
Gaining Momentum, Biodexa Is Advancing Two Recent Acquisitions Through the Clinic

Gaining Momentum, Biodexa Is Advancing Two Recent Acquisitions Through the Clinic

Accesswire ·  2024/11/21 07:35

CARDIFF, UK / ACCESSWIRE / November 21, 2024 / Biodexa Pharmaceuticals PLC (NASDAQ:BDRX), an acquisition-focused clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing treatments for unmet medical needs, has made significant progress in transforming itself from a drug delivery innovator to a therapeutics company with a focus on drugs to fight diabetes and cancer.

英國加的夫/ACCESSWIRE/2024年11月21日/Biodexa Pharmicals PLC(納斯達克股票代碼:BDRX)是一家專注於收購的臨床階段生物製藥公司,專注於爲未滿足的醫療需求開發治療方法,在從藥物交付創新者轉變爲專注於抗擊糖尿病和癌症藥物的治療公司方面取得了重大進展。

Biodexa's strategy is not based on discovering new medicines; rather it looks to reduce the risk of failure in the clinic by re-purposing molecules with proven safety records for new indications. When Biodexa sees potential, it acquires these products from third parties under licensing agreements which generally call for the company to bear the costs of development and share the rewards of commercialization with the licensor.


eRapa soon to enter Phase 3
The shift to a therapeutics company is paying off for Biodexa as illustrated by its recent acquisition of eRapa for familial adenomatous polyposis, or FAP. FAP is an inherited condition that puts people at a much greater risk of developing colon cancer. With FAP, hundreds or thousands of precancerous polyps grow throughout the gastrointestinal tract. There is no approved therapeutic option for treating FAP patients, for whom active surveillance and surgical resection of the colon and/or rectum remain the standard of care. People with FAP - which usually appears in adolescence - end up eventually having their entire colon removed and using a colostomy bag. If left untreated, there is a 100% chance the person will develop colorectal cancer.

eRapa 即將進入第 3 階段
向治療公司的轉變爲Biodexa帶來了回報,該公司最近收購了治療家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP)的eRapa就說明了這一點。FAP 是一種遺傳性疾病,使人們患結腸癌的風險要大得多。使用FAP,成百上千的癌前息肉會在整個胃腸道中生長。目前尚無經批准的治療FAP患者的治療方案,對他們來說,結腸和/或直腸的積極監測和手術切除仍然是治療的標準。FAP(通常出現在青春期)患者最終會切除整個結腸並使用結腸造口袋。如果不及時治療,患者患結直腸癌的可能性爲100%。

"eRapa could be a transformational deal for Biodexa," says Biodexa CEO Stephen Stamp. "The deal included an upfront payment of only 5% of Biodexa in stock and zero development milestones."


As covered by Benzinga earlier this year, Biodexa published six-month phase 2 data, as well as 12-month data for eRapa that showed a median decrease in polyp burden of 29% and a non-progression rate of 89% in patients who received the preferred dosage regimen, reports Biodexa. "In a world where most drugs slow, or at best, halt progression, these results exceeded our expectations," said Stamp.


Phase 3 Through To NDA Largely Funded
The FAP program was awarded a $17 million grant from the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas. The terms of the grant require a one to two match, and Biodexa said in September the final match payment was made, enabling Biodexa to access all of the remainder of the $25.5 million grant plus match. As a result, the company said the phase 3 study in FAP is largely funded through a New Drug Application (NDA) filing with the FDA, which it expects in three years' time. Biodexa said the next step is a "Type C" meeting with the FDA to finalize the Phase 3 protocol and start recruitment in early 2025.

FAP計劃獲得了德克薩斯州癌症預防研究所的1700萬美元撥款。補助金的條款要求一比二的配對,Biodexa在9月份表示,最後一筆配套款項已經支付,這使Biodexa能夠獲得2550萬美元補助金中的所有剩餘部分以及配對。因此,該公司表示,FAP的3期研究主要由向美國食品藥品管理局提交的新藥申請(NDA)提供資金,預計三年後該申請。Biodexa表示,下一步是與美國食品藥品管理局舉行 「C型」 會議,以敲定第三階段協議,並在2025年初開始招聘。

"There are approximately 40,000 and 60,000 patients with FAP in the US and Europe respectively. As an orphan drug, eRapa will benefit from seven and 10 year exclusivity in the US and Europe, respectively, and based on the pricing of other orphan drugs, could achieve peak annual sales of $500 million to $1 billion," said Stamp.

「在美國和歐洲,分別有大約4萬和6萬名FAP患者。作爲孤兒藥,eRapa將在美國和歐洲分別享受七年和十年的獨家經營權,根據其他孤兒藥的定價,可以實現5億至10億美元的峯值年銷售額,」 斯坦普說。

It doesn't end there. Biodexa said there is currently an ongoing placebo-controlled phase 2 study of eRapa for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), an early-stage bladder cancer. Biodexa said about 130 of 168 patients have been recruited so far, and it is evaluating the possibility of an interim analysis around the end of the year.


Furthermore, in October, the company announced the status of patients in Cohort A of the phase 1 study of its drug MTX110 - a solubilized formulation of the cancer drug panobinostat which is marketed as Farydak - for recurrent glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive malignant primary brain cancer: all patients at that point had overall survival of between 12 and 13 months since starting treatment with MTX110, a significant improvement on overall survival of 2 to 9 months in the background population.

此外,該公司在10月公佈了針對複發性膠質母細胞瘤(最常見和最具侵襲性的惡性原發性腦癌)的藥物 MTX110(一種名爲Farydak的抗癌藥物panobinostat的溶解配方)的1期研究A組的患者狀況:自開始使用 MTX110 治療以來,當時所有患者的總存活率均在12至13個月之間,比2人的總存活率顯著提高在背景人群中存活到9個月。

Tolimidone, a Phase 2-Ready Asset For Type 1 Diabetes
The company is currently working with the University of Alberta to initiate a Phase 2a dose confirmation study of tolimidone for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. The study is designed to build on the preclinical data, which Biodexa said suggested tolimidone could have a proliferative impact on pancreatic beta cells, the cells responsible for insulin production.


Biodexa in-licensed tolimidone from Melior Discovery in December 2023 in return for 9.9% of Biodexa in stock with one modest development milestone, also payable in stock. Although as many as 8.5 million people worldwide suffer from Type 1 Diabetes, there are few therapeutic options outside the addition of exogenous insulin. If the preclinical data are borne out in human studies, tolimidone could halt disease progression, or maybe even reverse it, and offer hope to Type 1 sufferers,

2023年12月,Biodexa從Melior Discovery獲得了託利米酮的許可,以換取Biodexa9.9%的股票,開發里程碑不大,也可以以股票形式支付。儘管全球有多達850萬人患有1型糖尿病,但除了添加外源性胰島素外,幾乎沒有其他治療選擇。如果臨床前數據在人體研究中得到證實,託利米酮可以阻止疾病進展,甚至可能逆轉疾病進展,併爲1型患者帶來希望,

"Over the next few months, we can expect the outcome of the Type C meeting with FDA on eRapa phase 3 program, the start of recruitment of the registrational Phase 3 study of eRapa in FAP, the start of recruitment of a Phase 2a study of tolimidone in Type 1 diabetes and interim analysis of eRapa phase 2 study in NMIBC," said Stamp. "Another busy and productive period for our team here at Biodexa."


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Salah Uddin on iStockphoto
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Stephen Stamp, CEO, CFO


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SOURCE: Biodexa Pharmaceuticals

來源:Biodexa 製藥公司

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