰氧化鋰,共計109.2百萬噸

"NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Shaakichiuwaanaan Project" effective August 21, 2024; Todd McCracken, P.Geo, Ryan Cunningham, M.Eng., P.Eng, et al.; Indicated: 80.1 Mt at 1.44% Li2O, Inferred: 62.5 Mt at 1.31% Li2O

"NI 43-101技術報告 Shaakichiuwaanaan項目初步經濟評估",有效日期爲2024年8月21日;Todd McCracken,P.Geo,Ryan Cunningham 萬.Eng.,P.Eng等;指示資源:1.44%鋰氧化鋰,共計80.1百萬噸,推斷資源:1.31%鋰氧化鋰,共計62.5百萬噸

Winsome Resources Limited - Adina

Winsome Resources Limited - Adina

"Globally significant maiden Mineral Resource of 59Mt at 100% owned Adina Lithium Project" effective December 11, 2023; Inferred: 58.5 Mt at 1.62% Li2O


"Adina Mineral Resource increases 33% to 78Mt at 1.15% Li2O with 79% Indicated" effective May 28, 2024; Indicated: 61.4 Mt at 1.14% Li2O, Inferred: 16.5 Mt at 1.19% Li2O


Nemaska Lithium - Whabouchi

Nemaska Lithium - Whabouchi

"NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimation Whabouchi Lithium Deposit Nemaska Exploration Inc." effective July 14, 2010; André Laferrière, M.Sc. P.Geo, et al.; Measured: 1.9 Mt at 1.60% Li2O, Indicated: 7.9 Mt at 1.64% Li2O, Inferred: 15.4 Mt at 1.57% Li2O

"NI 43-101技術報告 Whabouchi鋰礦牀Nemaska Exploration Inc. 礦產資源評估",有效日期爲2010年7月14日;André Laferrière 萬.Sc. P.Geo等;測定資源:1.60%鋰氧化鋰,共計1.9百萬噸,指示資源:1.64%鋰氧化鋰,共計7.9百萬噸,推斷資源:1.57%鋰氧化鋰,共計15.4百萬噸

"Pre-Feasibility Study on the Whabouchi Mine Nemaska, Quebec" effective December 31, 2022; Jeffrey Cassoff, Daniel M. Gagnon, Marc-Antoine Laporte, et al.; Proven: 10.5 Mt at 1.40% Li2O, Probable: 27.7 Mt at 1.28% Li2O, Indicated (exclusive): 7.8 Mt at 1.61% Li2O, Inferred: 8.3 Mt at 1.31% Li2O

「瓦布奇礦前期可行性研究:魁北克省內馬斯卡」自2022年12月31日起生效;Jeffrey Cassoff,Daniel m. Gagnon,Marc-Antoine Laporte等;已證實:開多10.5百萬噸,1.40% Li2O, 可能的:開多27.7百萬噸,1.28% Li2O,指明(獨家):開多7.8百萬噸,1.61% Li2O,推測的:開多8.3百萬噸,1.31% Li2O

Critical Elements Lithium Corporation - Rose

Critical Elements鋰礦公司 - Rose

"The Rose deposit is one of the largest resources of "conflict free" Tantalum, with a new indicated resource of 26,500,000 tonnes at 1.30% Li2Oeq or 0.98% Li2O, 163 ppm Ta2O5" effective July 27, 2011; Indicated: 26.5 Mt at 1.30% Li2O, Inferred: 10.7 Mt at 1.14% Li2O

「Rose礦牀是『無衝突』鉭的最大資源之一,新的指明資源爲26,500,000噸,1.30% Li2Oeq或0.98% Li2O,163 ppm Ta2O5」自2011年7月27日起生效;指明的:開多26.5百萬噸,1.30% Li2O,推測的:開多10.7百萬噸,1.14% Li2O

"Critical Elements Lithium Announces New Positive Feasibility Study for the Rose Lithium Project Generating an After-Tax NPV8% of US$2.2B and an After-Tax IRR of 65.7%" effective August 1, 2023; Probable: 26.3 Mt at 0.87% Li2O, Indicated: 30.6 Mt at 0.93%, Inferred: 2.4 Mt at 0.78% Li2O

Critical Elements鋰礦宣佈Rose鋰項目的新的正面可行性研究,產生稅後NPV8%爲22億美元,稅後IRR爲65.7%”自2023年8月1日起生效;可能的:開多26.3百萬噸,0.87% Li2O,指明的:開多30.6百萬噸,0.93%,推測的:開多2.4百萬噸,0.78% Li2O

Arcadium Lithium plc - Galaxy

Arcadium鋰礦plc - Galaxy

"Mineral Resource Evaluation James Bay Lithium Project, James Bay, Quebec, Canada" effective November 18, 2010; Sébastien Bernier, P.Geo, et al.; Indicated: 11.8 Mt at 1.30% Li2O, Inferred: 10.5 Mt at 1.20% Li2O

「James Bay鋰項目礦產資源評估,加拿大魁北克詹姆斯灣」自2010年11月18日起生效;Sébastien Bernier,P.Geo等;指明的:開多11.8百萬噸,1.30% Li2O,推測的:開多10.5百萬噸,1.20% Li2O

"SEC Technical Report Summary Allkem Limited James Bay Lithium Project" effective June 30, 2023; SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd., Wave International Pty Ltd., WSP Canada Inc., et al.; Probable: 37.3 Mt at 1.27% Li2O, Indicated: 54.3 Mt at 1.30% Li2O, Inferred: 55.9 Mt 1.29% Li2O

「SEC技術報告摘要Allkem有限公司詹姆斯灣鋰項目」自2023年6月30日起生效;SLR諮詢(加拿大)有限公司,Wave國際私人有限公司,WSP Canada公司等;可能的:開多37.3百萬噸,1.27% Li2O,指明的:開多54.3百萬噸,1.30% Li2O,推測的:開多55.9百萬噸1.29% Li2O

Frontier Lithium Inc. - PAK

Frontier鋰礦公司 - PAK

"Frontier Lithium expands its PAK Lithium project with Maiden Resource Estimate for the Spark Pegmatite including 3.2 Mt in indicated and 12.2 Mt in the inferred categories" effective February 4, 2020; Indicated: 3.2 Mt at 1.59% Li2O, Inferred: 12.2 Mt at 1.36% Li2O

Frontier Lithium通過針對Spark鉀長石的展示量爲3.2百萬噸和推測量爲12.2百萬噸的母體資源估算擴展其PAk鋰項目初步資源估算,生效日期爲2020年2月4日;指示量:3.2百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.59%;推測量:12.2百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.36%

"Frontier Lithium Inc. Announces Expansion of Spark Deposit - 18.8 Mt in Indicated and 29.7 Mt in Inferred Categories" effective February 28, 2023; Indicated: 18.8 Mt at 1.52% Li2O, Inferred: 29.7 Mt at 1.34% Li2O

Frontier Lithium Inc.宣佈擴展Spark存款- 指示量爲18.8百萬噸和推測量爲29.7百萬噸的母體資源估算,生效日期爲2023年2月28日;指示量:18.8百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.52%;推測量:29.7百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.34%

Rock Tech Lithium Inc. - Georgia Lake

Rock Tech Lithium Inc. - Georgia Lake

"Preliminary Economic Assessment for an Integrated Lithium Hydroxide Operation from the Georgia Lake Lithium Project, Northwest Ontario, Canada"; effective March 15, 2021; Ryan James Hanrahan, BEng (Hons), Chris Larder, FAusIMM, Karl Stephan Peters, EurGeol 787, et al.; Measured: 2.3 Mt at 1.04% Li2O, Indicated: 4.3 Mt at 0.99% Li2O, Inferred: 6.7 Mt at 1.16% Li2O

Rock Tech Lithium Inc. - Georgia Lake

"Rock Tech Lithium completes Pre-Feasibility Study for its Georgia Lake Project" effective July 31, 22; Indicated: 10.6 Mt at 0.88% Li2O, Inferred: 4.2 Mt at 1.00% Li2O

Rock Tech Lithium通過對其Georgia Lake項目進行的可行性研究完成前期研究,生效日期爲22年7月31日;指示量:10.6百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲0.88%;推測量:4.2百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.00%

Snow Lake Resources Ltd. - Snow Lake

Snow Lake Resources Ltd. - Snow Lake

"Nova Minerals - Quarterly Activities Report - 30 June 2021" effective June 3, 2021; Indicated: 9.0 Mt at 1.00% Li2O, Inferred: 2.0 Mt at 0.98% Li2O

Nova Minerals - 季度活動報告 - 2021年6月30日,生效日期爲2021年6月3日;指示量:9.0百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.00%;推測量:2.0百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲0.98%

"Snow Lake Announces Completion and Release of S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary of Initial Assessment of the Snow Lake Lithium Project" effective August 10, 2023; Measured: 0.7 Mt at 1.13% Li2O, Indicated: 6.6 Mt at 1.10% Li2O, Inferred: 1.0 Mt at 0.99% Li2O

Snow Lake宣佈完成併發布S-k 1300技術報告,總結Snow Lake鋰項目的初步評估,生效日期爲2023年8月10日;測定量:0.7百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.13%;指示量:6.6百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲1.10%;推測量:1.0百萬噸,鋰氧化鋰含量爲0.99%

Cygnus Metals Limited - Pontax

Cygnus金屬有限公司 - Pontax

"Maiden Resource of 10.1Mt at 1.04% Li2O with mineralisation open in all directions" effective August 14, 2023; Inferred: 10.1 Mt at 1.04% Li2O

「涉礦概念10.1Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.04%,所有方向均有礦化作用」 有效日期爲2023年8月14日;推斷資源:10.1Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.04%

Grid Metals Corp. - Donner

Grid Metals公司 - Donner

"Grid Metals Announces Maiden Mineral Resource at Donner Lake Lithium Property; Lease Agreement Signed for True North Mill Provides Additional Flexibility for Future Lithium Production" effective June 27, 2023; Inferred: 6.8 Mt at 1.39% Li2O

「Grid Metals宣佈在Donner Lake鋰礦物業首次涉礦概念;簽署True North Mill租約提供未來鋰生產的額外靈活性」 有效日期爲2023年6月27日;推斷資源:6.8Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.39%

Critical Resources Limited - Mavis Lake

Critical Resources有限公司 - Mavis Lake

"8.0 Mt at 1.07% Li2O Maiden Mineral Resource at Mavis Lake" effective May 5, 2023; Inferred: 8.0 Mt at 1.07% Li2O

「Mavis Lake鋰礦兒童資源8.0Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.07%」 有效日期爲2023年5月5日;推斷資源:8.0Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.07%

Green Technology Metals Limited - Seymour Lake

Green Technology Metals有限公司 - Seymour Lake

"Substantial Increase in Mineral Resources at Seymour Lake" effective March 6, 2019; Indicated: 2.1 Mt at 1.29% Li2O, Inferred: 2.7 Mt at 1.24% Li2O

「Seymour Lake的礦產資源大幅增加」 有效日期爲2019年3月6日;表示資源:2.1Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.29%,推斷資源:2.7Mt,鋰礦含量爲1.24%

"Seymour Resource Confidence Increased Ahead of Preliminary Economic Assessment" effective November 17, 2023; Indicated: 6.1 Mt at 1.25% Li2O, Inferred: 4.1 Mt at 0.70%

"西蒙資源信心增強,即將進行初步經濟評估",將於2023年11月17日生效;指示:1.25% Li2O的6.1百萬噸,推測:0.70%的4.1百萬噸

Green Technology Metals Limited - Root Lake

綠色科技金屬有限公司 - Root Lake

"GT1 Mineral Resources Increased to 14.4Mt" effective April 19, 2023; Inferred: 4.5 Mt at 1.01% Li2O

"GT1礦產資源增至14.4百萬噸",將於2023年4月19日生效;推測:1.01% Li2O的4.5百萬噸

"Significant Resource and Confidence Level Increase at Root, Global Resource Inventory now at 24.5Mt" effective October 17, 2023; Indicated: 9.4 Mt at 1.30% Li2O; Inferred: 45.2 Mt at 1.03% Li2O

"Root礦量和信心水平顯著提升,全球礦產資源清單現爲24.5百萬噸",將於2023年10月17日生效;指示:1.30% Li2O的9.4百萬噸;推測:1.03% Li2O的45.2百萬噸

International Lithium Corp. - Raleigh Lake

國際鋰業公司 - Raleigh Lake

"International Lithium Announces Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at the Raleigh Lake Lithium Project, Ontario, Canada" effective February 16, 2023; Measured: 0.08 Mt at 0.83% Li2O, Indicated: 2.2 Mt at 0.64% Li2O, Inferred: 3.9 Mt 0.58% Li2O

"國際鋰業宣佈安大略省加拿大Raleigh Lake鋰項目的首次礦產資源評估",2023年2月16日生效;測定:0.83% Li2O的0.08百萬噸,指示:0.64% Li2O的2.2百萬噸,推測:0.58% Li2O的3.9百萬噸

Imagine Lithium Inc. - Jackpot

幻想鋰業公司 - Jackpot

"Infinite Ore Adds to Historical Resources on Jackpot Lithium Project" effective January 27, 2021; Inferred: 2.8 Mt at 1.17% Li2O

"Infinite Ore在Jackpot鋰項目上新增歷史資源",將於2021年1月27日生效;推測:1.17% Li2O的2.8百萬噸

"Imagine Lithium Releases Initial Mineral Resource at Jackpot Property - Announces 3.1 Mt at 0.85% Li2O Indicated and 5.3 Mt at 0.91% Li2O Inferred Mineral Resources" effective September 3, 2024; Indicated: 3.1 Mt at 0.85% Li2O, Inferred: 5.3 Mt at 0.91% Li2O

Imagine Lithium在Jackpot Property發佈首次鋰礦資源報告 - 宣佈2024年9月3日起生效的指明資源量爲3.1百萬噸,鋰含量0.85%,推測資源量5.3百萬噸,鋰含量0.91%;指明: 3.1百萬噸,鋰含量0.85%,推測: 5.3百萬噸,鋰含量0.91%

Vision Lithium Inc. - Sirmac

Vision Lithium Inc. - Sirmac

"Vision Lithium PEA On Sirmac Boasts A Pre-Tax 83.9% IRR, C$183m Pre-Tax NPV5% And Less Than One Year Payback" effective January 23, 2023; Measured: 0.2 Mt at 1.38% Li2O, Indicated: 0.1 Mt at 1.39% Li2O, Inferred: 0.05 Mt at 1.05% Li2O

"Vision Lithium PEA On Sirmac Boasts A Pre-Tax 83.9% IRR, C$18300萬 Pre-Tax NPV5% And Less Than One Year Payback" 自2023年1月23日起生效; 已測得: 0.2 Mt,1.38% Li2O,指示: 0.1 Mt,1.39% Li2O,推斷: 0.05 Mt,1.05% Li2O

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements included in this press release constitute forward-looking information or statements (collectively, "forward-looking statements"), including those identified by the expressions "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "should" and similar expressions to the extent they relate to the Company or its management. The forward-looking statements are not historical facts but reflect current expectations regarding future results or events. This press release contains forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements and information reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the company with respect to the matter described in this new release.


Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which are based on current expectations as of the date of this release and subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Additional information about these assumptions and risks and uncertainties is contained under "Risk Factors" in the Company's latest annual information form filed on March 27, 2024, which is available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at , and in other filings that the Company has made and may make with applicable securities authorities in the future. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as to the date of this press release and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

TSX Venture交易所及其監管服務提供方(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的)對此新聞發佈的充分性或準確性不負任何責任。

Cautionary Note for U.S. Investors Concerning Mineral Resources and Reserves


NI 43-101 is a rule of the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Technical disclosure contained in this news release has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Classification System. These standards differ from the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and resource information contained in this news release may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by domestic United States companies subject to the SEC's reporting and disclosure requirements.

NI 43-101是加拿大證券管理局的規定,爲發行人關於礦產項目的科學技術信息進行公開披露制定了標準。本新聞發佈中包含的技術披露已按照NI 43-101和加拿大礦業、冶金及石油分類系統的要求進行準備。這些標準與美國證券交易委員會("SEC")的要求不同,本新聞發佈中的資源信息可能與受SEC報告和披露要求約束的國內美國公司披露的類似信息不可比較。

Contact Information


Francis MacDonald

Francis MacDonald

Daniel Gordon
Investor Relations Manager

Daniel Gordon

SOURCE: Li-FT Power Ltd.

資訊來源:Li-Ft Power Ltd.

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