
Omega Pacific Announces 2024 Work Program Results From Its Lekcin Property

Omega Pacific Announces 2024 Work Program Results From Its Lekcin Property

Omega Pacific宣佈其Lekcin物業2024年工作計劃結果
Accesswire ·  2024/11/19 16:15

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 19, 2024 / Omega Pacific Resources Inc. (CSE:OMGA)(OTCQB:OMGPF)(FSE:Q0F) ("Omega Pacific" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from its field work program at its Lekcin Property, located 120 km east of Vancouver.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年11月19日 / Omega Pacific Resources Inc. (CSE:OMGA)(OTCQB:OMGPF)(FSE:Q0F)("Omega Pacific"或"公司")很高興地宣佈其在位於溫哥華以東120公里的Lekcin項目的現場工作計劃的結果。



The Lekcin Property (or the "Property") consists of six Mineral Titles Online (MTO) claims that are under option to the Company. These claims cover 2,521 hectares and are adjacent to the past-producing Giant Mascot nickel-copper mine that was intermittently active between the 1930's and 1973.

Lekcin項目(或"該項目")由六個礦產標題在線(MTO)權利組成,這些權利正在與公司簽署選項。這些權利覆蓋2521公頃,鄰近於過去生產的Giant Mascot鎳銅礦,該礦在1930年代至1973年間間歇性開採。

The Giant Mascot mine - which includes deposits named the Star of Emory and Pride of Emory (Figure 1) - was developed on an ultramafic intrusion that hosts at least 28 subvertical pipe-like orebodies that range from 6-75 metres in width and 15-350 metres in length. These orebodies consist of massive to disseminated pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite with grades ranging from 0.5-2.4% nickel (Ni) and 0.2-0.8% copper (Cu). Average ore grades over the life of the Giant Mascot mine were 0.6% Ni and 0.3% Cu.

Giant Mascot礦 - 包括名爲Emory之星和Emory之驕的礦牀(見圖1) - 是在一個超鎂鐵質侵入體上開發的,至少擁有28個亞垂直管狀礦體,寬度範圍爲6-75米,長度範圍爲15-350米。這些礦體由大量至分散的磁黃鐵礦、五面體礦和黃銅礦組成,品位範圍從0.5-2.4%鎳(Ni)和0.2-0.8%銅(Cu)。Giant Mascot礦的平均礦石品位爲0.6% Ni和0.3% Cu。

Previous work on the Lekcin property has identified two nickel and copper showings in addition to several occurrences of ultramafic rock, which in all cases is the host rock for the target style of mineralization. The showings include Big Nic, where recent sampling includes four samples that returned 0.6-0.9% Ni and 0.8-4.4% Cu, as well as the SP Gabbro showing that returned samples with 0.3% Ni and 0.3-0.7% Cu. The Swede showing (Figure 1) consists of ultramafic rock with finely disseminated pyrrhotite.

之前在Lekcin項目上的工作已發現兩個鎳和銅礦點,以及幾處超鎂鐵質岩石的發生,而在所有情況下,它都是目標礦化風格的母巖。這些礦點包括Big Nic,最近的採樣包含四個樣本,返回0.6-0.9% Ni和0.8-4.4% Cu,以及返回樣本含有0.3% Ni和0.3-0.7% Cu的SP Gabbro礦點。Swede礦點(見圖1)由細顆粒分散磁黃鐵礦的超鎂鐵質岩石組成。

The 2024 work program on the Lekcin Property was designed to identify ultramafic intrusives that could potentially host Giant Mascot-style sulphide mineralization through an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) magnetic survey and follow-up prospecting. A total of $124,924 was spent on the 2024 program with the methods and results of this work described further below.

2024年在Lekcin項目上的工作計劃旨在通過無人駕駛航空器(UAV)磁測勘察和後續的勘探,識別可能承載Giant Mascot風格硫化礦化的超鎂鐵質侵入體。2024年計劃共花費了124,924美元,以下進一步描述了該工作的方式和結果。

Methods for the 2024 Work Program


The 2024 work program was completed by Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd ("Equity") of Vancouver, BC, and involved a UAV magnetic survey, rock sampling, and geochemical assay.

2024年工作計劃由位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd("Equity")完成,涉及無人駕駛航空器磁測勘察、岩石取樣和地球化學測試。

  • UAV magnetics: This survey was sub-contracted to Dias Geophysical of Saskatoon, SK, who used 10 field days to fly 245 line-kilometres over the eastern half of the property.

  • Rock sampling: Results of the UAV magnetic survey were used to prioritize areas for traversing and rock sampling. Four ground traverses were completed, and 22 rock samples were collected for assay. Sample locations were marked with a handheld GPS and all samples were placed in poly-ethylene bags along with a unique sample tag. One blank and one standard (OREAS 85) were submitted with the 22 rock samples to monitor quality assurance and quality control (QAQC).

  • Geochemical assay: Sample preparation and assay was completed by Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd ("BV") in Vancouver, BC. At BV, samples were first crushed to ≥70% passing 2 mm after which a 250-gram split was pulverized to ≥85% passing 75 microns (BV code PRP70-250). For multi-element analysis, a 0.25-gram split was dissolved in a multi-acid digestion and then analyzed by ICP-ES (code MA300). Precious metal (Au, Pt, Pd) analyses were completed on a 30-gram split through lead collection fire assay fusion and ICP-ES analysis (code FA330).

  • 無人駕駛磁測:此次勘測被分包給了薩斯卡通的Dias Geophysical,他們使用了10個工作日飛行了245公里的線路,對該財產的東部進行調查。

  • 岩石取樣:UAV磁測的結果被用來優先考慮進行穿越和岩石取樣的區域。完成了四次地面穿越,收集了22個岩石樣本進行分析。樣本位置使用手持GPS進行標記,所有樣本被放置在聚乙烯袋中,並附有唯一的樣本標籤。一份空白樣本和一份標準樣本(OREAS 85)與22個岩石樣本一起提交,以監控質量保證和質量控制(QAQC)。

  • 地球化學分析:樣本準備和分析由位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd("BV")完成。在BV,樣本首先被破碎至≥70%通過2毫米,然後取250克進行研磨,達到≥85%通過75微米(BV代碼PRP70-250)。對於多元素分析,0.25克的樣本在多酸消化中溶解,然後通過ICP-ES(代碼MA300)進行分析。貴金屬(Au,Pt,Pd)分析通過鉛收集火法熔融和ICP-ES分析(代碼FA330)在30克的樣本上完成。

Results of the 2024 Work Program


The 2024 UAV magnetic survey defined areas of high magnetism in the north, southeast and southwest parts of the Property. Budget and time allowed only for the ground truthing of the north and southeast anomalies.


The three traverses completed over the northern magnetic anomaly resulted in collection of 14 samples, four of which were characterized as mafic-ultramafic, nine as diorite-granodiorite, and one as schist. These results suggest that the northern magnetic anomaly cannot be solely explained by the occurrence of mafic-ultramafic rocks at the surface.


Two of the mafic-ultramafic rocks collected in the north exhibit definitive ultramafic geochemistry that includes high magnesium (16%), nickel (700 ppm), copper (100-200 ppm), cobalt (100 ppm), and chromium (1200-1500 ppm). Precious metal (Au, Pt, Pd) contents are all less than or equal to 4 ppb. Both ultramafic samples were collected from outcrop and indicate that an ultramafic intrusion, like that hosting the Giant Mascot ore bodies, extends onto the Lekcin Property. The other samples are more gabbroic in composition with 60-70 ppm Ni and 10-50 ppm Cu.

在北部收集的兩種基性-超基性岩石表現出明確的超基性地球化學特徵,包括高鎂(16%)、鎳(700 ppm)、銅(100-200 ppm)、鈷(100 ppm)和鉻(1200-1500 ppm)。貴金屬(Au,Pt,Pd)含量均小於或等於4 ppb。這兩種超基性樣本均從露頭收集,表明與巨型瑪斯科特礦體相似的超基性侵入體延伸到Lekcin財產。其他樣本則表現出更高的輝長岩組成,鎳含量爲60-70 ppm,銅含量爲10-50 ppm。

Eight rocks were collected from a single traverse over the southeastern anomaly, six of which are mafic-ultramafic in composition along with one diorite and one schist. These results suggest that the southeastern magnetic anomaly may reflect a cluster of stock-like mafic (±ultramafic?) intrusions. All samples of mafic rock returned generally low values of nickel (<245 ppm) and copper (<72 ppm).

在對東南部異常區域進行一次橫 travers 採集了八塊岩石,其中六塊爲鎂鐵-超鎂鐵巖,外加一塊花崗岩和一塊片岩。這些結果表明,東南部的磁異常可能反映了一組類似岩脈的鎂鐵(±超鎂鐵?)侵入體。所有的鎂鐵巖樣本鎳元素含量普遍較低(

Together, results of the 2024 work program indicate that magnetic highs on the Lekcin Property can correlate with either mafic-ultramafic or granodiorite-diorite but is still, likely, a useful method for delineating those parts of the Property most prospective for hosting a near surface mafic-ultramafic intrusion of sufficient size to host Giant Mascot-style sulphide mineralization.

總體結果顯示,2024年的工作計劃表明,Lekcin 區域的磁高點可以與鎂鐵-超鎂鐵巖或花崗閃長巖-花崗岩相對應,但仍然可能是在界定該區域中最有希望的部分,以便發現足夠大以容納巨型吉祥物風格的硫化礦牀的近地表鎂鐵-超鎂鐵侵入體的有效方法。

Figure 1: Map showing total magnetic intensity for the 2024 UAV magnetic survey, 2024 rock sampling locations classified by lithology, and showings of Ni-Cu sulphide and/or ultramafic rock (yellow stars). The green squares indicate rock samples that were described and have geochemical characteristics consistent with gabbroic to ultramafic rocks, which are the host rocks for the Star of Emory and Pride of Emory Ni-Cu sulphide deposits located just north of the property.


Qualified Person


Robert L'Heureux (P.Geol.), Director of Omega Pacific Resources, is the "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has reviewed, validated and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. L'Heureux oversees exploration planning and execution at the Williams Property.

Robert L'Heureux (P.Geol.),Omega Pacific Resources的董事,符合43-101號國家規定 - 礦產項目披露標準的「合格人員」,已審核、核實並批准本新聞發佈中包含的科學和技術信息。L'Heureux先生負責威廉姆斯礦區的勘探規劃和執行。

About Omega Pacific

關於Omega Pacific

Omega Pacific is a mineral exploration company focused on the development of mineral projects containing base and precious metals. The Company is actively exploring its British Columbia located properties and continues to evaluate assets globally for further acquisitions.

Omega Pacific是一家專注於開發含有基礎和貴金屬的礦產項目的礦產勘探公司。該公司正在積極探索其位於英屬哥倫比亞的礦產和評估全球資產以進行更多收購。

For more information, please contact:


Omega Pacific Resources Inc.

Omega Pacific Resources Inc.

Jason Leikam,
Chief Executive Officer & Director


Cautionary Statement


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under the provisions of Canadian securities laws including statements about the Company's plans. Such statements are necessarily based upon a number of beliefs, assumptions, and opinions of management on the date the statements are made and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change, except as required by law.


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Contact Information


Jason Leikam

Jason Leikam

SOURCE: Omega Pacific Resources

來源:Omega Pacific Resources

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