
Manulife / John Hancock Convenes Global Leaders Driving the Future of Health and Wellness at Second Longevity Symposium

Manulife / John Hancock Convenes Global Leaders Driving the Future of Health and Wellness at Second Longevity Symposium

全球貨幣 / 約翰·漢考克召集全球領導人在第二屆長壽研討會上推動未來健康與健康。
PR Newswire ·  10/16 08:30

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey Joins Line Up of World-Class Speakers


BOSTON, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Today, John Hancock, along with its parent company Manulife, is hosting its second Longer. Healthier. Better. Longevity Symposium in Boston following its inaugural event in 2023. Global leaders across public and private sectors will convene over the next two days to share the latest research and innovations driving longevity, and how best to prepare for a longer, healthier, better life.

波士頓,2024年10月16日 / PRNewswire / - 今天,約翰·漢考克(John Hancock)及其母公司宏利今天在波士頓舉辦了第二屆更長。更健康。更好。長壽論壇,繼2023年首次活動之後。公共和私營部門的全球領導人將在接下來的兩天會面,分享推動長壽的最新研究和創新,以及如何更好地爲更長壽命、更健康、更美好的生活做準備。

"We're proud to host this event in Boston — a hub for longevity innovation," said Brooks Tingle, President and CEO of John Hancock. "We firmly believe that our role as an insurer goes far beyond paying claims — we have a responsibility to drive innovation and accelerate offerings that improve not just how long we live, but how well we live. That includes helping our customers save and prepare for the financial future they want. It's good for our business, for our customers and for our communities. Through events like this symposium, we're doubling down on our mission to help people live longer, healthier, better lives."

「我們很自豪在波士頓舉辦這個活動——這裏是長壽創新的中心,」約翰·漢考克(John Hancock)總裁兼首席執行官布魯克斯·廷格爾表示。「我們堅信,作爲一家保險公司,我們的角色遠不止是支付索賠——我們有責任推動創新,加速提供不僅可以延長壽命,還可以改善生活質量的產品和服務。這包括幫助我們的客戶儲蓄併爲他們想要的未來做準備。這對我們的業務、客戶和社區都有好處。通過這類論壇活動,我們將加倍努力實現幫助人們過更長壽命、更健康、更美好生活的使命。」

The event agenda includes sessions with innovators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders addressing the key tenets of longevity, from nutrition and weight management, stress, sleep, and health care delivery, to the power of early cancer detection and treatment, and more. Confirmed speakers include Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and an impressive lineup of leading academics, scientists, physicians, and athletes, including:


  • Dr. Lisa Genova, Ph. D, Neuroscientist and bestselling author
  • Dr. Mark Hyman, Founder and Senior Advisor to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Function Health, and Board President for Clinical Affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Dr. BJ Miller, Mental health advocate & Co-founder of Mettle Health
  • Dr. Josh Ofman, MD, MSHS, President, GRAIL
  • Dr. Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley; Founder and Director, Center for Human Sleep Science
  • 神經科學家、暢銷書作家麗莎·傑諾娃博士
  • 馬克·海曼博士,克利夫蘭診所功能醫學中心創始人兼高級顧問,功能健康公司聯合創始人兼首席醫療官,功能醫學學會臨床事務董事會主席
  • 心理健康倡導者、Mettle Health聯合創始人BJ·米勒博士
  • Josh Ofman博士,GRAIL 總裁
  • 美國加州大學伯克利分校神經科學教授Matthew Walker博士;人類睡眠科學中心創始人兼主任

"Massachusetts is home to incredible institutions driving significant breakthroughs across industries, including finance and health," said Governor Maura Healey. "It's an honor to join John Hancock in convening world-renowned health and longevity experts here in Massachusetts to share insights on how we can all work together to help more people live longer, healthier, better lives."

「馬薩諸塞州擁有許多不可思議的機構,在金融和醫療等行業取得重大突破,」州長莫拉·希利(Maura Healey)表示。「很榮幸能與約翰漢考克(John Hancock)一起,在這裏召集世界知名的健康和長壽專家,分享如何共同努力,幫助更多人過上更長壽、更健康、更美好的生活。」

Since 2015, John Hancock has offered customers access to its industry-leading John Hancock Vitality Program, which motivates and rewards customers for the small, everyday things they do to stay healthy or improve their health. The Longevity Symposium builds on the Vitality program's commitment to helping customers take these small, everyday steps. Recent program updates include:


  • Galleri: John Hancock recently expanded access to GRAIL's multi-cancer early detection test, Galleri, to eligible Vitality PLUS customers ages 40-49 who are at an elevated risk for cancer based on additional cancer risk factors.1 John Hancock was the first life insurer to offer customers access to the test which scans for a common signal from more than 50 types of cancer — most of which have no recommended screening protocol.
  • Prenuvo: Earlier this year, John Hancock became the first life insurance company to offer eligible customers discounted access to Prenuvo's whole body MRI scan, which can help enable early detection for cancer, lifestyle diseases, neurological diseases, and other health conditions.2
  • WHOOP: John Hancock Vitality members can now save $30 on a WHOOP membership, plus 20 percent off WHOOP apparel and accessories. WHOOP is a comprehensive health and fitness wearable that tracks your sleep, strain, stress and recovery, providing insights into your body all on a minimalist screen-free device.3
  • 加勒:約翰漢考克最近擴大了對GRAIL的多癌早期檢測測試Galleri的准入範圍,適用於年齡在40-49歲之間的符合條件的活力PLUS客戶,他們基於額外癌症風險因素處於癌症的高危風險。約翰漢考克是第一家向客戶提供可以掃描超過50種癌症的常見信號的測試的人壽保險公司,其中大多數癌症沒有推薦的篩查方案。
  • Prenuvo:今年早些時候,約翰漢考克成爲第一家向符合條件客戶提供折扣獲取Prenuvo全身MRI掃描的人壽保險公司,該掃描可幫助早期檢測癌症、生活方式疾病、神經系統疾病和其他健康狀況。
  • WHOOP:約翰漢考克活力會員現在可以節省30美元購買WHOOP會員,以及折扣20%購買WHOOP服裝和配飾。WHOOP是一款全面健康和健身可穿戴設備,可跟蹤您的睡眠、壓力、應力和恢復情況,通過一個極簡主義的無屏幕設備爲您提供身體的洞察。

Additionally, as people live longer, the need to financially prepare for potentially longer retirements becomes increasingly important. As part of Manulife's global wealth and asset management business, John Hancock Retirement serves millions of American workers with retirement plans to provide tools and guidance that can help individuals stay invested over the long term.


The Longer. Healthier. Better. Longevity Symposium is designed to showcase Manulife and John Hancock's leadership in the longevity space as part of the company's global Impact Agenda and its mission to empower sustained health and well-being. Earlier today, Manulife announced the ten winners of its Prospering in Longevity Challenge through UpLink, the World Economic Forum's open innovation platform, as part of their shared efforts to find accessible solutions that can help people live longer, healthier, better lives.


To learn more about John Hancock, visit .

要了解更多關於約翰漢考克的信息,請訪問 。

1 The Galleri test is only available to registered John Hancock Vitality PLUS members who are 40 years of age or older and have completed the Vitality Health Review (VHR) for the current program year. For eligible polices with Face Amounts of $500,000 in life insurance coverage or greater, 100% of the cost of the test will be subsidized. For policies with Face Amounts less than $500,000 in coverage, 50% of the cost of the test will be subsidized. Test eligibility is also subject to Grail's clinically informed criteria, as well as additional cancer risk factors for those ages 40-49. The offer of discounted access to the Galleri test is subject to change. Access to the Galleri test through the John Hancock Vitality Program is not currently available in all states. The Galleri test is manufactured and distributed by GRAIL, LLC. John Hancock does not provide medical advice, is not involved in the design or manufacture of the Galleri test and is not responsible for the accuracy or performance of the Galleri test.

2 Access to the Prenuvo scan through the John Hancock Vitality Program is not currently available in all states. The Prenuvo scan is developed and administered by Prenuvo and its affiliated professional entities. John Hancock does not provide medical advice or guidance on further diagnostic testing or treatment following the Prenuvo scan, is not involved in the design or administration of the Prenuvo scan and is not responsible for the accuracy or performance of the Prenuvo scan.

3 Customers must have an up-to-date WHOOP membership and use an iOS device to earn John Hancock Vitality points with WHOOP. The WHOOP discount through the John Hancock Vitality Program is not currently available in New York. All WHOOP memberships automatically renew as an annual membership at the then current price. Additional fees for shipping WHOOP band or apparel and accessories and tax are dependent on location.

1《Galleri檢測》僅向已註冊的約翰漢考克Vitality PLUS會員提供,年滿40歲或以上,並已完成當年計劃年度健康審查(VHR)。對於具有50萬美元及以上壽險覆蓋面額的合格保單,檢測費用的100%將獲得補貼。對於覆蓋面額低於50萬美元的保單,檢測費用的50%將獲得補貼。檢測資格還受Grail的臨床知情標準以及40-49歲人群的額外癌症風險因素限制。《Galleri檢測》的優惠訪問可能會有所更改。通過約翰漢考克Vitality計劃訪問《Galleri檢測》的提供目前並非在所有州提供。《Galleri檢測》由GRAIL,LLC生產和分發。約翰漢考克不提供醫療建議,也不參與《Galleri檢測》的設計或製造,並不對《Galleri檢測》的準確性或性能負責。



About John Hancock and Manulife


John Hancock is a unit of Manulife Financial Corporation, a leading international financial services provider that helps people make their decisions easier and lives better by providing financial advice, insurance, and wealth and asset management solutions. Manulife Financial Corporation trades as MFC on the TSX, NYSE, and PSE, and under 945 on the SEHK. Manulife can be found at


One of the largest life insurers in the United States, John Hancock supports more than ten million Americans with a broad range of financial products, including life insurance and annuities. John Hancock also supports US investors by bringing leading investment capabilities and retirement planning and administration expertise to individuals and institutions. Additional information about John Hancock may be found at


About Vitality


Guided by a core purpose of making people healthier, Vitality is the leader in improving health to unlock outcomes that matter. By blending industry-leading smart tech, data, AI, incentives, and behavioral science, we inspire healthy changes in individuals and organizations. As one of the largest health and wellbeing companies in the world, Vitality brings a dynamic and diverse perspective through successful partnerships with the most forward-thinking insurers and employers. More than 40 million people in 40 markets globally engage in the Vitality program. For more information, visit and follow us on X and LinkedIn.


Vitality is the provider of the John Hancock Vitality Program in connection with policies issued by John Hancock. John Hancock Vitality Program rewards and discounts are available only to the person insured under the eligible life insurance policy, may vary based on the type of insurance policy purchased and the state where the policy was issued, are subject to change and are not guaranteed to remain the same for the life of the policy. To be eligible to earn rewards and discounts by participating in the Vitality program, the insured must register for Vitality and in most instances also complete the Vitality Healthy Review (VHR).


John Hancock insurance products are issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116 (not licensed in New York) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York, Valhalla, NY 10595.


About John Hancock Retirement


John Hancock Retirement is the U.S. retirement business of Manulife Investment Management. For more than 50 years, we've helped people plan and invest for retirement; today, we're one of the largest full-service providers in the United States.4 We take a hands-on consultative approach based on the idea that no two plans—and no two plan participants—are exactly alike. We partner with plan sponsors, advisors, and third-party administrators to ensure that every plan is personal to the participant and delivers proven results.4


4 "PLANSPONSOR 2024 Defined Contribution Recordkeeping Survey 2024 Asset International, Inc.," PLANSPONSOR, 2024.

4 「PLANSPONSOR 2024僱主贊助的401(k)退休金繳納調查報告2024 Asset International, Inc.,」PLANSPONSOR,2024年。

As of June 30, 2024, John Hancock serviced 57,226 [OR over 57,000] retirement plans with 3,224,445 [OR over 3.2 million] participants* and $226,468,994,513.86 [OR over $226 billion] in AUMA.
* Participant Counts reflect all active participants with a balance.

* 參與者計數反映具有餘額的所有活躍參與者。

As of June 30, 2024, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) supported 52,252 plans, 1,559,650 participants, and $ 109,387,555,662.60 in AUMA. John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York supported 2,694 plans, 73,817 participants, and $ 6,015,253,137.22 in AUMA. John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC supported 2,280 plans, 1,590,978 participants, and $111,066,185,714.04 in AUMA. Participant Counts reflect all active participants.




SOURCE John Hancock





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