Kroger Chief People Officer Tim Massa Inducted as a Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources
Kroger Chief People Officer Tim Massa Inducted as a Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources
CINCINNATI, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) today announced Kroger's senior vice president and chief people officer Tim Massa's induction to the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR) as a fellow. NAHR fellows are recognized for their sustained achievements and contributions to their organizations, the HR profession and society at large.
辛辛那提,2024年11月20日 /PRNewswire/ -- 克羅格公司(紐交所:KR)今天宣佈克羅格高級副總裁兼首席人事官tim馬薩入選國家人力資源學院(NAHR)爲院士。NAHR院士因其對所在機構、人力資源行業和整個社會的持續成就和貢獻而受到認可。
"We are extremely fortunate to have Tim Massa leading our associates, ensuring our teams enjoy a culture of opportunity, growth and careers with purpose," said Rodney McMullen, CEO of Kroger. "Tim leads by example, bringing Kroger values to life everyday guided by the principle that our associates are the heart of our company, enabling us to serve customers and communities. It takes a remarkable HR professional to achieve the status of NAHR Fellow, and Tim is more than deserving of this distinction."
Massa joined Kroger in 2010 and has held several positions since. As senior vice president and chief people officer, Massa leads all areas of HR and labor relations. His areas of responsibilities include all HR and Labor Relations, including Total Rewards, Labor Relations, Diversity, Business Unit Human Resources, People Operations, Training and Development, Talent Hiring, Retention and Engagement, Corporate Affairs, Associate Communications, Shared Services, and Aviation. He serves on the Board of Directors for both the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the North American Human Resources Policy Association (HRPA). Massa is also a member of the Center for Executive Succession Advisory Board at the University of South Carolina's Darla Moore School of Business.
Dedicated to improving his community, Massa is a member of the Cincinnati Zoo board of trustees, city of Cincinnati Workforce Innovation Center advisory board member, a member of the North American Human Resources Policy Association Board of Directors, American Cancer Society Cincinnati Chapter Executive Committee and a 2021 American Cancer Society Cincinnati chapter honoree, a member of the John Stuart Society at the University of Dayton.
Founded in 1992, NAHR is an organization in which individuals and institutions of distinction in human resources are recognized for their professional achievement and where, through a collaborative effort, the work of the profession is advanced. 195 individuals have been elected as Fellows of the National Academy of Human Resources for their contribution to the HR profession. For more information on NAHR, visit .
About Kroger
At The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR), we are dedicated to our Purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit. We are, across our family of companies nearly 420,000 associates who serve over 11 million customers daily through a seamless digital shopping experience and retail food stores under a variety of banner names, serving America through food inspiration and uplift, and creating #ZeroHungerZeroWaste communities. To learn more about us, visit our newsroom and investor relations site.
在克羅格公司(NYSE:KR),我們致力於爲『Feed the Human Spirit』這一使命而努力。我們的家族公司在各種商標名稱下的零售食品店和一個無縫的數字購物體驗下,每天爲超過1100萬消費者服務,通過食品的啓發和提升,爲美國服務,創造『零飢餓|零浪費』的社區。要了解更多信息,請訪問我們的新聞室和投資者關係網站。
SOURCE The Kroger Co.