


PR Newswire ·  10/10 16:30

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) is pleased to announce the successful implementation of the first two stages of the Campo Morado Improvement Project (CMIP) and commencement of Stage 3.

溫哥華,卑詩省,2024年10月10日 / PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp.("Luca"或"公司")(TSXV: LUCA)(OTCQX: LUCMF)(Frankfurt: Z68)很高興宣佈成功實施Campo Morado改進項目(CMIP)的頭兩個階段,並啓動第3階段。

Figure 1 - Campo Morado Bulk Concentrate Grade (CNW Group/Luca Mining Corp.)
圖1 - Campo Morado粗精礦品位(CNW集團/Luca Mining Corp.)
Figure 2 - Campo Morado Copper Recovery to Bulk Concentrate (CNW Group/Luca Mining Corp.)
圖2 - Campo Morado銅回收至粗精礦(CNW集團/Luca Mining Corp.)

In Q4 2023 the Company partnered with Ausenco México S. de R.L. de C.V. ("Ausenco") to implement a staged improvement project designed to increase metallurgical performance, mill throughput, sustaining plant performance and operating cash flow. The initial phase of the project (Stage 1) included a comprehensive geometallurgical program focused on sampling, training and procedures as well as optimizing the process controls in the plant. The primary goal of Stage 2 was sustainable operations and improving plant reliability. Stage 3 will now build on the improvements to date and implement a new flow sheet with modest modifications to the plant with the goal of producing three high-quality, saleable concentrates of copper, lead and zinc.

2023年第4季度,該公司與Ausenco México S. de R.L. de C.V.("Ausenco")合作,實施了一個分階段的改進項目,旨在提高冶金性能,磨機 through 吞吐量,維持性工廠性能和經營現金流。該項目的初始階段(第1階段)包括一個專注於取樣、培訓和程序的全面地球冶金計劃,以及優化工廠中的流程控制。第2階段的主要目標是可持續經營和提高工廠可靠性。第3階段現在將基於迄今爲止的改進,並通過將工廠略微改進的方式實施新的流程圖,目標是生產三種高質量、可銷售的銅、鉛和鋅精礦。

The CMIP has already delivered significant financial benefits to the Campo Morado operation with only minor changes to the process plant. These benefits have mostly come from higher copper recovery which has improved by 53% over the same period in 2023. Copper recovery to the bulk concentrate year-to-date (YTD)1 is 68.5% compared to 44.7% during the same period in 2023. Figure 1 below shows bulk concentrate copper grade and Figure 2 shows copper recovery over the last 21 months. This has resulted in an estimated 10% increase of revenue per milled tonne2 over the same period year-on-year assuming constant metals prices.

CMIP已經爲Campo Morado的運營帶來了顯著的財務收益,只對工廠流程進行了輕微改動。這些收益主要來自較高的銅回收率,在2023年同期的基礎上提高了53%。截至目前(YTD)1,粗精礦銅回收率爲68.5%,而2023年同期爲44.7%。下面的圖1顯示了粗精礦銅品位,圖2顯示了過去21個月的銅回收率。這導致估計每噸磨礦2的收入同比增加了10%,假設金屬價格保持不變。

Work has begun on Stage 3 of the CMIP project which consists of modest but important modifications to the processing plant, including:


  • Revised metallurgical sampling systems.
  • Modernization of reagent dosing systems.
  • New flotation cell air flow monitoring and control.
  • Installation of next generation pH/ORP probes.
  • New bulk rougher concentrate surge tank. Modifications to the bulk regrind circuit to operate with 2-stage regrinding.
  • 修訂後的冶金取樣系統。
  • 試劑劑量系統的現代化。
  • 新的浮選電池氣流監控和控制。
  • 安裝下一代pH/ORP探頭。
  • 新的粗選精礦浮渣槽。對散礦重新粉磨電路進行改造,以便進行兩級再磨操作。

Completion of Stage 3 will increase the degree of liberation of the copper and lead minerals, allowing for collection in two separate concentrates through a sequential flotation process. In conjunction with the refurbishment of equipment and a new mine-to-mill strategy, it is anticipated that the CMIP will deliver more robust revenues for the Campo Morado operation. The Company expects to test the copper-lead separation process by the end of the year, with full project completion by Q2 2025.

第3階段的完成將提高銅和鉛礦物的解離程度,通過順序浮選工藝將其分別收集到兩個獨立的濃縮體中。結合設備翻新和新的從礦到磨策略,預期CMIP將爲Campo Morado運營提供更強大的營業收入。公司預計將在年底之前測試銅鉛分離工藝,並計劃在2025年第二季度完成整個項目。

The Company, together with Ausenco, has demonstrated that the Campo Morado mine and mill are capable of sustained profitable operations and future work will continue to enhance the value of the asset.

公司與Ausenco一起證明了Campo Morado礦山和磨的持續盈利運營能力,未來的工作將繼續增加資產價值。

CEO Dan Barnholden commented, "The improvements at Campo Morado have been an outstanding success to date and moving to Stage 3 of this program demonstrates Luca's commitment to ongoing improvement at our assets.

首席執行官丹·巴恩霍爾登評論說:“迄今爲止,在Campo Morado的改進取得了巨大成功,進入該項目的第3階段顯示了Luca對我們資產持續改進的承諾。

We intend to produce three clean, fully saleable and higher value concentrates of copper, zinc, and lead, which will have an immediate, positive impact on revenues and, ultimately, cash flow."


  1. YTD includes preliminary production data up to and including September 2024.
  2. It is noted that this calculation is approximate given that total revenue received in any given period is based on several factors including but not limited to head grade, recovery and prices of multiple, marketable metals over time.
  1. YTD包括截至2024年9月的初步生產數據。
  2. 請注意,此計算是近似值,因爲在任何給定期間收到的總營業收入基於包括但不限於含金量、回收率和多種可交易金屬的價格等多個因素。

About Ausenco
Ausenco is a global company redefining what is possible. The team is based across 26 offices in 15 countries, delivering services worldwide. Combining deep technical expertise with a 30-year track record, Ausenco delivers innovative, value-add consulting studies, project deliver, asset operations and maintenance solutions to the minerals and metals and industrial sectors (www.


About Luca Mining Corp.
Luca Mining (TSX-V: LUCA, OTCQX: LUCMF, Frankfurt: Z68) is a diversified Canadian mining company with two 100%-owned producing mines within the prolific Sierra Madre mineralized belt in Mexico which hosts numerous producing and historic mines along its trend. The Company produces gold, copper, zinc, silver and lead from these mines that each have considerable development and resource upside.

關於 Luca Mining Corp.,Luca Mining(TSX-V: LUCA,OTCQX: LUCMF,Frankfurt: Z68)是一家多元化的加拿大礦業公司,在墨西哥擁有兩個100%持有的生產礦山。該公司從這些礦山產出金屬、銅、鋅、白銀和鉛,均具有相當的開發和資源潛力。其中,Campo Morado 礦是墨西哥顯示的採礦地點,是一個地下作業,它以金屬銅、鉛和鋅的精礦爲主,並且有貴金屬信貸。目前,該礦正在進行優化,已經產生了回收率、品位、效率和現金流方面的顯着提高。該公司預計,其業務將在2024年開始產生正現金流。Luca Mining 着眼於增長,以最大化股東的回報。
Luca Mining(TSX-V: LUCA,OTCQX: LUCMF,Frankfurt: Z68)是一家多元化的加拿大礦業公司,在墨西哥繁盛的西爾拉馬德雷礦化帶內擁有兩個100%自有的生產礦山,該地區擁有多處生產和歷史悠久的礦山。該公司從這些礦山生產黃金、銅、鋅、白銀和鉛,每個礦山都有相當的發展和資源增長潛力。

The Campo Morado mine, is an underground operation located in Guerrero State. It produces copper-zinc-lead concentrates with precious metals credits. It is currently undergoing an optimization program which is already generating significant improvements in recoveries and grades, efficiencies, and cashflows.

Campo Morado礦山是位於格雷羅州的一個地下控件,生產含有貴金屬信貸的銅鋅鉛精礦。目前,該礦山正在進行優化方案,已經在提高回收率和品位、效率和現金流方面取得顯著改善。

The Tahuehueto Gold, Silver Mine is a new underground operation in Durango State. which hosts numerous producing and historic mines along its trend. The Company is commissioning its mill and is expected to achieve commercial production by the end of the year.


On Behalf of the Board of Directors
(signed) "Dan Barnholden"
Dan Barnholden, Chief Executive Officer

(簽字) "丹·巴恩霍爾登"

For more information, please visit:


Qualified Persons


The technical information contained in this News Release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Chris Richings, Vice-President Technical at Luca Mining as the Qualified Person for the Company as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中所包含的技術信息已由Luca Mining的技術副總裁Chris Richings先生作爲該公司的獨立合格人員(如《43-101國家規定》定義)進行審查並獲得批准。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


It should be noted that Luca declared commercial production at Campo Morado prior to completing a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability. Accordingly, readers should be cautioned that Luca's production decision has been made without a comprehensive feasibility study of established reserves such that there is greater risk and uncertainty as to future economic results from the Campo Morado mine and a higher technical risk of failure than would be the case if a feasibility study were completed and relied upon to make a production decision. Luca has completed a preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") mining study on the Campo Morado mine that provides a conceptual life of mine plan and a preliminary economic analysis based on the previously identified mineral resources (see news releases dated November 8, 2017, and April 4, 2018).

應注意的是,Luca在完成礦區儲量的經濟和技術可行性證明之前即宣佈Campo Morado開始商業生產。因此,讀者應當注意,Luca的生產決策是在沒有全面的儲量可行性研究的情況下做出的,因此,與完成並依賴於完整的可行性研究進行生產決策相比,未來Campo Morado礦產的經濟結果存在更高的風險和不確定性以及更高的技術風險。Luca已對Campo Morado礦進行了初步經濟評估(PEA)採礦研究,該研究基於先前確定的礦物資源進行概念性終身規劃和初步經濟分析(詳見2017年11月8日和2018年4月4日的新聞稿)。

Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-Looking Information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward Looking Information includes, but is not limited to, disclosure regarding the anticipated revenue increases as a result of CMIP; other possible events, conditions or financial performance that are based on assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action; the timing and costs of future activities on the Company's properties, including Stage 3 of CMIP. In certain cases, Forward-Looking Information can be identified using words and phrases such as "plans," "expects," "scheduled," "estimates," "forecasts," "intends," "anticipates" or variations of such words and phrases. In preparing the Forward-Looking Information in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, that copper recoveries will be as assumed; that metals prices will remain constant; that the current exploration, development, environmental and other objectives concerning the Campo Morado Mine can be achieved; the program to improve mining operations at Campo Morado will proceed as planned; the continuity of the price of gold and other metals, economic and political conditions, and operations. Forward-Looking Information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the Forward-Looking Information. There can be no assurance that Forward-Looking Information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on Forward-Looking Information. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to Forward-Looking Information contained in this news release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

本新聞稿中包含的非歷史事實的陳述爲「前瞻信息」或「前瞻性聲明」(統稱「前瞻性信息」),屬於適用加拿大證券法的意義內。前瞻性信息包括但不限於披露有關預期營業收入增加的CMIP結果;可能基於未來經濟狀況和行動方針假設的其他可能事件、情況或財務表現;涉及公司資產未來活動的時間和成本,包括CMIP的第3階段。在某些情況下,可以使用「計劃」、「預期」、「安排」、「估計」、「預測」、「意圖」、「預期」或類似詞語和短語來識別前瞻性信息。在本新聞稿中準備前瞻性信息時,公司已經應用了幾項實質假設,包括但不限於銅回收率將如假設的那樣;金屬價格將保持恒定;有關Campo Morado礦山的當前勘探、開發、環境和其他目標能夠實現;改善Campo Morado礦山開採操作的計劃將按計劃進行;黃金及其他金屬價格的持續、經濟和政治條件以及業務的價格連續性。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定因素和其他可能導致公司實際結果、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來結果、業績或成就大不相同的因素。不能保證前瞻性信息將被證實準確,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中預期的結果大不相同。因此,讀者不應過於依賴前瞻性信息。除法律要求外,公司不承擔任何義務公開發布本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息的修訂,以反映本日期後發生的事件或情況,或反映未經預料的事件的發生。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

SOURCE Luca Mining Corp.

來源:Luca Mining Corp。




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