
F. William Studier Receives the 2024 Merkin Prize in Ceremony at the Broad Institute for Developing Technology Used to Produce Millions of Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines

F. William Studier Receives the 2024 Merkin Prize in Ceremony at the Broad Institute for Developing Technology Used to Produce Millions of Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines

F. William Studier在Broad Institute的典禮上獲得2024年的梅金獎,該獎是爲了表彰他開發用於生產數百萬劑COVID-19疫苗的技術。
PR Newswire ·  10/16 08:00

The groundbreaking, scalable technology is widely used in laboratories around the world today to efficiently produce large amounts of protein and RNA.


CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2024 Richard N. Merkin Prize in Biomedical Technology was awarded to F. William Studier of Brookhaven National Laboratory in a ceremony and symposium at the Broad Institute on September 17, 2024. The prize, created by the Merkin Family Foundation and administered by the Broad, recognizes novel technologies that have significantly improved human health and carries a $400,000 award. [Event Video]

馬薩諸塞州劍橋,2024年10月16日 / PRNewswire/ —— 2024年生物醫藥技術領域的理查德·N·默金獎頒發給了布魯克黑文國家實驗室的F·威廉·斯塔迪爾,頒獎儀式於2024年9月17日在布羅德研究所舉行。 該獎項由默金家族基金會設立,並由布羅德研究所管理,旨在表彰顯著改善人類健康的新技術,並提供400,000美元的獎金。[活動視頻]

Richard N. Merkin and F. William StudierCredit: Erik Jacobs, Anthem Multimedia
理查德·N·默金和F·威廉·斯塔迪爾 Credit: 埃裏克·雅各布斯,安森企業多媒體

Studier was announced as the winner in May for his development, in 1986, of an efficient, scalable method of producing RNA and proteins in the laboratory. His T7 expression technology can be used to make large quantities of nearly any RNA or protein. The approach has been — and continues to be — a mainstay of biomedical research and the workhorse for producing the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which have extended millions of lives, and numerous other therapeutics and diagnostics. [Studier Bio]

斯塔迪爾於5月宣佈獲獎,因他在1986年開發了一種高效、可擴展的實驗室內RNA和蛋白質生產方法而獲獎。 他的T7表達技術可用於大量生產幾乎任何RNA或蛋白。 這種方法一直是生物醫藥研究的支柱,並且一直是生產mRNA COVID-19疫苗的工作馬,這些疫苗已挽救了數百萬生命,以及大量其他治療藥物和診斷工具。[斯塔迪爾簡介]

In remarks at the symposium, Richard N. Merkin, MD praised Studier for his innovative spirit. "I asked Bill what stimulated him, and he said, 'I made sure I did not embrace the status quo, that I did not embrace incrementalism. I'm a pattern breaker. I wanted to break the patterns that others had used, and depart from current habits, challenging conventional wisdom.' That's what this award is about."

在研討會上,理查德·N·默金博士讚揚斯塔迪爾的創新精神。"我問比爾是什麼刺激了他,他說,'我確保不接受現狀,不接受漸進主義。我是打破模式的人。我想打破其他人所使用的模式,擺脫目前的習慣,挑戰傳統的智慧。' 這正是這個獎項的意義所在。"

Turning to Studier, Dr. Merkin added, "There are many people in the audience that have a crazy idea, that don't want to change things five percent, but want to change things tenfold. Those are the people that will change the world. Bill, you're the epitome of that. You have helped millions of people. Biomedicine has changed because of you, and humanity needs to acknowledge people like you."

默金博士轉向斯塔迪爾,補充道:"在座的許多人都有瘋狂的想法,他們不想改變五分之一,而想將事物改變十倍。 這些人將改變世界。 比爾,你就是這一典範。 你幫助了數百萬人。生物醫學因爲你而改變,人類需要承認像你這樣的人。"

Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, the Lewis Thomas University Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine and chair of the Merkin Prize selection committee, gave an overview of the prize, applauding its emphasis on technologies that have made a significant impact on biomedicine. "Discovery does not occur without the invention of technologies. It's tools and technologies that allow us to see further than others have seen, and to make those discoveries that are all too often the meat and potatoes of recognition."

諾貝爾獎得主哈羅德·瓦爾姆斯,魏爾·康奈爾醫學院劉易斯·托馬斯大學教授兼默金獎評選委員會主席,在研討會上回顧了該獎項,並讚揚其強調對生物醫藥學產生重大影響的技術。 "沒有技術的發明就不會有發現。正是工具和技術使我們能夠看得更遠,使我們能夠做出那些常常是認可的要點和發現。"

Todd Golub, director and founding core institute member of the Broad Institute, thanked Merkin, whose philanthropic partnership with the Broad has spanned more than 15 years. "Dick Merkin is the most uncommon of philanthropists. He has a humble, self-effacing demeanor, and yet he is great at pushing people to make bold bets and to try to make the impossible possible."

Broad研究所所長、創始成員託德·戈盧布(Todd Golub)感謝Merkin先生,與Broad研究所的慈善合作已超過15年。"迪克·默金(Dick Merkin)是最不同尋常的慈善家。他謙虛、低調,卻善於鼓勵人們進行大膽的賭注,嘗試讓不可能變爲可能。"

Venki Ramakrishnan, group leader at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and served on the Merkin Prize selection committee, introduced the scientific talks and also praised Studier's professionalism, humility, and generosity, "Bill has always been what we think of as a scientist's scientist. Anything he did, he shared with the entire scientific community. And now, there's probably not a single lab in this building that has not used the T7 system."

英國劍橋大學MRC分子生物學實驗室團隊負責人Venki Ramakrishnan是2009年諾貝爾化學獎獲得者,也曾擔任Merkin獎評選委員會成員。他介紹了科學講座,並讚揚斯塔迪爾的專業精神、謙遜和慷慨,"比爾一直是我們心目中的科學家。無論他做什麼,都會與整個科學界分享。現在,在這棟大樓裏,可能沒有一個實驗室沒有使用T7系統。"

Studier, his wife Susan, his family, former colleagues and guests attended the ceremony that included a symposium, reception, and private dinner. Attending the Merkin Prize honors at the Broad for the first time this year were Gerun Riley, President of The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, and Edythe Broad, Co-Founder of The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation.

斯塔迪爾、他的妻子蘇珊、他的家人、前同事和來賓出席了包括座談會、招待會和私人晚宴在內的儀式。今年首次參加Broad的Merkin獎頒獎盛典的有Eli和Edythe Broad基金會總裁格倫·萊利(Gerun Riley)與Eli和Edythe Broad基金會聯合創始人艾迪絲·布勞德(Edythe Broad)。

"It is so important to recognize groundbreaking science and the remarkable individuals who have made a difference so more people are aware of these achievements," said Edythe Broad. "If Eli were here, he would be incredibly proud of what Dick has accomplished," she continued. "It's changing the world."


At the symposium, John Shanklin, chair of biology at Brookhaven National Laboratory, who considered Studier a mentor for many years, described the world-changing impact of the T7 expression technology. Pardis Sabeti, a core institute member at the Broad and a professor at Harvard University and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, lauded Studier for how the technology has enabled strategies for infectious disease control. In a video message, Melissa J. Moore, chief scientific officer emerita of Moderna Therapeutics emphasized how T7 has enabled scientists to generate RNA at an industrial scale, proving to be the workhorse for making mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Fei Chen, core institute member at the Broad, an assistant professor at Harvard University, and a 2021 Merkin Institute Fellow, discussed his lab's use of T7 polymerase to build a new set of programmable tools.

在座談會上,布魯克黑文國家實驗室生物學主任約翰·尚克林描述了T7表達技術的改變世界影響,許多年來將斯塔迪爾視爲導師。Broad核心研究所成員、哈佛大學和哈佛T.H. Chan公共衛生學院教授Pardis Sabeti讚揚斯塔迪爾的技術如何幫助制定傳染病控制策略。在視頻留言中,Moderna Therapeutics首席科學官梅麗莎·J·摩爾強調T7如何使科學家能夠大規模生成RNA,被證明是製造mRNA Covid-19疫苗的得力助手。Broad核心研究所成員、哈佛大學助理教授、2021年Merkin研究所研究員費辰討論了他的實驗室如何利用T7聚合酶構建一套新的可編程工具。

Dr. Merkin's partnership with the Broad includes the Merkin Institute Fellows, established in 2012 as the Broad's first endowed fellowship; the Merkin Institute for Transformative Technologies in Healthcare, launched in 2017 to support paradigm-shifting projects from researchers at the Broad, Harvard, MIT, and the Harvard-affiliated hospitals; the Richard Merkin Professorship (also established in 2017), an endowed professorship held by David Liu, who leads the Merkin Institute for Transformative Technologies in Healthcare; and a generous new commitment in 2021 that advanced the aforementioned programs and launched the Merkin Prize. It was also in 2021 that, in recognition of Merkin's partnership, the Broad named its building at 415 Main Street the Richard N. Merkin Building.

默金博士與Broad的合作包括默金研究員獎學金,成立於2012年,是Broad的第一個捐贈獎學金;默金醫療技術革新研究所,於2017年啓動,支持來自Broad、哈佛、麻省理工學院和哈佛附屬醫院的研究人員的開創性項目;Richard Merkin 教授職位(也於2017年設立),由David Liu 擔任的捐贈教授職位,他領導着默金醫療技術革新研究所;以及在2021年慷慨捐贈的資金,推進了前述項目並推出了默金獎。也是在2021年,爲了表彰默金的合作,Broad將其位於415 Main Street的建築命名爲Richard N. Merkin Building。

Nominations for the 2025 Merkin Prize are now open and will close on December 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET.


For further information on how to nominate for the 2025 Merkin Prize, please visit the prize website. Eligibility extends to all investigators who have developed relevant health innovations, regardless of their place of employment, including academia, the commercial sector, or government. Both teams and individuals who have made a profound impact on medicine by pioneering a transformative technology are eligible.


About the Merkin Family Foundation
The Merkin Family Foundation was founded by visionary health care executive Richard Merkin, MD.

默金家族基金會是由富有遠見的醫療保健高管 Richard Merkin, MD 創立的。

Richard Merkin, MD is the founder and CEO of Heritage Provider Network, Inc. (HPN). HPN is one of the largest physician founded and physician owned managed care organizations in the country dedicated to value-based healthcare delivery improvements. HPN develops and manages coordinated, patient-doctor centric, integrated health care systems that offer some of the strongest solutions for the future of health, care, and cost in the United States. HPN and its affiliates operate in New York, California, and Arizona, providing high-quality, cost-effective healthcare with over one million patient members. HPN is dedicated to quality, affordable health care, and putting patients' wellness first.
About Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Broad Institute was launched in 2004 to empower this generation of scientists to transform medicine. The Broad Institute seeks to describe the molecular components of life and their connections; discover the molecular basis of major human diseases; develop approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics; and disseminate discoveries, tools, methods, and data to the entire scientific community.

Richard Merkin, MD 是Heritage Provider Network, Inc. (HPN)的創始人兼首席執行官。HPN是美國最大的由醫生創立和醫生擁有的醫療管理組織之一,致力於基於價值的醫療服務交付改善。HPN開發和管理協調的、以患者和醫生爲中心的、綜合的醫療系統,提供了一些最爲強有力的解決方案,爲美國未來的健康、護理和成本提供支持。HPN及其關聯公司在紐約、加利福尼亞和亞利桑那運營,爲100多萬名患者提供高質量、具有成本效益的醫療保健。HPN致力於優質、負擔得起的醫療保健,將患者的健康置於首位。
關於麻省理工學院和哈佛大學的 Broad Institute
Broad Institute成立於2004年,旨在賦予本代科學家變革醫學的力量。Broad Institute致力於描述生命的分子組分及其聯繫,發現重大人類疾病的分子基礎,制定診斷和治療方法,並向整個科學界傳播發現、工具、方法和數據。

Founded by MIT, Harvard, Harvard-affiliated hospitals, and the visionary Los Angeles philanthropists Eli and Edythe L. Broad, the Broad Institute includes faculty, professional staff, and students from throughout the MIT and Harvard biomedical research communities and beyond, with collaborations spanning over 100 private and public institutions in more than 40 countries worldwide.

由麻省理工學院、哈佛大學、哈佛附屬醫院以及遠見卓識的洛杉磯慈善家Eli和Edythe L. Broad共同創立,Broad Institute包括來自麻省理工學院和哈佛大學生物醫藥研究社區及更廣泛範圍的教師、專業人員和學生,與全球40多個國家的100多傢俬人和公共機構展開合作。

SOURCE Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

來源:麻省理工學院和哈佛大學的 Broad Institute




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