Hippo Harvest Launches USDA Organic-Certified, Greenhouse-Grown Packaged Salad Product Line
Hippo Harvest Launches USDA Organic-Certified, Greenhouse-Grown Packaged Salad Product Line
Products cover top-performing national salad SKUs and are fully or seasonally sourced from greenhouse production, combined with organic field-grown supply, to ensure superior quality and supply surety year-round
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hippo Harvest, a grower, packer and shipper of packaged salads, today announced the launch of its newly USDA certified organic packaged salad product line. The product line offers a full selection of leafy green products sourced exclusively from the company's controlled environment agriculture (CEA) greenhouse, as well as a hybrid blend of greenhouse and field-grown leafy greens. The company's novel approach offers key benefits to grocery retailers including a wider assortment of products to meet consumer preferences as compared to other greenhouse growers; and higher quality, longer shelf life and more consistent supply as compared to traditional field growers alone.
舊金山,2024年10月14日 / PRNewswire / -- Hippo Harvest,一家包裝沙拉產品的種植者、打包者和發貨商,今天宣佈推出其新獲得美國農業部有機認證的包裝沙拉產品線。該產品線提供了全套來源於公司控制環境農業(CEA)溫室的葉狀綠色產品,以及溫室和田地種植混合的葉狀綠色產品。該公司的新穎方法爲雜貨零售商帶來了關鍵好處,包括與其他溫室種植者相比,更豐富的產品種類滿足消費者偏好;以及與單獨傳統田地種植者相比,更高質量、更長貨架壽命和更穩定供應
Founded in 2019, Hippo Harvest operates a first-of-its-kind greenhouse facility in Pescadero, CA that offers a number of advantages to traditional field-grown, organic-certified produce:
成立於2019年的Hippo Harvest在加州佩斯卡德羅經營一座獨一無二的溫室設施,爲傳統田地種植的有機認證農產品提供了許多優勢:
- Hippo's greens taste better with less bitterness and a juicier mouthfeel as compared to field grown greens.
- Hippo's system greatly decreases food safety risks including water borne pathogens, mold, and mildew, growing in a patented closed-loop, non-recirculating, direct-to-root fertilizer and watering system. Hippo's modular growing system also provides unmatched traceability to the case level and allows trays to be sanitized between each harvest cycle to prevent the build-up of microbes.
- Hippo achieves consistent quality and yield, since it is protected from weather and the system delivers custom nutrition based on the plants' variety, age, and the greenhouse microclimate.
- With custom nutrition, low microbial pressure, and direct-to-refrigeration harvesting, Hippo extends shelf life up to 30% compared to outdoor grown greens.
- By partnering with field growers, Hippo's greenhouses can diversify supply for surety, scalability, and cost optimization, offering blended product lines alongside greenhouse-grown SKUs.
- 與田地種植的綠色產品相比,Hippo的綠色產品口感更好,更少苦澀,口感更多汁。
- Hippo的系統大大降低了食品安全風險,包括水傳播病原體、黴菌和黴變,在採用專利閉環、非循環、直接到根部的肥料和澆水系統中生長。Hippo的模塊化種植系統還提供了無與倫比的到箱級別的追蹤性,並允許在每個收穫週期之間對托盤進行消毒以防止微生物的積累。
- Hippo實現了一致的質量和產量,因爲它受到天氣的影響,該系統根據植物的品種、年齡和溫室微氣候提供定製營養。
- 通過定製營養、低微生物壓力和直接收穫到製冷,Hippo相比於戶外生長的綠色蔬菜,將貨架壽命延長了30%。
- 通過與田野種植者合作,Hippo的溫室可以確保供應多樣化,具有可擴展性和成本優化,提供混合產品系列以及溫室生產的庫存單位。
"Traditional field-grown and greenhouse-grown produce have each had limitations," said Hippo Harvest CEO Eitan Marder-Eppstein. "Our USDA organic-certified packaged salads provide the best of both worlds as it relates to cost, quality, surety of supply and scalability for both consumers and grocers."
「傳統的田地生產和溫室生產各自存在侷限性,」Hippo Harvest首席執行官Eitan Marder-Eppstein表示。「我們的USDA有機認證的包裝沙拉提供了成本、質量、供應穩定性以及對消費者和雜貨商都具有可擴展性的最佳選擇。」
To deliver these advantages, Hippo Harvest had developed advanced machine learning and purpose-built robotic tooling to monitor, tend to and harvest plants, delivering precise levels of water and nutrition. The modular grow-trays allow highly customized water, nutrition, and monitoring and operational optimizations for every 10 square feet of plant growth to enhance efficiency. The company's approach uses 92% less water, 55% less fertilizer, and 94% less land compared to traditional farming while offering superior quality and prices that are competitive with field grown suppliers.
爲了提供這些優勢,Hippo Harvest開發了先進的機器學習和專門設計的機器人工具,用於監視、照料和收穫植物,提供精確的水和營養水平。模塊化種植托盤允許高度定製的水培、營養和監控以及操作上的優化,以增強每10平方英尺植物生長的效率。與傳統農業相比,該公司的方法使用的水減少了92%,化肥減少了55%,土地減少了94%,同時提供更高質量和價格競爭力的產品。
The new organic-certified product line includes Baby Spinach, Spring Mix, Arugula, 50:50 Mix, Power Greens, Baby Kale, Baby Romaine, Crispy Leaf, and Tender Greens. Hippo Harvest's products are currently available at various San Francisco Bay Area retailers, including Amazon Fresh and Gus's Market, with plans to expand outside of the Bay Area within the coming year. The company signed The Climate Pledge, a commitment co-founded by Amazon and Global Optimism for businesses to reach net-zero carbon by 2040.
新的有機認證產品線包括嬰兒菠菜、春季混合、芝麻菜、50:50混合、強力綠葉、嬰兒甘藍、嬰兒羅馬生菜、脆生葉和嫩綠菜。Hippo Harvest的產品目前可以在舊金山灣區的各種零售商處購買,包括亞馬遜生鮮和Gus's Market,計劃在未來一年內擴展到灣區以外。該公司簽署了由亞馬遜和全球樂觀主義共同發起的The Climate Pledge,該承諾旨在幫助企業在2040年實現零碳排放。
About Hippo Harvest
關於Hippo Harvest
Hippo Harvest grows USDA-certified organic leafy greens in greenhouses, reducing food waste, enhancing food security and safety, and promoting sustainability in fresh produce. By leveraging advanced machine learning and robotics, the company optimizes production for cost efficiency and uses 92% less water, 55% less fertilizer, and 94% less land compared to traditional farming. Hippo Harvest's products are available at various San Francisco Bay Area retailers, including Amazon Fresh. For more information, please visit hippoharvest.com.
Hippo Harvest在溫室種植經過USDA認證的有機綠葉蔬菜,減少食物浪費,增強食品安全和食品安全性,並促進新鮮農產品的可持續發展。通過利用先進的機器學習和機器人技術,該公司優化生產以實現成本效率,並與傳統農業相比,使用的水減少了92%,化肥減少了55%,土地減少了94%。Hippo Harvest的產品目前可以在舊金山灣區的各種零售商處購買,包括亞馬遜生鮮。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 hippoharvest.com.
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Chris Krolak
Mulberry & Astor
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Chris Krolak
Mulberry & Astor
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SOURCE Hippo Harvest