BRC Asia's Net Profit Hits Record $93.5m in FY2024
BRC Asia's Net Profit Hits Record $93.5m in FY2024
Net profit was up 23% YoY.
BRC Asia's net profit reached a record $93.5m in FY2024, marking a 23% YoY increase.
brc 亞洲的淨利潤在FY2024達到創紀錄的$9350萬,同比增長23%。
The company attributed its growth to a $16.5m one-off gain from the disposal of its associate, Pristine Islands Investment, and a $1.2m fair value gain on investment securities from its 19.9% stake in Angkasa Daehan Steel.
公司將其增長歸因於處置其聯營公司Pristine Islands Investment所獲得的$1650萬一次性收益,以及從其在Angkasa Daehan 鋼鐵的19.9%股權中獲得的$120萬投資證券公允價值收益。
However, the absence of foreign exchange gains and reduced credit insurance claims for bad debts partially offset these gains.
Boosted by higher net profit, earnings per share rose 24% YoY to $0.341.
The Board approved a final dividend of $0.08 and a special dividend of $0.06, bringing the total FY 2024 dividend to $0.20, with a payout ratio of 59% and a yield of 8.4%.