
Reyna Gold and Reyna Silver Complete Plan of Arrangement and Amend Gryphon Summit Option Agreement

Reyna Gold and Reyna Silver Complete Plan of Arrangement and Amend Gryphon Summit Option Agreement

Reyna黃金和Reyna白銀完成安排計劃並修訂Gryphon Summit期權協議
Accesswire ·  2024/10/31 05:30

VANCOUVER, BC AND HONG KONG / ACCESSWIRE / October 30, 2024 / Reyna Gold Corp. (TSXV:REYG)(OTCQB:REYFG) ("Reyna Gold") and Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV)(OTCQB:RSNVF)(FRA:4ZC) ("Reyna Silver") are pleased to announce the successful completion of the previously announced acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Reyna Gold (the "REYG Shares") by Reyna Silver pursuant to a statutory plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the "Transaction").

溫哥華,卑詩省和香港/ACCESSWIRE/2024年10月30日/Reyna Gold Corp.(TSXV:REYG)(OTCQB:REYFG)("Reyna Gold")和Reyna Silver Corp.(TSXV:RSLV)(OTCQB:RSNVF)(FRA:4ZC)("Reyna Silver")很高興宣佈根據《商業公司法》(哥倫比亞省)下的法定安排實現Reyna Silver成功完成了以前宣佈的收購Reyna Gold的全部已發行和流通普通股("REYG股票")的交易。

"We are delighted to welcome the Reyna Gold shareholders to Reyna Silver," said Jorge Ramiro Monroy, CEO of Reyna Silver. "We thank all the shareholders for their recognition of the synergies and strong support of the merger. Now, we can all look forward to results from our current drill campaign at Gryphon together."

「我們很高興地歡迎Reyna Gold股東加入Reyna Silver,」Reyna Silver首席執行官Jorge Ramiro Monroy表示。“我們感謝所有股東對併購的協同效應和強有力支持的認可。現在,我們可以一起期待我們在Gryphon的現有鑽井活動的結果。

The Transaction


Pursuant to the Transaction, each holder of REYG Shares (a "REYG Shareholder" and collectively, the "REYG Shareholders") received one (1) common share of Reyna Silver (a "RSLV Share") for every three (3) REYG Shares held (the "Consideration").

根據交易,每位REYG股東("REYG股東",統稱"REYG股東")每持有三(3)股REYG股票("考慮辦法")就可收到一(1)股Reyna Silver的普通股(「RSLV股票」)。

As a result of the Transaction, 67,231,221 REYG Shares (excluding 838,750 REYG Shares issued in connection with the Debt Conversion (as defined below) were converted into approximately 22,410,407 RSLV Shares. Former REYG Shareholders (excluding any shares issued in connection with the Debt Conversion (as defined below) now hold approximately 10% of the issued and outstanding RSLV Shares and existing RSLV Shareholders now hold approximately 90% of the issued and outstanding RSLV Shares. The new RSLV Shares issued to former REYG Shareholders as the Consideration are expected to be made available by Reyna Silver's transfer agent to former REYG Shareholder in 3 to 5 business days. Registered shareholders of Reyna Gold that have not yet submitted a letter of transmittal in respect of their REYG Shares should submit their letter of transmittal to the depositary for the Transaction, TSX Trust Company as soon as possible. Copies of the letter of transmittal were included with the Circular (as defined below) and are also available on Reyna Gold's website at .

作爲交易的結果,67,231,221股REYG股票(不包括與債務轉換(如下定義)相關發行的838,750股REYG股票)約爲22,410,407股RSLV股票。前REYG股東(排除與債務轉換(如下定義)相關發行的任何股票)現擁有約爲已發行流通股中的10%的RSLV股票,現有RSLV股東則擁有約爲已發行流通股中的90%的RSLV股票。作爲交易的考慮而發行給以前的REYG股東的新RSLV股票預計將在3至5個工作日內由Reyna Silver的託管代理向以前的REYG股東提供。尚未提交REYG股票轉讓函的Reyna Gold註冊股東應儘快將其轉讓函提交給交易的託管機構,即TSX Trust Company。轉讓函的副本已隨《通函》(如下定義)一起包括,並且也可在Reyna Gold的網站上獲得。

As part of the Transaction, all outstanding options of Reyna Gold vested immediately and were exchanged for the number of options to purchase RSLV Shares based on the exchange ratio discussed in further detail in the Circular. All replacement options will expire on the earlier of (i) the expiration date of the underlying option for which the replacement option was exchanged and (ii) 12 months from the date of issuance of the replacement option.


As a result of the Transaction, Renya Gold has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reyna Silver. Accordingly, the REYG Shares have been halted from trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"). Reyna Silver intends to cause the REYG Shares to be delisted from the TSXV and OTCQB and to submit an application to the applicable securities regulators to cease to be a reporting issuer in order to terminate its public company reporting obligations as soon as possible.

由於交易,雷納黃金已成爲雷納白銀的全資子公司。因此,REYG股票已暫停在TSX Venture Exchange("TSXV")上交易。雷納白銀打算導致REYG股票從TSXV和OTCQb中除牌,並向適當的證券監管機構提交申請,以儘快終止其公開公司報告義務。

Full details regarding the Transaction and information regarding the procedure for the exchange of REYG Shares for the Consideration are provided in the Reyna Gold's management information circular dated September 6, 2024 (the "Circular"). The Circular is available on SEDAR+ under Reyna Gold's profile at and on Reyna Gold's website at .

有關交易的全部細節以及有關將REYG股票換購對價的程序的信息已在雷納黃金於2024年9月6日發佈的管理信息通知書("通知書")中提供。通知書可在雷納黃金在SEDAR+上的檔案以及雷納黃金的網站 和 上找到。

Amendment to Gryphon Summit Option Agreement


Reyna Silver and Reyna Gold are also pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement to amend and restate the terms of their option agreement dated August 29, 2023 (the "Original Agreement") with Golden Gryphon USA Inc. ("Golden Gryphon") pursuant to which Reyna Gold and Reyna Silver, jointly, had the ability to earn up to a 70% equity interest in the Gryphon Summit Project (the "Project"). The amendments to the Original Agreement were effected by an amended and restated option agreement dated October 24, 2024 among Reyna Gold, Reyna Silver and Golden Gryphon (the "Amended Agreement").

雷納白銀和雷納黃金也很高興宣佈,他們已達成協議,修訂及重新規定了 2023年8月29日簽訂的與Golden Gryphon USA Inc.("Golden Gryphon")有關的期權協議("原協議"),根據該協議,雷納黃金和雷納白銀共同有權獲得格里芬山峯項目("項目")高達70%股權。原協議的修訂通過2024年10月24日雷納黃金、雷納白銀和Golden Gryphon簽署的修訂並重新規定的期權協議("修訂協議")生效。

The Amended Agreement reflects changes resulting from the Transaction and provides that Reyna Silver will assume all of Reyna Gold's rights and obligations under the Original Agreement. As a result, among other things, Reyna Silver now has the sole ability to earn up to a 70% equity interest in the Project (the "Option"). The Amended Agreement also defers certain cash payments due to Golden Gryphon on October 31, 2024 until January 31, 2025 in exchange for an additional cash payment of $10,000 and the obligation to issue an additional 100,000 RSLV Shares to Golden Gryphon, subject to the policies of and acceptance by the TSXV.

修訂協議反映了交易帶來的變化,並規定雷納白銀將承擔雷納黃金在原協議下的所有權利和義務。因此,雷納白銀現在獨自有能力最多獲得項目的70%股權("期權")。修訂協議還推遲了在2024年10月31日到期的某些現金支付,直至2025年1月31日,以換取額外的10000美元現金支付和發行額外的100000股RSLV股票給Golden Gryphon,取決於TSXV的政策和接受。

The Amended Agreement and the issuance of common shares of Reyna Silver under the Amended Agreement is conditional on the acceptance of the TSXV. A copy of the Amended Agreement will be filed on Reyna Silver's SEDAR+ profile at

對Reyna Silver根據修訂協議發行普通股一事的確認,取決於TSXV的接受。修訂協議副本將在Reyna Silver的SEDAR+個人資料中進行備案

The Debt Conversion


As contemplated in Reyna Gold's October 11, 2024 news release, immediately prior to the consummation of the Transaction, Reyna Gold issued 838,750 REYG Shares (the "Debt Shares") to certain directors and officers in exchange for the cancellation of $41,937.50 of outstanding director and management fees (the "Debt Conversion"). The Debt Shares were issued at a deemed price of $0.05, in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. All securities issued pursuant to the Debt Conversion are subject to a statutory four-month and one-day hold period. Pursuant to the Transaction, the Debt Shares issued were converted into common shares of Reyna Silver on the basis of one (1) RSLV Share for every three (3) REYG Shares. After giving effect to the Transaction and the Debt Conversion (and subsequent conversion of the Debt Shares into RSLV Shares), there are currently approximately 222,371,274 outstanding RSLV Shares. The Debt Conversion constituted a "related party transaction" as that term is defined in Multilateral Instrument 61-101: Protection of Minority Securityholders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). Reyna Gold relied on the exemptions from the valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101, as neither the fair market value of the Debt Shares nor the settled debt exceeded 25% of Reyna Gold's market capitalization.

根據Reyna Gold 2024年10月11日新聞發佈的相關內容,交易完成前,Reyna Gold向某些董事和高管發行了838,750股REYG股份(「債務股份」),以換取未支付的董事和管理費41,937.50美元的取消(「債務轉換」)。債務股份的發行價格爲0.05美元,符合TSXV的政策。根據債務轉換髮行的所有證券將受到法定的四個月零一天的限制期限。根據交易,發行的債務股份按照三(3)股REYG股票兌換爲一(1)股Reyna Silver普通股。在交易和債務轉換(以及債務股份轉換爲RSLV股份後)生效後,目前尚有約222,371,274股RSLV流通股。債務轉換構成了「關聯方交易」,如《多邊機構儀61-101:特別交易中少數股東的保護》(「MI 61-101」)所定義。Reyna Gold依賴於MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條款中對MI 61-101的估值和少數股東批准要求的豁免,因爲債務股份的公平市值和已清償的債務都未超過Reyna Gold市值的25%。

Resignation and Appointment of Reyna Gold Directors

Reyna Gold董事辭職和任命事宜

Following the Transaction, all the directors and officers of Reyna Gold voluntarily agreed to resign from their positions. Jorge Ramiro Monroy, Michael Wood and Alexander Langer have been appointed as the new board of directors of Reyna Gold.

在交易完成後,Reyna Gold的所有董事和高管自願同意辭去職務。Jorge Ramiro Monroy、Michael Wood和Alexander Langer已被任命爲Reyna Gold的新董事會成員。

Early Warning Reporting


By virtue of its acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding REYG Shares under the Transaction, Reyna Silver is required to file an early warning report pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Report Issues. A copy of the early warning report will be filed on Reyna Gold's SEDAR+ profile at .

Reyna Silver作爲交易中全部發行和流通的REYG股份的收購方,根據《全國儀62-103 - 早期警示系統及相關要約收購和內幕報告事項》需要提交一份早期警示報告。早期警示報告的副本將在Reyna Gold的SEDAR+個人資料中進行備案

For Further Information, Please Contact:


Reyna Gold Corp.
Michael Wood
Chief Executive Officer
T: +852 2501 9328

Reyna Gold公司。
Michael Wood
電話:+852 2501 9328

Reyna Silver Corp.
Jorge Ramiro Monroy
Chief Executive Officer
T: +1 (778) 504-1344

Reyna Silver Corp.
Jorge Ramiro Monroy
電話:+1 (778) 504-1344

About Reyna Gold Corp.

關於Reyna Gold Corp。

Reyna Gold is a gold exploration company focused on district-scale exploration. Reyna Gold has a portfolio of assets on the Mojave-Sonora Megashear and the Sierra Madre Gold in Mexico. Reyna Gold has an experienced management team with a proven track record of wealth creation through project discovery, advancement, and monetization. Reyna Gold is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reyna Silver and intends to apply to have its shares delisted from the TSXV and OTCQB and to cease to be a reporting issuer.


About Reyna Silver Corp.

關於Reyna Silver Corp。

Reyna Silver is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company. Reyna Silver focuses on exploring for high-grade, district-scale silver deposits in Mexico and the United States. In Nevada USA, Reyna Silver has entered into an option to acquire 70% of the 12,058-hectare "Gryphon Summit Project". The Gryphon Project shows features indicating uniquely superimposed/overprinted Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper Carbonate Replacement (CRD), Carlin Gold and Critical Metals mineralization. Also in Nevada, Reyna Silver is advancing its option to acquire 100% of the "Medicine Springs Project" where Reyna Silver is exploring a potentially significant Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper CRD-skarn-Porphyry system. Reyna Silver's Mexican assets are 100% owned and include the "Guigui Project" and "Batopilas Project", both located in Chihuahua State. The Guigui Project covers the interpreted source area for the Santa Eulalia Carbonate Replacement Deposit District and Batopilas covers most of Mexico's historically highest-grade silver system.

蕾娜白銀是一家以增長爲導向的初級勘探和開發公司。蕾娜白銀專注於在墨西哥和美國探索高品位、區域尺度的白銀礦牀。在美國內華達州,蕾娜白銀已經簽署了一項收購70%12,058公頃「Gryphon峯會項目」的選擇權。Gryphon項目顯示出顯示出獨特疊加的銀-鉛-鋅-銅碳酸鹽置換(CRD)、Carlin黃金和重要金屬礦化特徵。同樣在內華達州,蕾娜白銀正在推進其收購「Medicine Springs項目」100%的選擇權,蕾娜白銀正在探索一個潛在重要的銀-鉛-鋅-銅CRD-矽卡巖-斑岩系統。蕾娜白銀的墨西哥資產是100%擁有,包括位於奇瓦瓦州的「Guigui項目」和「Batopilas項目」。Guigui項目涵蓋了聖尤利亞碳酸鹽置換礦牀區的推測來源區,而Batopilas則涵蓋了墨西哥歷史上品位最高的銀礦系統大部分區域。

Forward Looking Information


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under applicable Canadian, United States and other applicable securities laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, statements with respect to: results of the drill campaign at the Gryphon Summit Project, results the application of Reyna Gold to cease being a reporting issuer in applicable jurisdictions, the application of certain exemptions found in MI 61-101, the terms and conditions of the Original Agreement and the Amended Agreement, the ability of the Reyna Silver (and if applicable, Reyna Gold) to fully earn in under the Option, the ability of Reyna Silver and Reyna Gold to receive TSXV approval of the Amended Agreement, and the business and operations of Reyna Silver and Reyna Gold. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward looking information and are based on Reyna Gold's and Reyna Silver's current beliefs or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as Reyna Gold's and Reyna Silver's actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include, among others, risks related to the required regulatory and other consents and approvals for the Amended Agreement, and the other risks factors set forth in the "Risk Factors" section in Reyna Gold's and Reyna Silver's latest management discussion and analysis and in the Circular. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to Reyna Gold and Reyna Silver. The forward-looking information contained in this news release is made as of the date hereof and Reyna Gold and Reyna Silver undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

本新聞稿中包含的某些聲明構成根據適用於加拿大、美國和其他適用證券法律、規則和法規的前瞻性信息,包括但不限於涉及:獅鷲峯項目鑽探活動的結果、雷納金申請在適用司法轄區中停止成爲報告發行人、符合MI 61-101中某些豁免的申請、原始協議和修訂協議的條款和條件、雷納銀(如適用,雷納金)在期權下完全取得的能力、雷納銀和雷納金獲得tsxv批准修訂協議的能力,以及雷納銀和雷納金的業務和運營。這些聲明涉及未來事件或未來業績。使用"可能"、"打算"、"預計"、"相信"、"將"、"預測"、"估計"等詞彙和與非歷史事實相關的聲明,旨在識別前瞻性信息,並基於雷納金和雷納銀對這些未來事件的結果和時間的當前信念或假設。無法保證這些聲明將被證明準確,因爲雷納金和雷納銀的實際結果和未來事件可能與這些前瞻性聲明中預期的結果大不相同。可能導致實際結果和未來事件與這些前瞻性聲明中預期的結果大不相同的因素包括需要對修訂協議獲得的監管和其他同意和批准的風險,以及雷納金和雷納銀最新管理層討論和分析及《通知》中列明的其他風險因素中設定的風險。撰寫前瞻性信息中的結論或制定前瞻性信息的預測通常是基於雷納金和雷納銀目前可獲得的信息。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息截至本日,並且雷納金和雷納銀無義務更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息,除非適用證券法要求。由於本文中包含的風險、不確定性和假設,投資者不應過度依賴前瞻性信息。前述聲明明確資格任何在此包含的前瞻性信息。

Information About Each Company


Information in this news release about Reyna Silver has been provided by, and is the responsibility of, Reyna Silver. For further information about Reyna Silver, please refer to Reyna Silver's filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities under its issuer profile on SEDAR+. Information in this news release about Reyna Gold has been provided by, and is the responsibility of, Reyna Gold. For further information about Reyna Gold, please refer to Reyna Gold's filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities under its issuer profile on SEDAR+.

有關Reyna Silver的這則新聞發佈的信息由Reyna Silver提供和負責。有關Reyna Silver的更多信息,請參閱其在SEDAR+上的發行人簡介下加拿大證券監管機構的文件。有關Reyna Gold的這則新聞發佈的信息由Reyna Gold提供和負責。有關Reyna Gold的更多信息,請參閱其在SEDAR+上的發行人簡介下加拿大證券監管機構的文件。

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSXV 及其監管服務提供方(如 TSXV 政策中所定義的那樣)不對此發佈的充分或準確性負責。

SOURCE: Reyna Silver Corp.

來源:Reyna Silver Corp。

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