
Market Declines Monday Afternoon

Market Declines Monday Afternoon

moomoo資訊 ·  13:33

In midday Monday trading, markets are down while oil prices and treasury yields are up to a level not seen since August.


Past 1:30 pm ET, the $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ is down 0.48%; the  $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ is off 0.62%, and the $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$  is down 0.52%.

東部時間下午1:30過後, $標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ 下跌0.48%;$道瓊斯指數 (.DJI.US)$ 下跌0.62%,而 $納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$ 下跌了0.52%。

The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield was trading above 4% and oil prices are on the rise.  


In macro, the market was still digesting Friday's labor numbers, which came in hot- 254k vs. estimates of 147k.


This week, investors are awaiting CPI numbers Thursday, which are forecasted to be at 2.3% growth year over year in consumer prices, a three-year record low. Last month, consumer prices grew by just 2.5% year over year, the lowest rate since 2021


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