
UDF IV Shareholders Should Not Be Misled by the Company's Latest Attempts to Distract From the Current Board's Failures

UDF IV Shareholders Should Not Be Misled by the Company's Latest Attempts to Distract From the Current Board's Failures

UDF IV股東不應被公司最新試圖轉移注意力,以掩蓋現任董事會的失敗所誤導
PR Newswire ·  10/11 14:57

NexPoint Cautions Shareholders Not to Let UDF IV's Attacks Divert from Real Issues

nexpoint提醒股東不要被UDF IV的攻擊轉移注意力到真正的問題上

DALLAS, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- United Development Funding IV ("UDF IV" or the "Company") recently issued a letter to shareholders "raising concerns about the integrity of NexPoint leadership." The letter, which rehashes themes used in previous attacks and include several false claims about NexPoint, are the latest attempt by UDF IV to distract shareholders from both the failures of the current Board of Trustees and the severe mismanagement of the Company that has resulted in a massive loss of value and liquidity. (NexPoint's responses to UDF IV's previous attempts to mislead shareholders can be found here.)

達拉斯,2024年10月11日 / PRNewswire / - 美國開發基金IV("UDF IV"或"公司")最近向股東發出一封信,"提出對NexPoint領導層誠信的擔憂"。 這封信重新提及了之前的攻擊中使用的主題,幷包括關於NexPoint的幾項虛假聲明,是UDF IV爲了轉移股東注意力的最新嘗試,試圖讓股東不再關注當前董事會的失敗以及公司嚴重的管理不善造成了價值和流動性的巨大損失。(NexPoint對UDF IV先前試圖誤導股東的回應可以在這裏找到。)

The Company has failed to develop, communicate, or execute a plan to turn around operations, enhance shareholder value, and create liquidity. Despite having had at least six years since the Company's 2018 settlement with the SEC, during which this Board of Trustees and the management team have had exclusive control, the Company has yet to articulate any viable proposal to recover value for shareholders, beyond touting a "long history of cash distributions" that are 100% return of capital and thus only further eroding value.

公司未能制定、溝通或執行計劃來扭轉業務、提升股東價值和創造流動性。 儘管自2018年與SEC達成和解以來至少已經有六年的時間,這期間董事會和管理團隊擁有獨家控制權,但公司尚未提出任何可行的計劃來爲股東恢復價值,除了吹噓一個"漫長的現金分配歷史",這些分配是資本的100%回報,從而進一步侵蝕價值。

Shareholders should not be fooled by the Company's misleading claims about NexPoint and should equip themselves with the facts about the current Board and NexPoint's intentions:


Facts about UDF IV's current Board of Trustees:

關於UDF IV當前董事會的事實:

  • Members of the current Board of Trustees presided over years of fraud committed by former UDF IV executives against shareholders.
  • Those former executives were convicted on numerous counts of fraud and are serving combined prison sentences of 20+ years, and their convictions were upheld by the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • The current Board of Trustees authorized the use of tens of millions of dollars of shareholder funds to pay for the legal defense of the former executives and have made no attempt to recoup those funds on behalf of shareholders—even after the conclusive U.S. Supreme Court decision.
  • 當前董事會成員主持了前UDF IV高管多年針對股東的欺詐活動。
  • 那些前任高管因欺詐行爲被多次定罪,目前正在服刑20多年,他們的定罪已被美國第五巡迴上訴法院和美國最高法院確認。
  • 當前董事會授權使用數千萬美元的股東資金支付前高管的法律辯護費用,並且未曾試圖代表股東收回這些資金-即使在美國最高法院做出明確決定之後。

Facts about NexPoint's intentions:


  • NexPoint has over $14.5 billion in real estate assets under management (as of June 30, 2024) across numerous asset classes in both public1 and private REITs and private funds with a proven track record over the past 15 years of producing positive investment returns.
  • As one of the largest shareholders, NexPoint is completely aligned with fellow shareholders.
  • NexPoint is nominating four Trustee candidates to replace the current Board. The candidates would serve as Independent Trustees with fiduciary duties to represent the interests of ALL shareholders—not just NexPoint's.
  • The nominees are independent and have relevant experience and track records of acting for the benefit of shareholders and creating corporate value.
  • If elected, the nominees would cause UDF IV to aggressively enforce its loan agreements, pursue remedies against defaulting borrowers, manage its expenses, and realize the fullest value possible for its assets.
  • nexpoint截至2024年6月30日,管理着超過145億美元的房地產資產,涉及多個資產類別,包括公共和私人信託以及私人基金,在過去15年中積累了良好的投資回報記錄。
  • 作爲最大的股東之一,nexpoint與其他股東完全保持一致。
  • nexpoint提名四位受託人候選人取代現任董事會。這些候選人將擔任獨立受託人,履行受託責任代表所有股東的利益,而不僅僅是nexpoint的利益。
  • 提名人獨立,並擁有爲股東利益和創造企業價值而行動的相關經驗和記錄。
  • 如果當選,這些候選人將促使UDF IV積極執行其貸款協議,追究違約借款人的責任,管理其費用,並實現其資產的最大價值。

NexPoint urges shareholders to vote using the GREEN proxy card FOR its nominees: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good, and Julie Silcock. Voting information and additional shareholder resources can be found at .

nexpoint敦促股東使用綠色代理卡爲其候選人:Paul S. Broaddus、Edward N. Constantino、John A. Good和Julie Silcock投票。投票信息和其他股東資源可以在此找到。

About NexPoint

關於NexPoint:NexPoint是一家總部位於德克薩斯州達拉斯的億萬美元級別的另類投資公司。該公司結構圍繞着三個主要的業務領域:房地產、公司信貸和股票以及保險解決方案。 NexPoint的業務跨越不同的資產類別、行業和策略,提供根據資金結構和市場環境投資的靈活性。滿足多元化的客戶群,NexPoint的投資策略提供了一系列的投資工具和基金結構,包括共同基金、公共和私人房地產投資信託、稅收優惠工具、私募基金和單獨帳戶。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust, Inc. (NYSE: NXDT), an affiliate of NexPoint Advisors, L.P.

nexpoint房地產機會有限責任公司是nexpoint多元化房地產信託股份有限公司(NYSE: NXDT)的全資子公司,是nexpoint顧問有限合夥公司的關聯單位。

NexPoint Advisors, L.P. is an SEC-registered adviser on the NexPoint alternative investment platform. It serves as the adviser to a suite of funds and investment vehicles, including a closed-end fund, interval fund, business development company, and various real estate vehicles. For more information visit

NexPoint Advisors有限合夥公司是NexPoint另類投資平台上登記的SEC註冊顧問。它擔任一攬子基金和投資工具的顧問,包括封閉式基金、區間基金、商業發展公司以及各種房地產工具。欲了解更多信息,請訪問



NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC ("NexPoint") intends to deliver a proxy statement with respect to its solicitation of proxies for nominees to be elected to the United Development Funding IV ("UDF IV") Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of UDF IV. The date for the Annual Meeting has not yet been set and NexPoint is not soliciting proxies at this time. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE NEXPOINT PROXY STATEMENT (INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO) WHEN AVAILABLE IN ITS ENTIRETY BECAUSE IT WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ANY SOLICITATION.

NexPoint房地產機會有限責任公司(「NexPoint」)打算髮布有關其調動代理進行代表候選人在聯合開發基金IV(「UDF IV」)股東年會上當選爲UDF IV受託人的代理聲明。年會日期尚未確定,NexPoint目前不在此時徵求代理。敦促投資者和安全持有人在整個時候閱讀NexPoint的代理聲明(包括任何修改或補充),因爲它將包含有關任何徵求的重要信息。

Copies of the documents will be made available free of charge from NexPoint by accessing the website .


NexPoint, its affiliates, their directors and executive officers and other members of management and employees may be participants (collectively "Participants") in the solicitation of proxies by NexPoint. Information about NexPoint's nominees to the UDF IV Board of Trustees and information regarding the direct or indirect interests in UDF IV, by security holdings or otherwise, of NexPoint, the other Participants and NexPoint's nominees will be available in the proxy statement. NexPoint's disclosure of any security holdings will be based on information made available to NexPoint by such Participants and nominees. UDF IV is no longer subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Consequently, NexPoint's knowledge of significant security holders of UDF IV and as to UDF IV itself is limited.

NexPoint、其關聯公司、董事和高管以及其他管理人員和僱員可能是NexPoint徵求代理的參與者(統稱「參與者」)。有關NexPoint提名給UDF IV受託人董事會的提名人以及關於NexPoint、其他參與者和NexPoint提名人直接或間接在UDF IV方面的利益,包括證券持有或其他方式,的信息將在代理聲明中提供。 NexPoint披露的任何證券持有將基於參與者和提名人向NexPoint提供的信息。由於UDF IV不再受1934年修正案的證券交易所法規要求,因此,NexPoint對UDF IV的重要股東和UDF IV本身的了解是有限的。





Investor Contacts
Okapi Partners: [email protected]
NexPoint: [email protected]

Okapi Partners: [email protected]
NexPoint: [email protected]

Media Contacts
Paul Caminiti/Pamela Greene (Reevemark): [email protected]

Paul Caminiti/Pamela Greene (Reevemark): [email protected]


1 Among the other public REITs advised by NexPoint and its affiliates are NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc. (NYSE:NXDT) and NexPoint Real Estate Finance, Inc. (NYSE: NREF).


除了由NexPoint及其關聯公司提供諮詢的其他公共房地產信託,還有NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc. (紐交所:NXDT) 和 nexpoint real estate finance, Inc. (紐交所:NREF)。

SOURCE NexPoint Advisors, L.P.

資訊來源:NexPoint Advisors, L.P.




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