
Why Crypto Apps Are Struggling: Expert Says Operational Hurdles, Not Just Regulation, Are To Blame

Why Crypto Apps Are Struggling: Expert Says Operational Hurdles, Not Just Regulation, Are To Blame

Benzinga ·  09:27

As the digital assets space continues to evolve, many have noted the gap between investment in crypto and the widespread adoption of consumer-facing applications. Anthony Moro, CEO of Provenance Blockchain Labs, provided his perspective on these challenges ahead of his appearance at the Benzinga Future of Digital Assets Conference.

隨着數字資產領域的不斷髮展,許多人注意到加密貨幣投資與面向消費者的應用的廣泛採用之間存在差距。Provenance Blockchain Labs的CEO Anthony Moro 在參加Benzinga數字資產未來大會之前,就這些挑戰提出了自己的看法。

Crypto Adoption: Overcoming Business and Operational Hurdles


Moro highlighted several obstacles when asked why crypto applications have not seen the adoption levels many initially expected. "Historically, there's usually been some trepidation from more conservative businesses regarding regulation and investor protections in crypto, [but] that's not there as much anymore. The obstacle is now more of a business and operational one," Moro said.

當被問及爲什麼加密貨幣應用沒有達到許多人最初預期的採用水平時,Moro 強調了幾個障礙。 「歷史上,更加保守的企業對加密貨幣的監管和投資者保護通常存在一些顧慮,但現在已經不像過去那樣了。 現在的障礙更多是業務和運營方面的問題,」 Moro表示。

He pointed out that companies must align on which areas are most ready for blockchain disruption. "For instance, highly intermediated financial sectors, such as consumer lending and the securitization of loan portfolios (such as mortgages), were obvious areas—and both have flourished on the Provenance Blockchain," he said. Moro emphasized that some sectors, like insurance tokenization, have been slower to adopt but ultimately see clear benefits once they do.

他指出,公司必須就哪些領域最適合區塊鏈顛覆達成一致。 「例如,高度中介的金融領域(如消費者信貸和貸款組合證券化(如抵押貸款))是明顯的領域,這兩者在Provenance Blockchain上蓬勃發展,」他說。 Moro強調,一些領域,如保險通證化,採用速度較慢,但一旦採用,最終會看到明顯的好處。

Success in Tokenizing Insurance


One notable example Moro highlighted was Provenance Blockchain's collaboration with Infineo, a company that brought life insurance policies onto the blockchain. "ProvLabs recently helped incubate a company called Infineo to tokenize life insurance policies—that was a first of its kind," Moro said. He added that with over $190 million minted on-chain by September, it has been a noteworthy success in showcasing the practical benefits of blockchain.

Moro強調的一個顯著例子是Provenance Blockchain與Infineo合作,將壽險政策引入區塊鏈。Moro說:「ProvLabs最近幫助孵化了一家名爲Infineo的公司,以通證化壽險政策—這是第一次。」他補充說,截至9月,在鏈上已鑄造超過19000萬美元,這是一個值得關注的成功案例,展示了區塊鏈的實際好處。

The Knowledge Gap In Blockchain Adoption


Another major hurdle, according to Moro, is the need for companies to acquire knowledge and expertise in blockchain technology. "There's a lot of education and knowledge acquisition that goes into transitioning a business function to a blockchain—especially if it's a prominent and legacy part of the business," he said. Many companies are not yet equipped or budgeted to handle this transition, so ProvLabs provides solutions.

根據Moro的說法,另一個主要障礙是公司需要獲取區塊鏈技術方面的知識和專業知識。 「許多教育和知識的積累都需要將業務功能轉移到區塊鏈上—特別是如果這是業務的重要傳統部分,」他說。 許多公司尚未具備或沒有爲處理這一過渡而預算,因此ProvLabs提供解決方案。

"We take the burden off their shoulders with SaaS solutions that their web 2.0 applications can plug right into," Moro said, explaining how his company helps traditional businesses bridge the gap to blockchain integration.

"我們減輕了他們的負擔,提供saas概念,使他們的Web 2.0應用能夠直接接入," Moro說道,解釋了他的公司如何幫助傳統業務搭建到區塊鏈集成之間的橋樑。

Join industry leaders like Anthony Moro at the Benzinga Future of Digital Assets conference to hear more about the future of digital assets and the challenges shaping the industry.

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