CELLCOM ISRAEL LTD. Announcement of An Annual and Special General Meeting of The Shareholders of The Company
CELLCOM ISRAEL LTD. Announcement of An Annual and Special General Meeting of The Shareholders of The Company
NETANYA, Israel, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cellcom Israel Ltd. (TASE: CEL) (the "Company") announces that the Meeting will convene on Thursday, December 26, 2024, at 15:00 p.m. (Israel time), at the offices of the Company, 10 Ha'gavish Street, Netanya, Israel. An adjourned Meeting, if required, will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at the same time and at the same place. The record date for the Meeting is November 27, 2024.
以色列內坦亞,2024年11月20日 /PRNewswire/ -- 以色列電信公司(TASE: CEL)("公司")宣佈會議將於2024年12月26日星期四15:00(以色列時間)在公司辦公室召開,地址位於以色列內坦亞哈伽維什街10號。如有需要,將於2025年1月2日星期四在同一時間和同一地點舉行續會。會議的記錄日期爲2024年11月27日。
The Agenda of the Meeting
- Discussion on of the Company's audited annual financial statements and Board of Directors Report for the year ended December 31, 2023;
- Reappointment of Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer (EY) as the Company's independent auditors and report of their fees for 2023;
- Reappointment of Yuval Cohen (Chairman), Samy Backlash, Shmuel Barashi, Uri Zahavi, Chanan Gal Ezer and Richard Hunter as directors of the Company;
- Appointment of Ran Bukshpan as independent director of the Company;
- Approval and Ratification of the resolution to grant indemnity and exemption letters to office holders of the Company (including directors) in office and/or that will hold office from time to time, which are controlling shareholders of the Company and/or that the controlling shareholder of the Company me be viewed as having a personal interest in such grant, including the directors Yuval Cohen, Shmuel Barashi, Uri Zahavi, Chanan Gal Ezer and Richard Hunter, commencing on May 13, 2024.
- 討論公司截至2023年12月31日的經審計年度基本報表和董事會報告;
- 重新任命Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer(EY)爲公司的獨立核數師,並報告其2023年的費用;
- 重新任命Yuval cohen(董事長),Samy Backlash,Shmuel Barashi,Uri Zahavi,Chanan Gal Ezer和Richard Hunter爲公司的董事;
- 任命Ran Bukshpan爲公司獨立董事;
- 批准和確認關於向公司的職務持有人(包括董事)授予賠償和豁免函件的決議,這些職務持有人爲公司的控股股東,和/或控股股東可能在此授予中被視爲有個人利益,包括董事Yuval cohen,Shmuel Barashi,Uri Zahavi,Chanan Gal Ezer和Richard Hunter,自2024年5月13日起生效。
Voting Instructions
The summon statement and the voting card published by the Company on November 20, 2024 regarding the convening of the Meeting (the "Meeting's Documents") may be viewed on the Magna distribution website at: and on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. website at: .
Section 3.10 of the summon statement contains voting instructions for shareholders whose shares are not held via a member of the TASE Clearinghouse (for trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange) but instead via a member of the Depositary Trust Company (DTC) or Shareholders who are registered directly with the Company's U.S. transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company.
An Unregistered Shareholder is entitled to vote through the Electronic Voting System. Voting through an Electronic voting card shall be possible until six (6) hours before the assembly time of the General Meeting. In addition, an Unregistered Shareholder shall be entitled to deliver the certificate of ownership through the Electronic Voting System
A shareholder is also entitled to vote at the General Meeting through a voting card. Voting in writing shall be made by way of the second part of the voting card, which is attached to the Report.
The voting card and documents that must be attached thereto as set forth in the voting card, must be delivered to the Company's offices (including by registered mail) including the certificate of ownership (and with respect to a registered shareholder - including a photocopy of an identity card, passport, or certificate of incorporation, as applicable) until four (4) hours before the assembly time of the General Meeting. For this purpose, "time of delivery" is the time on which the voting card and the documents attached thereto arrived at the Company's offices.
Company Contact Gadi Attias |
Investor Relations Contact Elad Levy |
公司聯繫 Marcia Novero Innodata Inc. Mnovero@innodata.com (201) 371-8015 Gadi Attias |
投資者關係聯繫方式 Elad Levy |
SOURCE Cellcom Israel Ltd.