SD Guthrie's New 'Core' Operating Verticals
SD Guthrie's New 'Core' Operating Verticals

During SD Guthrie's 9MFY24 results briefing, it was indicated that SDG will treat industrial property development and renewable energy (RE) as new "core" or operating verticals. Meanwhile, the planter is expecting firm CPO prices until mid-FY25 along with recovering FFB yield into next year. Taking this into effect, investment house Kenanga has nudged up FY24-25 core net profit (CNP) for the group by 2-4%, respectively, but kept its TP of RM4.60 and MARKET PERFORM call intact.
在 SD Guthrie 的 9MFY24 業績簡報會上,有人表示,可持續發展目標將把工業產權開發和可再生能源(RE)視爲新的 「核心」 或運營垂直領域。同時,該種植者預計,CPO價格將在25財年中期之前保持穩定,明年FfB收益率將回升。自此生效後,投資機構Kenanga已將該集團的 FY24-25 核心淨利潤(CNP)分別提高了2-4%,但其目標價爲4.60令吉和Market PerForm看漲期權保持不變。
Highlights' front the briefing, SDG Upstream business, the group sees better 4Q earnings likely on firmer CPO prices of RM4,500 per MT was guided by management. The house is also raising its average CPO price for FY24 from RM4,000 to RM4,100 per MT. The group's 4Q FFB harvest is usually 1-3% weaker QoQ but for FY24, 4Q FFB should hold steady thanks to a later-than-usual harvest peak in Oct rather than Aug; full-year FY24 output would be around 8.7m MT, i.e. flat YoY as estimated by Kenanga. For FY25, FFB production is expected to recover by 3% to 9.0m MT.
簡報中的亮點是 「可持續發展目標上游業務」,該集團認爲,在管理層的指導下,由於每公噸4500令吉的CPO價格走強,第四季度的收益可能會有所改善。該公司還將24財年的CPO平均價格從4000萬億令吉上調。每噸 4,100 令吉該集團第四季度的FfB收成通常環比下降1-3%,但對於24財年,由於10月而不是8月的收成峯值比平時晚,第四季度FfB應保持穩定;24財年全年產量約爲870萬噸,即Kenanga估計的同比持平。對於25財年,FfB產量預計將恢復3%,至900萬噸。
Downstream – to improve but staying subdued. European demand for stricter sustainable edible oil should ease in 4Q given a 12-month delay in the introduction of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) till end of FY25 but staying healthy nonetheless. In Asia, downstream competition is set to stay intense due to excess capacity is SE Asia but overall demand should still inch up though not very much.
New property vertical. Effective 4Q, industrial property development and renewable energy (RE) will be new operating verticals for the group, contributing recurring earnings to the bottom line. Industrial property development vertical will cover the (a) 1,000-acre Kerian Integrated Green Technology Park (KIGIP) being studied with parent PNB, (b) co-development of 464-acre with TH Properties at the latter's "techpark@enstek" near KLIA, and (c) JV with AME Elite Consortium Bhd (Non-Rated) to develop 641 acres of green industrial park in Kulai which will be part of the new core. However, instead of incurring 10% capital gains tax when sold into the shared or JV entity, SDG may suffer normal 24% corporation tax.
新的垂直屬性。自第四季度起,工業產權開發和可再生能源(RE)將成爲該集團新的垂直運營領域,爲利潤貢獻經常性收益。垂直工業產權開發將涵蓋(a)母公司PnB正在研究的佔地1,000英畝的凱里安綜合綠色科技園(KIGIP),(b)與TH Properties在吉隆坡國際機場附近的 「techpark @enstek」 共同開發佔地464英畝的土地,以及(c)與AME精英聯盟有限公司(未評級)合資在古來開發641英畝的綠色工業園,這將是新核心的一部分。但是,SDG在出售給共享或合資實體時不會繳納10%的資本利得稅,而是可能繳納正常的24%的公司稅。
New RE vertical will include its own 15MW CGPT solar farm being constructed, ongoing LSS5 bids and future connection of its biogas plants to the national electricity grid. Development of solar farms beside KIGIP and Kulai green park are also being studied.
Forecasts. The house is nudging up core FY24-25F net profit by 2-4% and fined tune its CPO and FFB production expectations.
Maintain MARKET PERFORM and TP of RM4.60 based on 1.6x PBV, a discount to average 2x for large integrated peer due to SDG's lower 5-year average ROE of 8% vs. 10% of its peers. Efforts to broaden its core activities into industrial property development and RE are commercially sensible and should push ROE closer to peers.
預測。衆議院正在將核心 FY24-25F 淨利潤提高2-4%,並對CPO和FfB的產量預期進行了罰款。
Nevertheless, Kenanga notes that such efforts take time (2-3 years or beyond) and face execution risks. There is no adjustment to the TP based on ESG given a 3-star rating.