Seesaw and D2L Brightspace Announce Strategic Partnership to Provide Seamless Learning Experience From Early Elementary Through High School
Seesaw and D2L Brightspace Announce Strategic Partnership to Provide Seamless Learning Experience From Early Elementary Through High School
Two Leading EdTech Platforms Join Forces to Provide Powerful, Age-Appropriate Learning Experiences to Students of All Ages in Canada
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Seesaw, the leading elementary Learning Experience Platform, and D2L Brightspace, a global leader in learning management systems, are pleased to announce a strategic partnership to enhance the K-12 digital learning experience. This partnership is in direct response to the need heard from educational leaders who need age-appropriate teaching and learning tools throughout K-12, effective communication with families, and a comprehensive portrait of a graduate.
舊金山,2024年10月24日 /PRNewswire/ — 領先的基礎學習體驗平台Seesaw和學習管理系統領域的全球領導者D2L Brightspace很高興地宣佈建立戰略合作伙伴關係,以增強k-12數字學習體驗。這種夥伴關係直接回應了教育領導者的需求,他們在整個k-12期間需要適合年齡的教學和學習工具、與家庭的有效溝通以及全面的畢業生畫像。
Addressing District Challenges with a Unified Solution
District leaders frequently encounter the challenge of managing a wide range of digital tools and resources for various grade levels, creating a difficult educational experience for everyone involved. This partnership addresses that issue by uniting best-in-class industry leaders to provide a comprehensive solution that supports educators and families, while advancing students throughout their academic journey—from foundational learning to more complex secondary coursework.
Seesaw introduces young students to developmentally appropriate learning by engaging them in creative activities using multimedia tools like photos, videos, and voice recordings. These tools allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and capture learning from both online and hands-on experiences, which is particularly important in the early years. As students advance to higher grades, D2L Brightspace offers a comprehensive set of learning pathways, assessments, and communication tools tailored to older students, helping prepare them for college and career success. Together, these platforms provide schools with a powerful way to track student achievements, identify learning gaps as they emerge, and document progress throughout a student's educational journey, from junior kindergarten through high school and beyond.
蹺蹺板 通過使用照片、視頻和錄音等多媒體工具讓他們參與創造性活動,向他們介紹適合其發展的學習。這些工具使學生能夠展示自己的知識並從在線和實踐經驗中汲取教訓,這在早期尤其重要。隨着學生升入更高的成績, D2L Brightspace 提供一整套專爲年齡較大的學生量身定製的學習途徑、評估和溝通工具,幫助他們爲大學和職業成功做好準備。這些平台共同爲學校提供了一種強大的方法,可以跟蹤學生的成績,識別出現的學習差距,並記錄學生從初中到高中及以後的整個教育過程中的進度。
"We are excited to partner with D2L Brightspace to provide a powerful pathway to support JK through High School and beyond. Educational leaders often face the challenge of managing multiple digital tools and platforms for different grade levels, and developmental needs, leading to fragmented learning experience for all involved. The Seesaw and D2L partnerships aims to address that challenge by integrating the solutions to provide a cohesive experience for all stakeholders, at every stage of a student's academic journey." said Matt Given, CEO at Seesaw.
「我們很高興能與D2L Brightspace合作,爲支持Jk完成高中及以後的學習提供強有力的途徑。教育領導者經常面臨管理多種數字工具和平台以滿足不同年級和發展需求的挑戰,這會導致所有參與者的學習體驗支離破碎。Seesaw和D2L的合作伙伴關係旨在通過整合解決方案來應對這一挑戰,以便在學生學術旅程的每個階段爲所有利益相關者提供有凝聚力的體驗。」 Seesaw首席執行官馬特·吉文說。
Stephen Laster, President at D2L added, "This partnership allows us to deliver a complete solution that evolves with students as they progress through school. Together, we're empowering educators with the tools they need to enhance learning outcomes and reduce technological complexity."
D2L總裁Stephen Laster補充說:「這種合作關係使我們能夠提供完整的解決方案,該解決方案會隨着學生的進步而發展。我們共同爲教育工作者提供提高學習成果和降低技術複雜性所需的工具。」
Empowering Teachers, Engaging Families
Research indicates that family participation carried out during elementary and secondary school years plays a significant role in student's academic, social and emotional development. By combining Seesaw and D2L Brightspace's best-in-class communications tools, the partnership provides families a true window into their student's classroom experience, while providing more opportunities for parents, students and educators to stay connected. Educators and support systems will have greater visibility into milestone and achievement tracking. In turn, all learners' needs can be more closely evaluated and have their needs met, including those with disabilities, and English Language Learners.
研究表明,小學和中學期間的家庭參與在學生的學業、社交和情感發展中起着重要作用。通過結合 Seesaw 和 D2L Brightspace 的一流通信工具,該合作伙伴關係爲家庭提供了一個了解學生課堂體驗的真正窗口,同時爲家長、學生和教育工作者提供了更多保持聯繫的機會。教育工作者和支持系統將更清楚地了解里程碑和成就跟蹤。反過來,可以更仔細地評估所有學習者的需求並滿足他們的需求,包括殘障學生和英語學習者。
About Seesaw:
關於 Seesaw:
Trusted and loved by 25 million educators, students, and families worldwide, Seesaw is the only elementary learning experience platform, offering a suite of award-winning tools, resources, and curriculum for teachers to deliver joyful, inclusive instruction. Through interactive lessons, digital portfolios, and two-way communication features, Seesaw keeps everyone in the learning loop by providing continuous visibility into the student's learning experience to support and celebrate their learning.
Seesaw受到全球2500萬名教育工作者、學生和家庭的信賴和喜愛,是唯一的基礎學習體驗平台,爲教師提供了一系列屢獲殊榮的工具、資源和課程,以提供快樂、包容的教學。通過互動課程、數字作品集和雙向溝通功能,Seesaw 通過持續了解學生的學習體驗來支持和慶祝他們的學習,從而讓每個人都參與學習循環。
About D2L:
關於 D2L:
D2L is transforming the way the world learns, helping learners achieve more than they dreamed possible. Working closely with customers all over the world, D2L is on a mission to make learning more inspiring, engaging and human. Find out how D2L helps transform lives and delivers outstanding learning outcomes in K-12, higher education and business at .
D2L 正在改變世界的學習方式,幫助學習者取得超出他們夢想的成就。D2L 與世界各地的客戶密切合作,其使命是讓學習更具啓發性、更具吸引力和更人性化。了解 D2L 如何幫助改變生活,並在 k-12、高等教育和商業領域提供卓越的學習成果。
來源 Seesaw