
FTI Consulting's Technology Segment Launches IQ.AI for Legal and Compliance

FTI Consulting's Technology Segment Launches IQ.AI for Legal and Compliance

FTI咨詢 ·  10/08 00:00

New Offerings Provide a Foundation for Measurable, Scalable and Reliable Use of Artificial Intelligence to Bridge the Gap Between Risk and Innovation


WASHINGTON, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced that the firm's Technology segment has launched IQ.AI by FTI Technology, artificial intelligence solutions that address a range of client issues across disputes and investigations, antitrust and data breach response.

華盛頓,2024年10月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——FTI諮詢公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:FCN)今天宣佈,該公司的技術部門已推出FTI Technology的 IQ.AI,這是一種人工智能解決方案,旨在解決爭議和調查、反壟斷和數據泄露應對等一系列客戶問題。

FTI Technology's digital insights and risk management experts, attorneys, data scientists and consultants designed and deliver IQ.AI as a proprietary combination of workflows and expertise for applying industry-leading AI technologies in legal and regulatory matters. With IQ.AI, FTI Technology helps clients balance innovation, technology performance and risk mitigation for specific AI use cases. Offerings include:

FTI Technology 的數字洞察和風險管理專家、律師、數據科學家和顧問設計並交付了 IQ.AI,將其作爲工作流程和專業知識的專有組合,用於在法律和監管事務中應用行業領先的人工智能技術。藉助 IQ.AI,FTI Technology 幫助客戶在創新、技術性能和特定人工智能用例的風險緩解之間取得平衡。產品包括:

  • IQ.AI for Investigations: Includes document summarization to quickly and defensibly generate overviews, extract key facts, develop case chronologies and enhance human review.
  • IQ.AI for Data Breach: Enables the quick identification and extraction of personally identifiable information, personal health information and other sensitive data for breach response and data protection compliance during legal and regulatory document productions.
  • IQ.AI for Antitrust: Features can include monitoring in support of compliance with antitrust and other regulations, including oversight for prohibited behaviors within enterprise communications platforms and chat applications and customized analytics to reduce risk across large complex datasets.
  • IQ.AI 用於調查:包括文檔摘要,可快速而有防禦性地生成概述、提取關鍵事實、制定案例時間順序並加強人工審查。
  • IQ.AI 用於數據泄露:支持快速識別和提取個人身份信息、個人健康信息和其他敏感數據,以便在法律和監管文件製作期間應對泄露並遵守數據保護規定。
  • IQ.AI for Antitrust:功能可以包括監控以支持遵守反壟斷和其他法規,包括監督企業通信平台和聊天應用程序中的違禁行爲,以及自定義分析以降低大型複雜數據集的風險。

A surge of interest for AI solutions across industries is adding pressure to legal, compliance and adjacent business functions to find practical, cost-effective use cases supported by risk mitigation measures. A survey from MIT Technology Review Insights found that 78% of business leaders view generative AI as a competitive opportunity, and a separate study from Thomson Reuters reported that 70% of legal professionals believe AI and large language models will have a transformational impact on their field. Despite these expectations, only 9% of organizations are currently AI-mature and nearly half are struggling to measure and demonstrate the value of AI projects (Gartner).


"The use of advanced analytics and AI to support defensible, efficient, insightful discovery has long been embedded in our DNA, and our teams have successfully applied numerous models and algorithms to accelerate fact-finding for hundreds of client matters globally," said Sophie Ross, Global Chief Executive Officer of FTI Technology. "We have made significant investments in AI research and development, working with trusted software providers and hiring data scientists with e-discovery expertise to underpin our IQ.AI offerings. We will continue to enhance and build upon these capabilities as AI technology and regulations evolve, serving as a trusted advisor every step along each client's AI journey."

FTI Technology全球首席執行官索菲·羅斯表示:「使用高級分析和人工智能來支持可防禦、高效、有見地的發現早已融入我們的DNA,我們的團隊成功應用了多種模型和算法,加快了對全球數百個客戶事務的實況調查。」「我們在人工智能研發方面進行了大量投資,與值得信賴的軟件提供商合作,並聘請了具有電子發現專業知識的數據科學家來支持我們的 IQ.AI 產品。隨着人工智能技術和法規的發展,我們將繼續增強和鞏固這些能力,在每個客戶的人工智能旅程的每一步都充當值得信賴的顧問。」

FTI Technology's IQ.AI supports the pursuit of clients' AI objectives and the use of reliable third-party AI tools without unnecessary exposure to risk. The offerings harness FTI Technology's proprietary frameworks, enhanced with AI-powered natural language processing and computer vision.

FTI Technology 的 IQ.AI 支持客戶追求人工智能目標和使用可靠的第三方人工智能工具,避免不必要的風險。這些產品利用了FTI Technology的專有框架,並通過人工智能驅動的自然語言處理和計算機視覺進行了增強。

In addition to these solutions, FTI Technology's decades-long investment in AI technology and dedicated team of IQ.AI experts work together to advise clients across a broad range of issues where AI use intersects with legal and regulatory risk. The team conducts extensive, ongoing testing to leverage large language models from numerous technology providers in concert to allow customization for specific data types, use cases and unique client needs, saving clients the resources and time required to invest in proprietary AI development. FTI Technology's IQ.AI experts also evaluate and advise clients on the effective use of evolving generative AI features within leading e-discovery platforms.

除了這些解決方案外,FTI Technology對人工智能技術長達數十年的投資以及由 IQ.AI 專家組成的專門團隊共同合作,就人工智能的使用與法律和監管風險交叉的廣泛問題爲客戶提供建議。該團隊進行了廣泛而持續的測試,以協同利用來自衆多技術提供商的大型語言模型,以允許針對特定的數據類型、用例和獨特的客戶需求進行自定義,從而爲客戶節省投資專有人工智能開發所需的資源和時間。FTI Technology 的 IQ.AI 專家還就如何有效使用領先的電子發現平台中不斷演變的生成人工智能功能向客戶提供評估和建議。

For example, FTI Technology recently deployed IQ.AI to leverage generative AI in combination with human expertise during a complex, sensitive and time-constrained investigation for a global consumer goods company. A team of data scientists, AI-trained reviewers and prompt engineers refined generative AI prompts for accuracy and used generative AI to accelerate key aspects of the investigation, including across multilingual materials. This reduced manual workload while upholding a high standard of quality control, allowing for on-time, defensible and cost-effective completion of the investigation.

例如,FTI Technology 最近部署了 IQ.AI,在對一家全球消費品公司進行復雜、敏感和有時間限制的調查中,將生成式人工智能與人類專業知識相結合。一組數據科學家、經過人工智能培訓的審閱人員和即時工程師對生成式人工智能提示進行了完善,以提高準確性,並使用生成式人工智能來加快調查的關鍵方面,包括跨語言材料。這減少了人工工作量,同時保持了高標準的質量控制,使調查能夠按時、有防禦性和成本效益地完成。

Jon Chan, a Senior Managing Director within FTI Technology's E-Discovery Consulting & Services practice, added, "As clients work to understand how to benefit from AI, uncertainties remain regarding the impact, cost, scale and reliability of large language models currently available, especially in e-discovery, document review and other legal and regulatory use cases. The regulatory landscape is changing rapidly around AI, making it difficult for organizations to determine whether their projects may introduce compliance concerns. These factors highlight the critical need many organizations have for expertise, training and alignment to guide their AI strategies. IQ.AI supports these demands via extensive testing and customization to achieve defensible, fit-for-purpose workflows."

FTI Technology電子發現諮詢與服務業務高級董事總經理Jon Chan補充說:「隨着客戶努力了解如何從人工智能中受益,當前可用的大型語言模型的影響、成本、規模和可靠性仍然存在不確定性,特別是在電子發現、文件審查和其他法律和監管用例中。圍繞人工智能的監管格局正在迅速變化,這使得組織很難確定其項目是否會帶來合規問題。這些因素凸顯了許多組織對專業知識、培訓和協調的迫切需求,以指導其人工智能戰略。IQ.AI 通過廣泛的測試和定製來支持這些需求,以實現可防禦、適合用途的工作流程。」

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalized and independently managed. More information can be found at .

關於 FTI 諮詢
FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險和解決爭議:財務、法律、運營、政治和監管、聲譽和交易。FTI 諮詢專業人員在 33 個國家和地區擁有 8,000 多名員工,他們與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰,充分利用機遇。該公司在2023財年創造了34.9億美元的收入。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務由不同的法律實體提供,這些法律實體分別資本和獨立管理。更多信息可以在以下網址找到。

FTI Consulting, Inc.
555 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

FTI 諮詢公司
西北 12 街 555 號
華盛頓特區 20004

Investor Contact:
Mollie Hawkes


Media Contacts:
Ashley Allman



Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.

資料來源:FTI 諮詢公司

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