Borealis Drills 4.06 G/t Gold Over 21.3 Metres Within 2.25 G/t Gold Over 99.1 Metres at Historical Graben Deposit in Nevada
Borealis Drills 4.06 G/t Gold Over 21.3 Metres Within 2.25 G/t Gold Over 99.1 Metres at Historical Graben Deposit in Nevada
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 13, 2024) - Borealis Mining Company Limited (TSXV: BOGO) (FSE: L4B0) (the "Company" or "Borealis") is pleased to announce the assay results from several drillholes at the Graben target completed as part of its ongoing ~3,500 metre drill program at its Borealis Gold Project in the Walker Lane trend of Nevada.
安大略省多倫多--(資訊 CORP - 2024年11月13日)- Borealis Mining Company Limited (TSXV: BOGO) (FSE: L4B0)("公司"或"Borealis")很高興地宣佈在內華達州Walker Lane趨勢的Borealis黃金項目的持續約3500米鑽探計劃中,Graben目標的多口鑽孔的 assay 結果。
Drilling at the Graben historical gold deposit has demonstrated large widths of highly consistent gold mineralization within an extremely silicified and sulfidized body.
Highlights include:
DHBM011 which returned 2.25 g/t Au over 99.1 m including 4.06 g/t Au over 21.3 m;
DHBM013 which returned 2.11 g/t Au over 36.6 m including 8.24 g/t Au over 4.6 m, and 2.06 g/t Au over 27.4 m further downhole; and
DHBM008 which returned 1.58 g/t Au over 45.7 m.
Kelly Malcolm, CEO of Borealis, comments "We're very pleased to see large widths of strong grades of gold at the Graben historical gold deposit. These intervals confirm and expand upon known historical results which indicate a large body of near-surface gold mineralization. We intend to return to the Graben area early in 2025 to test for additional high-grade ore shoots and attempt to grow the system, especially to the north where it remains wide open. The Graben zone is particularly intriguing in that Borealis is already permitted to conduct a 55,000 tonne underground bulk sample, which was proposed to be completed through a ramp in the adjacent Freedom Flats pit.
Borealis的首席執行官Kelly Malcolm評論道:「我們很高興看到Graben歷史黃金礦牀的強黃金品位大寬度。這些間隔確認並擴展了已知的歷史結果,這表明有大量近地表的黃金礦化。我們打算在2025年初返回Graben區域,以測試額外的高品位礦脈並努力拓展系統,特別是在北部,那裏仍然寬廣。Graben區域特別有趣,因爲Borealis已經獲得許可進行5.5萬噸的地下大樣本,這項提議將通過相鄰的Freedom Flats坑道完成。」
Borealis is also busy on many other fronts, including continued oxide-focused RC drilling on the western portion of the Borealis project, geological mapping and sampling, residual leaching of our existing permitted heap leach pad, and planning and preparing for crushing our 330 thousand tonne stockpile of oxide mineralization from prior operations and resumption of mining within our fully permitted mine site."
Please see Figure 1 for a map of the drillhole locations and surrounding permitted infrastructure, Figure 2 for a longitudinal section of several of the holes released, Table 1 for composite assay results, and Table 2 for drillhole coordinates.
The results in this release are largely related to the Graben historical gold deposit (documented in the current Borealis NI 43-101 Technical Status Report, filed on SEDAR+). The Graben historical gold deposit is classified as a high-sulfidation epithermal system. It occurs within Miocene andesite volcanics below ~130 metres of alluvium and post-mineral sedimentary cover rocks. Gold is closely associated with pyrite and marcasite, multi-phase hydrothermal breccias, intense silica alteration, and quartz veining. High-grade pods occur within the large blanket of lower grade mineralization. The Graben system is situated to the west and northwest of the Freedom Flats pit (Figure 1), and may in fact be part of the same mineralizing system as evident by historic drilling. A number of metallurgical studies have been conducted on Graben material throughout its history, as detailed in Borealis' current technical report (filed on SEDAR+), which indicates the material is amenable to flotation and/or oxidation.
本次發佈的結果主要與Graben歷史黃金存款有關(在當前的Borealis NI 43-101技術報告中有詳細記錄,並已提交到SEDAR+)。Graben歷史黃金存款被歸類爲高硫化熱液系統。它位於約130米的沖積物和後礦沉積岩覆蓋層下的中新世安山岩中。黃金與黃鐵礦和白鐵礦、多個相的熱液角礫岩、強烈的硅質改造和石英脈密切相關。高品位礦體出現在大範圍低品位礦化的覆蓋層中。Graben系統位於Freedom Flats礦坑的西部和西北部(見圖1),實際上可能是同一礦化系統的一部分,這一點在歷史鑽探中得到了證明。在Graben材料的整個歷史中,進行了一些冶金研究,詳細信息見Borealis當前的技術報告(已提交到SEDAR+),該報告表明這些材料適合浮選和/或氧化。
Figure 1: Plan map showing the locations of reported drillholes and surrounding permitted infrastructure.
Figure 2: Longitudinal cross section through the Graben historical gold deposit of a portion of today's results displayed with historical drill results and historical 2011 block model. Section shown is 50 metres wide. Current drillholes are shown with wider drilltraces and historical drillholes are shown with narrower drilltraces.
Table 1: Composite assay results of the reported drillholes. True widths are estimated to be between 75 and 100% of reported widths, as determined by historical drill results and historical modelling, but accurate true widths are not known at this time.
BHID | From (m) | To (m) | Length (m) | Au (g/t) | Au Metal Factor |
DHBM011 | 184.4 | 283.5 | 99.1 | 2.24 | 221.984 |
including | 245.4 | 266.7 | 21.3 | 4.06 | 79.596 |
DHBM013 | 193.5 | 230.1 | 36.6 | 2.11 | 77.226 |
including | 221 | 225.6 | 4.6 | 8.24 | 37.904 |
and | 312.4 | 339.9 | 27.4 | 2.06 | 56.444 |
DHBM008 | 187.5 | 233.2 | 45.72 | 1.58 | 72.2376 |
DHBM007 | 166.7 | 223.1 | 56.4 | 1.15 | 64.86 |
DHBM006A | 181.8 | 274.6 | 92.2 | 0.6 | 55.32 |
DHBM007A | 222.7 | 246.3 | 23.6 | 1.9 | 44.84 |
DHBM010 | 189.9 | 213.7 | 23.8 | 0.7 | 16.66 |
DHBM006 | 176 | 189 | 13 | 1.07 | 13.91 |
BHID | 深度(米) | 到(m) | 長度 (米) | 黃金(克/噸) | Au 金屬因數 |
DHBM011 | 184.4 | 283.5 | 99.1 | 2.24 | 221.984 |
包括 | 245.4 | 266.7 | 21.3 | 4.06 | 79.596 |
DHBM013 | 193.5 | 230.1 | 36.6 | 2.11 | 77.226 |
包括 | 221 | 225.6 | 4.6 | 8.24 | 37.904 |
和 | 312.4 | 339.9 | 27.4 | 2.06 | 56.444 |
DHBM008 | 187.5 | 233.2 | 45.72 | 1.58 | 72.2376 |
DHBM007 | 166.7 | 223.1 | 56.4 | 1.15 | 64.86 |
DHBM006A | 181.8 | 274.6 | 92.2 | 0.6 | 55.32 |
DHBM007A | 222.7 | 246.3 | 23.6 | 1.9 | 44.84 |
DHBM010 | 189.9 | 213.7 | 23.8 | 0.7 | 16.66 |
DHBM006 | 176 | 189 | 13 | 1.07 | 13.91 |
Table 2: Coordinates and details of today's reported drill results
BHID | X | Y | Z | Length (m) |
Azimuth | Dip | Target | Comment |
DHBM004 | 447080 | 1320890 | 6896 | 61.6 | 44.2 | -54.1 | Freedom Flats Extension | Anomalous mineralization |
DHBM005 | 451317 | 1324300 | 7233 | 47.9 | 191.3 | -59.9 | Crocodile Ridge | Anomalous mineralization |
DHBM006 | 446737 | 1321615 | 7027 | 200.3 | 292.1 | -76.3 | Graben | Failed to reach main target |
DHBM006A | 446739 | 1321621 | 7027 | 285.4 | 290.5 | -75 | Graben | Re-Drill of DHBM006 |
DHBM007 | 446576 | 1321327 | 7024 | 284.1 | 165.98 | -80.16 | Graben | Failed to reach main target |
DHBM007A | 446575 | 1321343 | 7024 | 249.0 | 152.5 | -81.84 | Graben | Re-Drill of DHBM007 |
DHBM008 | 446820 | 1322604 | 7023 | 267.6 | 174.79 | -80.73 | Graben | Majority of target intercepted and ended in mineralization |
DHBM009 | 446584 | 1321353 | 7024 | 74.1 | 53 | -78 | Graben | Failed to reach target |
DHBM010 | 446829 | 1322389 | 7035 | 213.7 | 0 | -90 | Graben | Ended in mineralization and failed to reach target |
DHBM011 | 446520 | 1321375 | 7025 | 318.5 | 177.9 | -77 | Graben | Successfully drilled through target |
DHBM012 | 446836 | 1322371 | 7035 | 166.1 | 0 | -90 | Graben | Abandoned in cover rocks |
DHBM013 | 446838 | 1322363 | 7035 | 342.9 | 0 | -90 | Graben | Majority of target intercepted and ended in mineralization |
BHID | X | Y | Z | 長度 (米) |
方位 | 傾斜 | 目標 | 評論 |
DHBM004 | 447080 | 1320890 | 6896 | 61.6 | 44.2 | -54.1 | 自由公寓擴展 | 異常礦化 |
DHBM005 | 451317 | 1324300 | 7233 | 47.9 | 191.3 | -59.9 | 鱷魚嶺 | 異常礦化 |
DHBM006 | 446737 | 1321615 | 7027 | 200.3 | 292.1 | -76.3 | 格拉本 | 未能達到主要目標 |
DHBM006A | 446739 | 1321621 | 7027 | 285.4 | 290.5 | -75 | 格拉本 | DHBM006的重新鑽探 |
DHBM007 | 446576 | 1321327 | 7024 | 284.1 | 165.98 | -80.16 | 格拉本 | 未能達到主要目標 |
DHBM007A | 446575 | 1321343 | 7024 | 249.0 | 152.5 | -81.84 | 抓爾本 | DHBM007的重鑽 |
DHBM008 | 446820 | 1322604 | 7023 | 267.6 | 174.79 | -80.73 | 格拉本 | 大部分目標被攔截並結束於礦化 |
DHBM009 | 446584 | 1321353 | 7024 | 74.1 | 53 | -78 | 格拉本 | 未能達到目標 |
DHBM010 | 446829 | 1322389 | 7035 | 213.7 | 0 | -90 | 格拉本 | 以礦化結束,未能達到目標 |
DHBM011 | 446520 | 1321375 | 7025 | 318.5 | 177.9 | -77 | 抓鬥 | 成功穿透目標 |
DHBM012 | 446836 | 1322371 | 7035 | 166.1 | 0 | -90 | 裂谷 | 在覆蓋岩石中被遺棄 |
DHBM013 | 446838 | 1322363 | 7035 | 342.9 | 0 | -90 | 格拉本 | 大部分目標被攔截並以礦化結束 |
Corporate Matters
The Company has engaged OGIB Corporate Bulletin ("OGIB") from November 12, 2024 for a term of nine months, to provide digital marketing services, including content creation, distribution and market awareness campaigns. OGIB is a subscription service based in Victoria, British Columbia, which provides research on public companies and is wholly-owned by Keith Schaefer. OGIB received a total fee of CAD$40,000 in consideration for services to be provided through the term of the engagement. To the Company's knowledge, neither OGIB nor Mr. Shaefer have any interest, directly or indirectly, in the securities of the Company.
公司已於2024年11月12日起聘請OGIb公司公告("OGIB")爲期九個月,提供數字營銷服務,包括內容創作、分發和市場宣傳活動。OGIb是一項基於不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞的訂閱服務,提供關於上市公司的研究,完全由Keith Schaefer擁有。OGIb因提供服務而收取總額爲40,000加元的費用,涵蓋聘用期間提供的服務。根據公司的了解,OGIb及Shaefer先生均沒有直接或間接地持有公司的證券。
Upcoming Investor Conferences and Events
December 3-5, Mines & Money, London
Qualified Person and QA&QC
The scientific and technical content of this news release was reviewed, verified, and approved by Kelly Malcolm, P.Geo., Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
本新聞稿的科學和技術內容已由公司首席執行官Kelly Malcolm, P.Geo.審查、驗證和批准,他是一位符合加拿大證券管理局國家工具43-101定義的合格人員。
The quality assurance and quality control protocols in place at Borealis include insertion of blank or standard samples every 10 samples on average, in addition to the regular insertion of blank duplicate, and standard samples by the analytical laboratory during the assay process. The assay results presented herein are derived from both diamond drill core and RC drill chips. For diamond drill core, geologists mark out samples for geotechnicians to saw in half, from which one half is retained at the Borealis mine site and the other half is submitted for assay. For RC drilling, geologists supervise riffle splitting of RC return at the drill site. Samples were submitted to both ALS Global's Reno, NV laboratory and Paragon Geochemical's Sparks, NV laboratory. At ALS, samples were treated with a 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish, along with a four-acid multi-element analysis (MS-MS61). At Paragon, samples were treated either with a 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish or a 300-500 gram PhotonAssay for Au, and four-acid multi-element analysis (48MA-MS).
Borealis的質量保證和質量控制協議包括平均每10個樣本插入一個空白樣本或標準樣本,此外,在分析實驗室的測定過程中還定期插入空白重複樣本和標準樣本。本報告提供的分析結果來自於金剛石鑽探巖芯和RC鑽探碎屑。對於金剛石鑽探巖芯,地質學家會標記樣本以供地質技術人員切割,一半保留在Borealis礦區,另一半提交進行檢驗。對於RC鑽探,地質學家監督在鑽探現場進行的RC返回樣本的分裂。樣本提交給了ALS Global在內華達州雷諾的實驗室和Paragon Geochemical在內華達州斯帕克斯的實驗室。在ALS,樣本經過30克火法測試並附以AA結尾,此外還進行了四酸多元素分析(MS-MS61)。在Paragon,樣本經過30克火法測試並附以AA結尾或300-500克的PhotonAssay(用於金),以及四酸多元素分析(48MA-MS)。
Borealis Mine
The Borealis mine property, located close to the town of Hawthorne, NV, is fully permitted and equipped for present mine operations and future expansion, with existing open pits, heap leach pads, modern infrastructure, and a functional ADR facility which produces doré bars. The project has historically produced over 600,000 ounces of gold from an open pit heap leach operation. It is an under-explored property and has not been drilled since 2011. The property possesses high grade expansion potential with excellent historical drilling results, along with a number of untested regional targets.
About Borealis
Borealis is a gold mining and exploration company focused on exploration and resumption of production of the Borealis Mine in Nevada. The Borealis Mine is a fully permitted minesite, equipped with active heap leach pads, an ADR facility, and all necessary infrastructure to support a heap leach gold mining operation. In addition to the mine, the property, comprised of 751 unpatented mining claims of approximately 20 acres each totalling approximately 15,020 acres and one unpatented mill site claim of about five acres located in western Nevada, is highly prospective for additional high-sulfidation gold mineralization. Borealis is led by a strong board and management team, many of whom have founded, managed, and sold highly successful mining and exploration companies.
For further information, please contact:
Kelly Malcolm
President and Chief Executive Officer
Office: (289) 371-3371
辦公室: (289) 371-3371
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