
The Mimir Solves the Challenges of Outdated Language Education With AI-Driven, Customized Solutions

The Mimir Solves the Challenges of Outdated Language Education With AI-Driven, Customized Solutions

PR Newswire ·  10/10 09:56

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Is second language learning stuck in the past? Are old-school curriculum and fragmented resources holding back both students and teachers? Traditional language education, with its reliance on static, expensive textbooks and outdated materials, often leaves students disengaged and teachers overwhelmed by the lack of relevant original resources. How do we move beyond this?

洛杉磯,2024年10月10日/美通社/-- 第二語言學習停滯不前了嗎?傳統的課程和零散的資源是否阻礙了學生和老師的發展?傳統語言教育依賴於靜態、昂貴的教科書和過時的資料,通常會讓學生失去興趣,讓老師因缺乏相關的原始資源而難以應付。我們如何超越這一點?

California students use the mimir platform in the classroom for second language acquisition

"My students love to use Mimir. Mimir saves me time and makes my class engaging." — Mrs. Bonnie Chi, Mandarin Teacher

"我的學生喜歡使用Mimir。Mimir節省了我的時間,讓我的課堂更有趣。" —— 官方語文老師邱邦妮女士

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The Mimir, an innovative AI-powered language learning platform, offers a fresh, modern approach to second language education. Unlike traditional textbooks that may stay in use for over a decade, The Mimir provides teachers with constantly updated multimedia materials that are customized to their curriculum. Meanwhile, students enjoy engaging content that allows them to learn at their own pace, fostering independence and enthusiasm for language learning. The result? A truly flipped classroom that combines advanced technology, contemporary content, and personalized service.

人工智能驅動的創新語言學習平台The Mimir,提供了一種新穎、現代的第二語言教育方法。不同於可能會使用十年以上的傳統教科書,The Mimir爲教師提供了不斷更新的多媒體素材,根據他們的課程定製。與此同時,學生享受到了引人入勝的內容,可以按自己的節奏學習,培養獨立性和對語言學習的熱情。結果是什麼呢?一個真正結合了先進技術、當代內容和個性化服務的翻轉課堂。

"Language defines who we are," said Mengting Hou, Founder and CEO of The Mimir. "Technology will never replace human interaction, but when used correctly, it can help us learn with passion and produce practical outcomes. We aim to provide language teachers and students with the content they love, and the support they need, powered by the right technology."

"語言定義了我們是誰,"The Mimir的創始人兼首席執行官侯夢婷說。"技術永遠無法取代人際互動,但正確使用時,它可以幫助我們充滿熱情地學習併產生實際成果。我們的目標是提供語言教師和學生所喜愛的內容,以及他們需要的支持,由正確的技術驅動。"

Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite, Superintendent of Lynwood Unified School District, emphasized the platform's value in promoting equity in education: "The Mimir offers all students more opportunities to engage with a second language through reading, listening, and speaking. As an advocate for diversity and multilingualism, I'm pleased to see how The Mimir benefits our students by increasing their interest in learning and improving language proficiency."

林伍德聯合學區的總監古地爾·克羅斯懦特博士強調了該平台在促進教育公平方面的價值:"The Mimir爲所有學生提供了更多通過閱讀、聽力和口語接觸第二語言的機會。作爲多樣化和多語言主張者,看到The Mimir如何通過增加學生對學習的興趣和提高語言熟練度而造福我們的學生,我感到很高興。"

Key Features:


1. Learning Anytime and Flip Classroom

1. 隨時學習和翻轉課堂

  • Personalized Learning Paths: Students follow personalized paths, progressing at their own speed with 24/7 access, moving beyond traditional classroom constraints.
  • Teacher's Role Shift: Teachers now focus on mentoring, with The Mimir providing ready-made materials and resources.
  • 個性化學習路徑:學生們可以遵循個性化路徑,自主學習,並隨時訪問,突破傳統課堂限制。
  • 教師角色轉變:教師們現在專注於指導,The Mimir提供現成的材料和資源。

2. Adaptive Learning Paths for Different Levels

2. 不同級別的自適應學習路徑

  • Tailored Progression: The system monitors performance and adjusts learning materials accordingly, allowing students to advance at the right pace.
  • Repetitive Learning: Students can review and practice topics until they master them, ensuring stronger retention.
  • 定製進度:系統監控表現並相應調整學習材料,讓學生以正確的速度前進。
  • 重複學習:學生可以反覆複習和練習話題,直到他們掌握爲止,確保記憶更牢固。

3. Customized, Multimedia Learning

3. 定製的多媒體學習

  • Constantly-updated customized material: We provide customization service for educators to ensure the supplemental learning resource aligns with the school curriculum perfectly.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: The platform utilizes transformer models, video-to-text, and speech analysis, constantly updating multimedia resources for a dynamic learning experience.
  • 我們爲教育工作者提供定製服務,確保輔助學習資源與學校課程完美契合。
  • 尖端技術:該平台採用變壓器模型、視頻轉文字和語音分析技術,不斷更新多媒體資源,爲動態學習體驗提供支持。

4. Speech-Centric Practice and Feedback

4. 以口語爲中心的練習和反饋

  • Real-Time Speaking Practice: Students engage in discussion rooms with real-time feedback based on their speaking performance.
  • Advanced Speech Analysis: The platform uses AI to provide immediate guidance and improve speaking proficiency.
  • 實時口語練習:學生可以參與實時反饋的討論室,根據他們的口語表現獲得反饋。
  • 先進的語音分析技術:該平台利用人工智能提供即時指導,改善口語熟練度。

The Mimir is constantly refining its technology with a suite of cutting-edge tools, including transformer models for video-to-text identification, speech element matriculation, and in-depth reporting. Additionally, its search and recommendation systems ensure that learning paths are dynamically adjusted to the user's needs. These innovative features, combined with customized educator interfaces, ensure that The Mimir emphasizes core language education pedagogy while staying at the forefront of language learning technology.

Mimir 不斷完善其技術,擁有一套先進工具,包括用於視頻轉文字識別的變壓器模型、語音要素鑑定和深度報告。此外,其搜索和推薦系統確保學習路徑動態調整以滿足用戶的需求。這些創新功能與定製的教育者界面相結合,確保 Mimir 強調核心語言教育方法論,同時保持在語言學習技術的前沿。

Frequently Asked Questions:


Who are your users?


K-12 public schools, charter schools, private schools, international schools with world language programs or dual immersion programs (Mandarin/Spanish); after school programs; colleges and universities; language schools and institutions.


How are you different from Duolingo or Google Classroom?

您與Duolingo或Google Classroom有何不同?

Duolingo focuses on gamified vocabulary and grammar drills, while The Mimir offers in-depth, topic-based language learning through real-world original content. Unlike Google Classroom, The Mimir is not a class management system but provides multimedia learning resources and tools for self-learning, along with customizable materials for teachers.

Duolingo專注於遊戲化詞彙和語法練習,而The Mimir提供更深入、基於話題的語言學習,通過現實原創內容。不同於Google Classroom,The Mimir不是一個課堂管理系統,而是提供多媒體學習資源和自學工具,同時爲教師提供可定製的教材。

Is it easy to use? Yes, The Mimir is designed to be intuitive for both teachers and students. We also provide teacher's one-on-one training and profound customization support.

是否易於使用?是的,The Mimir旨在爲教師和學生設計直觀。我們還提供教師的一對一培訓和深入的定製支持。

Is it complicated to integrate for a school district? No, The Mimir offers straightforward integration, providing technical support and working with schools' IT departments to ensure a smooth rollout across districts. Additionally, The Mimir integrates seamlessly with ClassLink and Clever, making SSO (Single Sign-On) and rostering processes exceptionally easy and efficient for schools.

對學區集成是否複雜?不,The Mimir提供直接的集成,提供技術支持,並與學校的IT部門合作,確保在各個地區順利推出。此外,The Mimir與ClassLink和Clever無縫集成,使得SSO(單一登錄)和排班流程對學校來說異常簡單高效。

Do you have a case study? Yes, The Mimir has successfully piloted in multiple school districts. Here's summarized a case study with data-driven outcomes and streamlined onboarding process.

您有案例研究嗎?是的,The Mimir在多個學區成功試點。這裏總結了一份具有數據驅動結果和簡化入職流程的案例研究。

For more information, or to schedule a demo with The Mimir, please contact:

如需更多信息,或安排The Mimir的演示,請聯繫:

Verna Huang: [email protected]

黃薇娜: [email protected]

SOURCE Contemporary Education And Technology Inc.





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