IP Survey Confirms Porphyry Exploration Target at Pacific Ridge's Redton Copper-Gold Project
IP Survey Confirms Porphyry Exploration Target at Pacific Ridge's Redton Copper-Gold Project
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 15, 2024) - Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: PEX) (OTCQB: PEXZF) (FSE: PQWN) ("Pacific Ridge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the induced polarization ("IP") geophysical survey recently completed at its 100% owned Redton copper-gold project ("Redton or the "Project") confirmed a porphyry exploration target within 3 km of NorthWest Copper Corp.'s ("NorthWest") Kwanika South Zone copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit. Redton is located in the prolific Quesnel terrane in northcentral British Columbia and adjoins the eastern boundary of NorthWest's Kwanika (see Figure 1).
溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(資訊公司-2024年10月15日)-太平洋嶺勘探有限公司 (tsxv: PEX) (OTCQB: PEXZF) (FSE: PQWN)("太平嶺"或"公司")高興地宣佈,最近完成的感應極化("IP")地球物理勘查確認其100%擁有的雷德頓銅金項目(「雷德頓」或「項目」)距離西北銅公司("北西")的Kwanika南帶銅金鉬斑岩礦牀有3公里內的斑岩勘探目標。雷德頓位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部富饒的Quesnel地體內,毗鄰北西的Kwanika東部邊界(見圖1)。
- Redton is over 34 km2 and adjoins the eastern boundary of NorthWest's Kwanika, which hosts two deposits, the Kwanika South Zone copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit and the Kwanika Central Zone copper-gold porphyry deposit.
- 雷德頓面積超過34平方公里,毗鄰北西的Kwanika東部邊界,那裏有兩個礦牀,Kwanika南帶銅金鉬斑岩礦牀和Kwanika中央帶銅金斑岩礦牀。
- The 2024 Redton IP survey comprised 7.5 line-kilometers in three reconnaissance lines to test three target areas in the northern half of the Project. The survey was conducted in early September (see Figure 2).
- 2024年雷德頓IP勘查包括三條偵察線共7.5公里,用於測試項目北半部的三個目標區域。該勘查於9月初進行(見圖2)。
- The Project features a 5-km-long north-northwest trend of porphyry copper-gold targets located within the Hogem intrusive suite, 3.5 km northeast of the NNW trend of the Kwanika deposits.
- 該項目特點是5公里長的北-西北向斑岩銅金目標趨勢,位於Hogem侵入岩套中,位於離Kwanika礦牀的NNW趨勢3.5公里東北。
- The middle line of the IP survey tested the Northeast Kwanika South ("NEX") target where topography, AeroTEM, and 3D model inversions suggest there is a northeast trending cross-structure extending onto Redton from the Kwanika South Zone deposit.
- IP勘查的中線測試了東北Kwanika南部("NEX")目標,地形,AeroTEM和三維模型反演表明從Kwanika南部礦牀延伸到雷德頓的東北趨勢交叉構造。
- The NEX target lies at the intersection of this interpreted cross-structure with an NNW-trending lithological contact boundary1 that has Late Triassic mafic (gabbro-diorite) rocks on the west and Early Jurassic monzonitic rocks on the east. The Kwanika deposits (200 Ma2; Early Jurassic) lie on the western side of the Late Triassic mafic domain. NEX lies on its eastern side.
- NEX目標位於此解釋的交叉構造與NNW趨勢的岩石接觸邊界交匯處,邊界在西側爲晚三疊世鎂鐵質(輝綠岩-閃長巖)岩石,東側爲早侏羅紀輝長岩岩石。 Kwanika礦牀(200 Ma;早侏羅紀)位於晚三疊世鎂鐵質領域的西側。 NEX位於其東側。
"I'm very pleased that the IP survey confirmed the presence of a compelling porphyry exploration target within 3-km of the Kwanika deposits," said Blaine Monaghan, President and CEO of Pacific Ridge. "The results of the IP survey, combined with structural interpretation, models of airborne magnetics, soil geochemistry and favourable geology, have increased our confidence that we have identified an exploration target that could result in a new porphyry discovery. We plan to follow up with additional infill survey lines and a possible drill program."
IP Survey at Redton
The 2024 Redton IP survey comprised three east-west lines (2.5 line-km each totaling 7.5 line-km) at 800 m line-spacing. These lines tested three target areas in the northern half of the Project including a portion of the historical East Swan target, the historical Redton East target, and the more recently defined NEX target, which is similar in size and orientation as the Kwanika Central Zone. The program objective was to identify any IP geophysical signatures of interest that can be followed up with infill survey lines and an initial drill test. In addition to the IP survey, 3D MVI modelling of the 2010 AeroTEM survey aeromagnetics was completed to identify any relationships with the 2D IP inversion results.
2024年Redton IP調查包括三條東西向線(每條2.5公里,總計7.5公里),線間距爲80000萬。這些線路測試了項目北半部分的三個目標區域,包括歷史上的East Swan目標區、歷史Redton East目標區,以及最近定義的NEX目標區,與Kwanika中央區相似大小和方向。該項目的目標是識別任何感興趣的IP地球物理標誌,以便後續進行填充調查線路和初步鑽探測試。除了IP調查,還完成了2010年AeroTEM調查的3D MVI建模,以確定與2D IP反演結果的任何關係。
Figure 1: Location of Redton and Pacific Ridge's Other Porphyry Copper-Gold Projects in Northcentral B>C.
Figure 2: Redton 2024 Induced Polarization Survey Plan and Target Conceptualization
圖2:Redton 2024感應極化調查計劃和目標概念
2024 Redton IP Survey results
2024年Redton IP調查結果
Results of the IP survey suggest that NEX is a porphyry target area, particularly in the hanging-wall of the interpreted NEX Fault and the footwall of an interpreted Late Triassic/Early Jurassic lithological contact. This prospective zone may continue northward into the southern part of Redton East (see Figure 2).
IP調查結果表明,NEX是一個斑岩目標區,特別是在被解釋爲NEX斷層的覆巖牆和解釋爲晚三疊世/早侏羅紀巖性接觸的下盤。這一有前景的區域可能向北延伸至Redton East的南部(見圖2)。
L6800 is the northernmost line of the IP survey and tested the Redton East target, an 800 x 700 m copper-in-soil anomaly on the northeastern side of the Property that was delineated from surface sampling programs in 1972 and by Kiska Metals Corporation in 2011-2012.
L6800是該IP調查最北部的線路,測試了Redton East目標,即在Property東北側的一個800 x 70000萬銅土異常,在1972年表面採樣項目和Kiska Metals Corporation於2011-2012年的勘探中得出。
The IP line features a large resistivity high domain (>3000 ohm-m) in Hogem intrusive suite. Most of the resistivity high is within interpreted Early Jurassic monzonitic rocks. The domain appears to dip moderately to the west, suggesting the Hogem intrusive suite is moderately tilted to the east (see Figure 3 inset). There is a large chargeability anomaly starting at about 200 m depth, becoming higher intensity (>12 mV/V) by 300 m depth. Overburden is estimated at up to 100 m depth of glacial till material which may be dampening the chargeability signature.
Figure 3: 2024 IP Survey Inversion Results for L6000 Across the NEX Target With Fault Interpretation. Inset Map is DC Resistivity for the L6800 Redton East Section
圖3:2024年IP調查反演結果,跨越NEX目標的L6000。插圖顯示L6800 Redton East斷面的直流電阻率地圖
Figure 4: Top: 3D MVI Model on Section 6155950 N with Chargeability High Domain from IP Line L6000. Bottom: Schematic Interpretation of NEX Target Geology Based on Geophysical Inversions
L6000 is the central line of the IP survey and tested NEX, a 1000 x 500 m target area identified in 2022 with a similar size and orientation as the Kwanika Central Zone depsoit. It lies at the eastern end of an interpreted NE-trending cross-structure in the AeroTEM geophysical data (AeroQuest and TechnoImaging, 2010) where it intersects with an NNW-trending lithological contact of interest in the Hogem intrusive suite. NEX has anomalous molybdenum-in-soil over the geophysical feature and anomalous copper and silver to the southeast (see Figure 2).
The IP line features a break in the resistivity high domain (see Figure 3) that aligns with an extension of the interpreted NE-trending cross-fault that continues to the western property boundary. This structure is now referred to as the NEX fault (see Figure 2). Again, this inversion section has a large chargeability high domain (>12 mV/V) that comes as close as 100 m to surface in the NEX target area (see Figure 3). The NEX fault, as interpreted from the DC resistivity inversion, intersects the chargeability high at depth, as well as a large coincident magnetic high anomaly (see Figure 4 top) and provides an important structural marker for future drill hole planning (se Figure 3).
L5200 is the southernmost line of the IP survey and tested the southern end of NEX where there is anomalous copper, bismuth and silver in surface geochemistry (see Figure 2).
The IP line features a narrower (~350 m wide) west-dipping resistivity high domain (>3000 ohm-m) underlying Early Jurassic rocks of the Hogem intrusive suite, again suggesting moderately northeast tilted geology. The southern end of NEX lies in the hanging-wall of this resistivity high domain. The chargeability high anomaly on this inversion section starts at greater depth (>500 m) but comes to surface in a 100 m wide steeply dipping pipe or lens shape feature that is 200 m from the modelled trace of NEX Fault at the western end of the section (see Figure 2), again attesting to the importance of this structure.
About Redton
Owned 100% by Pacific Ridge, Redton is over 34 km2 in size and adjoins the eastern boundary of NorthWest's Kwanika. Several target areas exist at Redton: Redton North, East Swan, Redton East, NEX, NEX South, and Catchment Basin. In 2022, after completing a targeted soil survey grid in the northcentral part of the Project, the Company identified a surface geochemical target, the NEX zone, which is of similar size and orientation as the Kwanika Central Zone. NEX is located 3-4 km east of Kwanika following an interpreted arc-transverse lineament and an AeroTEM geophysical feature of interest.
Redton100%由Pacific Ridge擁有,佔地面積超過34平方公里,毗鄰NorthWest的Kwanika東邊界。Redton存在幾個目標區:Redton North,East Swan,Redton East,NEX,NEX South和Catchment Basin。2022年,在完成項目中部有針對性的土壤調查後,公司確定了一個地表地球化學目標,即NEX區,其大小和方向與Kwanika中心區相似。NEX位於Kwanika東邊3-4公里處,沿着解釋的弧形橫向線紋和具有地質興趣的AeroTEm地球物理特徵。
Chuchi South and Chuchi West Option Amendment
Chuchi South和Chuchi West選項修正
In March 2023, Pacific Ridge entered into an agreement with American Copper Development Corporation ("ACDX") and Ronald Bilquist ("Bilquist") granting Pacific Ridge the option to acquire a 51% interest in the Chuchi South Property by making $250,000 in payments to Bilquist and completing $4,000,000 in exploration expenditures by December 31, 2027 (the "First Option"). The Company has a further option to increase its interest to 75% by issuing shares valued at $250,000 to ACDX by January 30, 2028, by making cash payments of $150,000 to ACDX, and completing an additional $4,000,000 in exploration by December 31, 2029 (the "Additional Interest Option").
2023年3月,Pacific Ridge與American Copper Development Corporation("ACDX")和Ronald Bilquist("Bilquist")達成協議,授予Pacific Ridge以支付$250,000給Bilquist並在2027年12月31日前完成$4,000,000的勘探支出的方式獲得Chuchi South Property 51%的權益的選擇權("第一選擇權")。公司還有一個進一步選擇,通過在2028年1月30日前向ACDX發行價值$250,000的股份,向ACDX支付$150,000現金,並在2029年12月31日前完成額外$4,000,000的勘探支出,將其股權增至75%的選擇權("額外權益選擇權")。
In addition to Chuchi South, ACDX granted Pacific Ridge the sole and exclusive right and option to acquire a 51% interest in the Chuchi West Property in consideration of Pacific Ridge satisfying the First Option on Chuchi South. The Chuchi West Property would then be included in the Additional Interest Option for a 75% interest in Chuchi South and Chuchi West.
除了Chuchi南部,ACDX授予Pacific Ridge獨家權利和選擇權,以收購Chuchi西部地產51%的股權,作爲對Pacific Ridge滿足Chuchi南部第一選擇權的考慮。然後,Chuchi西部地產將納入Chuchi南部和Chuchi西部75%股權的其他權益選擇項中。
Earlier this year, the parties reached an agreement for Pacific Ridge to issue 550,000 common shares of the Company in lieu of a $50,000 cash payment to Bilquist that was due on February 13, 2024 under the First Option. This amendment remains subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.
今年早些時候,雙方達成協議,Pacific Ridge將發行公司55萬普通股,以取代於2024年2月13日到期的$50,000現金支付給Bilquist的義務。此修正案仍須獲得tsxv的批准。
The parties have now agreed to a further amendment which removes the obligation for Pacific Ridge to issue shares to exercise the Additional Interest Option. In lieu of such share issuance, Pacific Ridge must make a cash payment of $250,000 to ACDX by no later than January 30, 2028.
各方現已同意進一步修訂,取消了Pacific Ridge發行股份以行使其他權益選擇權的義務。代替股份發行,Pacific Ridge必須在2028年1月30日或之前向ACDX支付25萬美元。
1 Cui, Y., Miller, D., Schiarizza, P., and Diakow, L.J., 2017. British Columbia digital geology. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2017-8, 9p. Data version 2019-12-19.
1 崔,Y.,米勒,D.,Schiarizza,P.,Diakow,L.J.,2017。不列顛哥倫比亞數字地質。不列顛哥倫比亞省能源、礦業和石油資源部,不列顛哥倫比亞地質勘探公開文件2017-8,9頁。數據版本2019-12-19。
2Age date for Kwanika deposit is from Logan, J.M., and Mihalynuk, M.G., 2014. Tectonic controls on Early Mesozoic paired alkaline porphyry deposit belts (Cu-Au ± Ag-Pt-Pd-Mo) within the Canadian cordillera. Economic Geology, 109, p. 827- 858.
2 Kwanika礦牀的年齡數據取自Logan,J.m.,和Mihalynuk萬.G.,2014。加拿大洛基山脈早中生代成對鹼性斑狀銅-金(±銀-鉑-鈀-鉬)礦牀的構造控制。《經濟地質學》109,第827-858頁。
About Pacific Ridge
關於Pacific Ridge
Our goal is to become B.C.'s leading copper-gold exploration company. Pacific Ridge's flagship asset is its 100% owned Kliyul copper-gold project, located in the Quesnel terrane close to existing infrastructure. In addition to Kliyul, the Company's project portfolio includes the Chuchi copper-gold project, the 100% owned RDP copper-gold project, the 100% owned Onjo copper-gold project, and the 100% owned Redton copper-gold project, all located in British Columbia. The Company would like to acknowledge that its B.C. projects are located in the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Gitxsan Nation, McLeod Lake Indian Band, Nak'azdli Whut'en, Takla Nation, and Tsay Keh Dene Nation.
我們的目標是成爲卑詩省領先的銅金勘探公司。Pacific Ridge的旗艦資產是其100%擁有的Kliyul銅金項目,位於靠近現有基礎設施的Quesnel地塊。除了Kliyul,公司的項目組合還包括Chuchi銅金項目、100%擁有的RDP銅金項目、100%擁有的Onjo銅金項目和100%擁有的Redton銅金項目,所有這些項目都位於不列顛哥倫比亞省。該公司願意承認其卑詩省項目位於Gitxsan Nation、McLeod Lake Indian Band、Nak'azdli Whut'en、Takla Nation和Tsay Keh Dene Nation的傳統、祖傳和未割讓領土上。
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Blaine Monaghan"
"Blaine Monaghan"
Blaine Monaghan
President & CEO
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.
Blaine Monaghan
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.
Investor Relations:
Tel: (604) 687-4951
Email: ir@pacificridgeexploration.com
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。
The technical information contained within this News Release has been reviewed and approved by Danette Schwab, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 policy.
本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Danette Schwab, P.Geo.審查並獲得批准,她是一位符合國家43-101規定的資格人員的勘探副總裁。
Forward-Looking Information: This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, which address exploration drilling and other activities and events or developments that Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. ("Pacific Ridge") expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements in this news release include additional infill survey lines and a possible drill program at Redton. Although Pacific Ridge believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploration successes, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. These statements are based on a number of assumptions including, among other things, assumptions regarding general business and economic conditions, that one of the options will be exercised, the ability of Pacific Ridge and other parties to satisfy stock exchange and other regulatory requirements in a timely manner, the availability of financing for Pacific Ridge's proposed programs on reasonable terms, and the ability of third party service providers to deliver services in a timely manner. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Pacific Ridge does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
展望信息: 本公告包含一些可能被視爲「前瞻性聲明」的聲明。在本公告中,除了歷史事實陳述之外,涉及太平洋嶺勘探有限公司("太平洋嶺")預計將發生的勘探鑽探和其他活動、事件或發展的所有陳述均屬於前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括在Redton進行額外的內部測量線和可能的鑽探計劃。儘管太平洋嶺相信這些前瞻性聲明所表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但這些聲明並非對未來表現的保證,實際結果或發展可能與這些前瞻性聲明有實質性差異。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明不同的因素包括市場價格、勘探成功和持續的資本和融資的可用性以及一般經濟、市場或業務條件。這些聲明是基於多個假設,包括但不限於關於一般商業和經濟情況的假設,其中之一的選擇將被行使,太平洋嶺和其他各方能夠及時滿足交易所和其他監管機構要求的能力,太平洋嶺提議的項目能夠獲得合理條款的融資,以及第三方服務提供商能夠及時提供服務的能力。投資者被告知,任何此類聲明均不構成對未來表現的保證,實際結果或發展可能與前瞻性聲明中所預測的有實質差異。太平洋嶺不承擔更新或修訂其前瞻性聲明的任何義務,除非根據適用法律的規定。