Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP announces that it is investigating against Zeta Global Holdings Corp. for potential violations of securities laws
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP announces that it is investigating against Zeta Global Holdings Corp. for potential violations of securities laws
November 22, 2024 07:58 ET| Source: Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP
2024年11月22日07:58東部時間| 來源: 財務和案件分析主管GregoryStone
NEW YORK, Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP ("Wolf Haldenstein"), a preeminent national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces that is investigating potential claims against Zeta Global Holdings Corp. (“Zeta” or the “Company”) (NYSE:ZETA) on behalf of Zeta stockholders.
紐約,2024年11月22日(環球資訊社)-- 財務和案件分析主管GregoryStone ("Wolf Haldenstein"), 一家卓越的全國股東權利訴訟律師事務所,宣佈正在代表Zeta股東調查對Zeta Global Holdings Corp.(「Zeta」或「公司」)(紐交所:ZETA)可能提出的索賠。
The investigation concerns whether Zeta and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud.
On November 13, 2024, Culper Research published a report alleging “we believe that Zeta has quietly spun up its own network of consent farms i.e., sham websites that hoodwink millions of consumers each month into handing their data over to Zeta under false pretenses, baited by job applications, stimulus money, or other rewards that simply do not exist.”
2024年11月13日,Culper Research發佈了一份報告,聲稱「我們相信Zeta悄悄地建立了自己的共識農場網絡,即騙取數百萬消費者數據的虛假網站,通過虛假承諾引誘他們,包括工作申請、刺激資金或其他根本不存在的獎勵。」
Following this news, the price of the Company’s stock dropped $10.46 per share, closing at $17.76 per share, a decline of 37% for the day.
Wolf Haldenstein has experience in the prosecution of securities class actions and derivative litigation in state and federal trial and appellate courts across the country. The firm has attorneys in various practice areas, and offices in New York, Chicago, Nashville and San Diego. The reputation and expertise of this firm in shareholder and other class litigation has been repeatedly lauded by the courts, which have appointed it to major positions in complex securities, multi-district and consolidated litigation.
Wolf Haldenstein 在全國範圍內處理證券集體訴訟和衍生訴訟的Wolf Haldenstein擁有豐富經驗,涉及州級和聯邦法院的審判和上訴。律所擁有各種專業領域的律師,並在紐約、芝加哥、納什維爾和聖迭戈設有辦事處。該律所在股東和其他類訴訟領域的聲譽和專業知識一直受到法院的高度讚揚,法院已多次任命其擔任複雜證券、多地訴訟和合並訴訟的重要職位。
If you wish to discuss this investigation or have any questions regarding your rights and interests, please immediately contact Wolf Haldenstein by telephone at (800) 575-0735 or via e-mail at classmember@whafh.com.
如果您希望討論此調查或對您的權利和利益有任何疑問,請立即聯繫 Wolf Haldenstein 電話號碼爲(800)575-0735,電子郵件爲 classmember@whafh.com.
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP
Gregory Stone, Director of Case and Financial Analysis
Email: gstone@whafh.com or classmember@whafh.com
Tel: (800) 575-0735 or (212) 545-4774
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郵箱: gstone@whafh.com 或 classmember@whafh.com
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