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- Atlas Lithium宣佈其Neves項目已獲得巴西米納斯吉拉斯州政府的運營許可
Atlas Lithium Announces That It Received The Operational Permit For Its Neves Project From The Government Of The State Of Minas Gerais In Brazil
Atlas Lithium Announces That It Received The Operational Permit For Its Neves Project From The Government Of The State Of Minas Gerais In Brazil
Atlas Lithium Corporation (NASDAQ:ATLX) ("Atlas Lithium" or "Company"), a leading lithium exploration and development company, is pleased to announce that it received the operational permit for its Neves Project from the government of the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. With this positive decision, Atlas Lithium has all the needed authorizations to assemble and run its processing plant and develop open-pit mining operations at one of its lithium deposits. This marks a crucial milestone in the Company's goal of becoming a lithium producer.
On October 25, 2024, a voting board comprised of twelve representatives from the local civil society and government unanimously approved Atlas Lithium's license application for its Neves Project, resulting in the formal issuance of the permit. On October 26, 2024, the permit was formally published in the official gazette of the Minas Gerais government. This outcome follows the technical recommendation for approval issued by the Environmental Foundation of Minas Gerais in September 2024.
The permit authorizes Atlas Lithium to assemble and operate its lithium processing plant, to process mined ore from one of its deposits at the facility, and to sell the lithium concentrate that it produces. This key development comes after an extensive technical review process by regulatory agencies that began with the Company's initial permit application on September 1, 2023. The triphasic permit obtained by Atlas Lithium is the most expeditious licensing modality available as it encompasses the initial, the installation, and the operating licenses all within this same issued authorization (known as "LI/LP/LO" in the local regulatory terminology).
領先的鋰勘探和開發公司阿特拉斯鋰業公司(納斯達克股票代碼:ATLX)(「阿特拉斯鋰業」 或 「公司」)欣然宣佈,其Neves項目獲得了巴西米納斯吉拉斯州政府的運營許可。通過這一積極的決定,Atlas Lithium獲得了組裝和運營其加工廠並在其中一個鋰礦牀開發露天採礦業務所需的所有授權。這標誌着公司成爲鋰生產商的目標中的一個關鍵里程碑。
該許可證授權Atlas Lithium組裝和運營其鋰加工廠,從該設施的一個礦牀中加工開採的礦石,並出售其生產的鋰精礦。這一關鍵進展是在監管機構進行了廣泛的技術審查之後取得的,該審查過程始於公司於2023年9月1日的首次許可證申請。Atlas Lithium 獲得的三相許可證是目前可用的最快的許可方式,因爲它包括初始許可證、安裝許可證和運營許可證,所有這些都包含在同一個已頒發的授權(當地監管術語中稱爲 「LI/LP/LO」)中。
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Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
moomoo是Moomoo Technologies Inc.公司提供的金融資訊和交易應用程式。
在美國,moomoo上的投資產品和服務由Moomoo Financial Inc.提供,一家受美國證券交易委員會(SEC)監管的持牌主體。 Moomoo Financial Inc.是金融業監管局(FINRA)和證券投資者保護公司(SIPC)的成員。
在新加坡,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是通過Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.提供,該公司受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)監管(牌照號碼︰CMS101000) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMS) ,持有財務顧問豁免(Exempt Financial Adviser)資質。本內容未經新加坡金融管理局的審查。
在澳大利亞,moomoo上的金融產品和服務是通過Moomoo Securities Australia Limited提供,該公司是受澳大利亞證券和投資委員會(ASIC)監管的澳大利亞金融服務許可機構(AFSL No. 224663)。請閱讀並理解我們的《金融服務指南》、《條款與條件》、《隱私政策》和其他披露文件,這些文件可在我們的網站 https://www.moomoo.com/au中獲取。
在加拿大,透過moomoo應用程式提供的僅限訂單執行的券商服務由Moomoo Financial Canada Inc.提供,並受加拿大投資監管機構(CIRO)監管。
在馬來西亞,moomoo上的投資產品和服務是透過Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 提供,該公司受馬來西亞證券監督委員會(SC)監管(牌照號碼︰eCMSL/A0397/2024) ,持有資本市場服務牌照 (CMSL) 。本內容未經馬來西亞證券監督委員會的審查。
Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.,Moomoo Securities Australia Limited, Moomoo Financial Canada Inc和Moomoo Securities Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 是關聯公司。
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