
Cracker Barrel's Board Urges Shareholders to Vote the WHITE Card "FOR ONLY" Cracker Barrel's 10 Recommended Director Nominees in Advance of Company's Annual Meeting This Week

Cracker Barrel's Board Urges Shareholders to Vote the WHITE Card "FOR ONLY" Cracker Barrel's 10 Recommended Director Nominees in Advance of Company's Annual Meeting This Week

Cracker Barrel的董事會敦促股東在公司本週的年度股東大會之前投票 WHITE Card「僅限」支持Cracker Barrel的10位推薦董事候選人。
PR Newswire ·  2024/11/18 12:46

The Company's Strategic Transformation Plan Is Taking Hold and Showing Results


Carl Berquist and Meg Crofton Have Been Change Agents and Bring Valuable Experience and Skillsets to Cracker Barrel's Board

Carl Berquist和Meg Crofton已成爲變革推動者,併爲Cracker Barrel的董事會帶來寶貴的經驗和技能

Election of Sardar Biglari and Milena Albert-Perez Would Jeopardize the Company's Momentum

選舉Sardar Biglari和Milena Albert-Perez將危及公司的勢頭

2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders Scheduled for November 21, 2024; For Additional Information on How to Vote Visit


LEBANON, Tenn., Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. ("Cracker Barrel" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: CBRL) today reminds all shareholders to vote the universal WHITE proxy card "FOR ONLY" Cracker Barrel's 10 Recommended Director Nominees to protect the value of their investment; continue the momentum of the Company's strategic transformation plan; and ensure Cracker Barrel remains a beloved and relevant restaurant brand for many years to come.

田納西州,黎巴嫩,2024年11月18日 / PRNewswire / - Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.("Cracker Barrel"或"公司")(納斯達克:CBRL)今天提醒所有股東投票全權 代表卡"僅限"投票選票FOR來保護其投資價值;繼續公司的戰略轉型計劃的勢頭;並確保Cracker Barrel在未來多年內仍然是一家備受喜愛和相關的餐廳品牌 白色 投票時,Cracker Barrel提醒您:

In casting your vote, Cracker Barrel reminds you that:

在投票時,Cracker Barrel提醒您:

Cracker Barrel's strategic transformation plan is building momentum across operations as demonstrated by our preliminary first quarter FY 2025 results and reaffirmation of our FY 2025 outlook. Fiscal 2025 is off to a strong start, with early favorable results on our strategic initiatives and comparable store sales and traffic results that outperformed the Casual Dining industry.

Cracker Barrel的戰略轉型計劃正在加速推進,初步公佈的2025財年第一季度結果以及對2025財年展望的重申表明,業務正呈現出增長勢頭。2025財年開局強勁,戰略舉措取得了早期積極成果,並且可比店鋪銷售額和客流量的結果表現優於休閒餐飲行業。

The Board and management team continue to act with urgency in implementing our long-term strategic transformation plan designed to return Cracker Barrel to growth and profitability. We are carefully pacing the investments that are part of the plan by methodically testing initiatives and scaling the initiatives with the highest demonstrated returns.

董事會和管理團隊繼續緊急採取行動,執行旨在使Cracker Barrel重回增長和盈利的長期戰略轉型計劃。我們正在謹慎地推進計劃中的投資,通過系統地測試舉措並根據回報最高的舉措逐步擴大規模。

Sardar Biglari continues to misrepresent Cracker Barrel's capital spending plan. We are NOT spending $600 - $700 million on store remodels over the next three years as Mr. Biglari falsely claims. Our strategic plan contemplates spending $225 - $325 million in incremental capital (i.e., over and above our normal rates of capital spending). Store remodels are only a part of this incremental amount. Other investments include improvements to our technology and highly successful loyalty program in order to drive traffic.

Sardar Biglari繼續誤導關於Cracker Barrel資本支出計劃的信息。我們不會像Biglari先生錯誤宣稱的那樣,在接下來的三年內花費70000萬美元進行店鋪翻新。我們的戰略計劃考慮在額外資本支出方面花費32500萬美元(即高於我們正常資本支出速度)。店鋪翻新只是這個額外金額的一部分。其他投資包括改進我們的技術和極爲成功的忠誠計劃,以吸引客流。

Carl Berquist and Meg Crofton are change agents for the Board and the business, while also serving as important sources of stability and institutional knowledge. With Mr. Berquist's support and under Ms. Crofton's leadership as the Chair of the Company's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, over the past 12 months, all five of Cracker Barrel's longest tenured directors will have left the Board; these individuals included the former Board Chair, former Compensation Committee Chair, and former CEO.

Carl Berquist和Meg Crofton是董事會和業務的變革者,同時也是重要的穩定和機構知識來源。在Berquist先生的支持下,並在Crofton女士作爲公司提名和公司治理委員會主席的領導下,過去12個月中,Cracker Barrel的五位任期最長的董事都將離開董事會;這些人包括前董事會主席、前薪酬委員會主席和前首席執行官。

Multiple proxy advisory firms have joined the Company in urging shareholders to "WITHHOLD" support for Sardar Biglari and Milena Alberti-Perez. ISS, Glass Lewis, and Egan Jones all stressed the extremely poor corporate governance history of Mr. Biglari and did not support his candidacy. Additionally, ISS and Egan-Jones both found Ms. Alberti-Perez's ignorance of Cracker Barrel's business and her lack of preparation to become a director to be disqualifying, especially given her lack of relevant industry experience.

多家代理機構聯合公司敦促股東們"WITHHOLD"對Sardar Biglari和Milena Alberti-Perez的支持。ISS、Glass Lewis和Egan Jones都強調了Biglari先生極其糟糕的企業治理歷史,不支持他的候選資格。此外,ISS和Egan-Jones都認爲Alberti-Perez女士對Cracker Barrel的業務一無所知以及她沒有爲成爲董事做好準備是不合格的,特別是考慮到她缺乏相關行業經驗。

We are confident the Board's 10 Recommended Director NomineesCarl Berquist, Jody Bilney, Meg Crofton, Gilbert Dávila, John Garratt, Michael Goodwin, Cheryl Henry, Julie Masino, Gisel Ruiz, and Darryl "Chip" Wade – are the right ones to ensure Cracker Barrel thrives today, tomorrow and well into the future and that the strategic transformation plan being implemented by the Company's leadership team is the right one to deliver value for ALL shareholders. Our recommended director nominees have the right set of skills to drive this change forward.

我們有信心董事會的10位推薦董事提名人 ── Carl Berquist、Jody Bilney、Meg Crofton、Gilbert Dávila、John Garratt、Michael Goodwin、Cheryl Henry、Julie Masino、Gisel Ruiz 和 Darryl "Chip" Wade ── 是確保餅店今天、明天和未來蓬勃發展的正確人選,而公司領導團隊正在實施的戰略轉型計劃是爲所有股東創造價值的正確之舉。我們推薦的董事候選人具備推動這一變革前進的正確技能組合。

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be on November 21, 2024. Shareholders on record as of September 27, 2024, are entitled to vote at the meeting. For more information on how to vote, or for supporting materials and other important information, shareholders can refer to


YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. Whether or not you plan to virtually attend the Annual Meeting, please take a few minutes now to vote by Internet or by telephone by following the instructions on the WHITE proxy card you have received, or sign, date and return the WHITE proxy card in the postage-paid envelope provided. If you are a beneficial owner or you hold your shares in "street name," please follow the voting instructions provided by your bank, broker or other nominee. Regardless of the number of Company shares you own, your presence by proxy is helpful to establish a quorum and your vote is important.



我們的董事會一致推薦"僅" 投票支持白色代理卡上嘉士伯的10位推薦候選人。

If you have any questions or require any assistance with voting your shares,
please call the Company's proxy solicitor:
1212 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Banks and Brokerage Firms, Please Call: (212) 297-0720
Shareholders and All Others Call Toll-Free: (855) 208-8902
Email: [email protected]

券商和銀行,請致電:(212) 297-0720
股東和其他人請撥打免費電話:(855) 208-8902
電子郵件: [email protected]

Forward Looking Statements
Except for specific historical information, certain of the matters discussed in this communication may express or imply projections of items such as revenues or expenditures, statements of plans and objectives or future operations or statements of future economic performance. These and similar statements regarding events or results that Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. ("Cracker Barrel" or the "Company") expects will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements concerning matters that involve risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results and performance of the Company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking information is provided pursuant to the safe harbor established under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and should be evaluated in the context of these risks, uncertainties and other factors. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "trends," "assumptions," "target," "guidance," "outlook," "opportunity," "future," "plans," "goals," "objectives," "expectations," "near-term," "long-term," "projection," "may," "will," "would," "could," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "potential," "regular," "should," "projects," "forecasts," or "continue" (or the negative or other derivatives of each of these terms) or similar terminology.

除特定歷史信息外,本通信討論的事項可能表達或暗示諸如收入或支出、計劃和目標的預測、未來經營或未來經濟績效的聲明。這些以及類似的關於Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc. ("Cracker Barrel"或"公司")預計未來將會或可能發生的事件或結果的聲明是涉及涉及風險、不確定因素和其他可能導致公司實際結果和業績與此類前瞻性陳述形成實際差異的前瞻性聲明。所有前瞻性信息均根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》確立的安全港提供,並應在這些風險、不確定因素和其他因素的背景下進行評估。前瞻性聲明通常可以通過使用前瞻性術語(如"趨勢"、"假設"、"目標"、"指導"、"展望"、"機會"、"未來"、"計劃"、"目標"、"期望"、"短期"、"長期"、"投影"、"可能"、"將"、"會"、"能夠"、"期望"、"打算"、"估計"、"預期"、"相信"、"潛在"、"定期"、"應當"、"項目"、"預測"或"繼續"(或這些術語的否定或其他衍生詞)或類似術語來識別。

The Company believes that the assumptions underlying any forward-looking statements are reasonable; however, any of the assumptions could be inaccurate, and therefore, actual results may differ materially from those projected in or implied by the forward-looking statements. In addition to the risks of ordinary business operations, factors and risks that may result in actual results differing from this forward-looking information include, but are not limited to risks and uncertainties associated with inflationary conditions with respect to the price of commodities, ingredients, transportation, distribution and labor; disruptions to the Company's restaurant or retail supply chain; the Company's ability to manage retail inventory and merchandise mix; the Company's ability to sustain or the effects of plans intended to improve operational or marketing execution and performance, including the Company's strategic transformation plan; the effects of increased competition at the Company's locations on sales and on labor recruiting, cost, and retention; consumer behavior based on negative publicity or changes in consumer health or dietary trends or safety aspects of the Company's food or products or those of the restaurant industry in general, including concerns about outbreaks of infectious disease; the effects of the Company's indebtedness and associated restrictions on the Company's financial and operating flexibility and ability to execute or pursue its operating plans and objectives; changes in interest rates, increases in borrowed capital or capital market conditions affecting the Company's financing costs and ability to refinance its indebtedness, in whole or in part; the Company's reliance on a single distribution facility and certain significant vendors, particularly for foreign-sourced retail products; information technology disruptions and data privacy and information security breaches, whether as a result of infrastructure failures, employee or vendor errors or actions of third parties; the Company's compliance with privacy and data protection laws; changes in or implementation of additional governmental or regulatory rules, regulations and interpretations affecting tax, health and safety, animal welfare, pensions, insurance or other undeterminable areas; the actual results of pending, future or threatened litigation or governmental investigations; the Company's ability to manage the impact of negative social media attention and the costs and effects of negative publicity; the impact of activist shareholders; the Company's ability to achieve aspirations, goals and projections related to its environmental, social and governance initiatives; the Company's ability to enter successfully into new geographic markets that may be less familiar to it; changes in land, building materials and construction costs; the availability and cost of suitable sites for restaurant development and the Company's ability to identify those sites; the Company's ability to retain key personnel; the ability of and cost to the Company to recruit, train, and retain qualified hourly and management employees; uncertain performance of acquired businesses, strategic investments and other initiatives that the Company may pursue from time to time; the effects of business trends on the outlook for individual restaurant locations and the effect on the carrying value of those locations; general or regional economic weakness, business and societal conditions and the weather impact on sales and customer travel; discretionary income or personal expenditure activity of the Company's customers; implementation of new or changes in interpretation of existing accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"); and other factors described from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), press releases, and other communications. Any forward-looking statement made by the Company herein, or elsewhere, speaks only as of the date on which made. The Company expressly disclaims any intent, obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements made herein to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statements are based.

公司認爲任何前瞻性聲明的假設是合理的;然而,任何假設都可能是不準確的,因此,實際結果可能會與前瞻性陳述中所預測或暗示的結果有所不同。除了常規業務運營風險外,可能導致實際結果與前瞻性信息有所不同的因素和風險包括但不限於與商品、原料、運輸、分銷和勞動價格有關的通貨膨脹條件的風險和不確定性;對公司餐廳或零售供應鏈造成干擾;公司管理零售庫存和商品組合的能力;公司能否持續或改進運營或營銷執行和業績的計劃或計劃的影響,包括公司的戰略轉型計劃的影響;公司門店競爭力的影響對銷售和勞動招聘、成本和保留的影響;消費者行爲基於負面宣傳或消費者健康或飲食趨勢或食品或產品的安全方面或一般餐飲行業的影響,包括對傳染病爆發的擔憂;公司的負債和相關限制對公司的財務和運營靈活性以及公司執行或追求其營運計劃和目標的能力的影響;利率變動、增加的借入資本或影響公司融資成本和公司全額或局部地重新融資債務能力的資本市場條件;公司依賴單一配送設施和某些重要供應商,尤其是外國採購零售產品的供應商;信息技術中斷和數據隱私和信息安全漏洞,無論是因基礎設施故障、員工或供應商錯誤還是第三方行爲而導致;公司遵守隱私和數據保護法律;對影響稅收、健康和安全、動物福利、養老金、保險或其他無法確定領域的附加政府或監管規則、法規和解釋的實際結果;未決、未來或受到威脅的訴訟或政府調查的影響;公司管理負面社交媒體關注的影響及負面宣傳的成本和影響;激進股東的影響;公司實現其環境、社會和治理倡議相關的願景、目標和預測的能力;公司成功進入對其可能不太熟悉的新地理市場的能力;土地、建築材料和施工成本的變化;適合餐廳發展的合適地點的可用性和成本以及公司確定這些地點的能力;公司留住關鍵人員的能力;公司招聘、培訓和留住合格的小時工和管理人員的能力和成本;收購的企業、戰略投資和公司不時可能進行的其他計劃的未定業績;業務發展趨勢對個體餐廳位置潛在前景的影響以及對這些位置賬面價值的影響;一般或地區經濟疲軟、業務和社會條件及天氣對銷售和客戶出行的影響;公司客戶的自由收入或個人支出活動;對美國一般接受的現行會計原則的新規定或解釋的實施或變更;以及公司不時在提交給證券交易委員會 ("SEC") 的文件、新聞稿和其他通信中描述的其他因素。公司在此或其他任何地方作出的任何前瞻性聲明僅適用於發表日期。公司明確否認任何意圖、義務或承諾在此處或任何其他地方更新或修訂任何此類前瞻性聲明,以反映公司對其中任何變化的期望或任何基於任何此類聲明的事件、情況或環境的變化。

Important Additional Information and Where to Find It
On October 9, 2024, Cracker Barrel filed a definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A (the "Proxy Statement") and an accompanying WHITE proxy card in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the 2024 Annual Meeting of Cracker Barrel shareholders (the "Annual Meeting"). INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT (INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO) AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY AS THEY CONTAIN OR WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Shareholders may obtain copies of these documents and other documents filed with the SEC by Cracker Barrel for no charge at the SEC's website at Copies will also be available at no charge in the Investors section of Cracker Barrel's corporate website at .

2024年10月9日,Cracker Barrel根據14A表格("代理表決文件")提交了一份明確的代理聲明,並隨之提交了一張白色的代理卡,以就Cracker Barrel股東的2024年股東大會("年度大會")進行代理徵集。強烈建議投資者與股東仔細閱讀代理聲明(包括相關的任何修正案或補充信息)以及與美國證券交易委員會一起提交或將提交重要信息的其他文件。股東可以免費在美國證券交易委員會網站www.sec.gov獲取Cracker Barrel提交的這些文件以及其他文件的副本。副本還將免費提供在Cracker Barrel公司網站的投資者部分。

Cracker Barrel, its directors and its executive officers will be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Cracker Barrel shareholders in connection with the matters to be considered at the Annual Meeting. Information regarding the names of Cracker Barrel's directors and executive officers and certain other individuals and their respective interests in Cracker Barrel by security holdings or otherwise is set forth in the Proxy Statement. To the extent holdings of such participants in Cracker Barrel's securities have changed since the amounts described in the Proxy Statement, such changes have been reflected on Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3, Statements of Change in Ownership on Forms 4 or Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership of Securities on Forms 5 filed with the SEC. Copies of these documents are or will be available at no charge and may be obtained as described in the preceding paragraph.

Cracker Barrel及其董事和執行董事將參與向Cracker Barrel股東征集有關將在年度會議上考慮的事項的代理。有關Cracker Barrel董事和執行董事以及某些其他個人及其通過持有證券或其他方式持有Cracker Barrel權益情況的信息已在代理聲明中列出。至於這些參與者在Cracker Barrel證券中的持股情況自代理聲明描述以來發生變化的這種參與者的情況,這些變化已在向SEC提交的有關Initial Beneficial Ownership Form 3文件、表格4的變更文件或表格5的關於證券持股變化的年度報告上反映。這些文件的副本是或將是免費提供,可以按照上一段中描述的方式獲取。

About Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBRL) is on a mission to bring craveable, delicious homestyle food and unique retail products to all guests while serving up memorable, distinctive experiences that make everyone feel welcome. Established in 1969 in Lebanon, Tenn., Cracker Barrel and its affiliates operate approximately 660 company-owned Cracker Barrel Old Country Store locations in 44 states and own the fast-casual Maple Street Biscuit Company. For more information about the company, visit .

關於Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.(納斯達克:CBRL)的使命是將美食佳餚和獨特的零售產品帶給所有客人,同時提供難忘的、獨特的體驗,讓每個人都感到受歡迎。Cracker Barrel成立於1969年,在黎巴嫩擁有約660家公司所有的Cracker Barrel Old Country Store店鋪,分佈在44個州,並擁有快速休閒餐廳Maple Street Biscuit Company。有關該公司的更多信息,請訪問。



Investor Contact:
Adam Hanan
(615) 443-9887

Adam Hanan
(615) 443-9887

Okapi Partners LLC
(855) 208-8902

Okapi Partners LLC
(855) 208-8902

Media Contact:
Heidi Pearce
(615) 235-4135

Heidi Pearce
(615) 235-4135

Leigh Parrish, Tim Lynch
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
(212) 355-4449

Leigh Parrish, Tim Lynch
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
(212) 355-4449

SOURCE Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.

來源:Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.




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