
VTech and LeapFrog Capture Coveted Holiday Toy Honors for 2024

VTech and LeapFrog Capture Coveted Holiday Toy Honors for 2024

PR Newswire ·  2024/11/25 22:03

These Toys Deliver Award-Winning Learning and Fun for Kids of All Ages


CHICAGO, Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- VTech and LeapFrog, industry leaders in electronic learning toys, today announced that several of their innovative products have received top industry awards for 2024. These accolades celebrate the brands' dedication to creating high-quality, engaging toys that bring excitement to every playtime.

芝加哥,2024年11月25日 / PR Newswire / - 偉易達和飛躍蛙,電子學習翫具行業的領導者,今天宣佈,他們的若干創新產品已獲得2024年度最佳行業獎。這些獎項表彰了這些品牌致力於創造高質量、引人入勝的玩具,爲每場遊戲帶來興奮的精神。

VTech KidiZoom Smartwatch DX4
偉易達KidiZoom 智能手錶 DX4
LeapFrog Magic Adventures Binoculars

"We couldn't be more excited to see VTech and LeapFrog toys shining on holiday lists this year!" said Karen Balduf, Vice President of Marketing, VTech Electronics North America. "These awards reflect our commitment to creating toys that deliver joy while fostering kids' development, learning and exploration."

「看到偉易達和飛躍蛙玩具今年能夠在假日禮單上大放異彩,我們感到非常興奮!」偉易達電子北美市場副總裁卡倫·巴爾杜夫(Karen Balduf)說。「這些獎項反映了我們致力於創造能夠帶來快樂、促進孩子發展、學習和探索的玩具的承諾。」

Highlights of the award-winning products include:


  • VTech Sort & Discover Activity Wagon: Discover a wagon full of wonders! Kids will love pulling this interactive wagon filled with light-up buttons, cheerful sounds and shape-sorting blocks. With an engaging activity panel and colorful design, it's perfect for little adventurers to explore and play. Spark their curiosity and watch them enjoy hours of imaginative discovery. This wagon is a delightful way to turn playtime into an exciting journey!
  • VTech 活動推車:發現滿滿的奇蹟推車! 孩子們會喜歡拉着這輛互動推車,車上裝滿了發光按鈕、歡快的聲音和形狀分類積木。 有趣的活動面板和豐富多彩的設計,非常適合小冒險家探索和玩耍。 激發他們的好奇心,看着他們享受幾個小時的富有想象力的探索。 這輛推車是將遊戲時間變成令人興奮旅程的愉快方式!
  • VTech Sandy Snacks-a-Lot: It's time for a snack! Hold up a snack piece for Sandy to sniff, then place it on her tongue when she opens her mouth. Listen to Sandy's thoughts on different foods and see her belly light up based on what she eats. Pet her head or press her back buttons for phrases and songs about food, flavors, colors and axolotl facts. Easily store snacks inside Sandy's tail when playtime is over for convenient cleanup.
  • VTech Sandy Snacks-a-Lot:是時候吃點心了! 爲桑迪呈上一塊點心讓她嗅一下,然後當她張開嘴巴時將其放在她的舌頭上。 聽桑迪對不同食物的看法,根據她吃了什麼看她的肚子發光。 摸摸她的頭或按壓她的背部按鈕,就會聽到關於食物、口味、顏色和水狗的事實的短語和歌曲。 遊戲結束時,方便清理時將零食放在桑迪的尾巴里。
  • VTech KidiZoom Smartwatch DX4: This super-cool, splash-proof smartwatch is perfect for kids ages 4+. It features dual cameras, a large high-resolution screen and a premium metal body. Kids can play exciting activities, challenges and reaction games designed to get them moving. They can explore creativity with photo and video effects or make music with the composer app. With 50+ clock faces and a shake-to-hear time feature, it's both fun and entertaining!
  • VTech KidiZoom 智能手錶 DX4:這款超酷防水智能手錶非常適合4歲以上的兒童。它配有雙攝像頭、大屏幕和高分辨率的金屬機身。兒童可以玩各種激動人心的活動、挑戰和反應遊戲,這些遊戲旨在促使他們動起來。他們可以通過照片和視頻效果探索創造力,或者通過作曲應用程序製作音樂。有50多種時鐘錶盤和搖晃聽時間功能,既有趣又娛樂!
  • VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels Checkered Flag Motorized Track Set: Race into excitement with this fun track set! Use the remote to control the RC Racer and challenge the Motorized Race Car. Zoom around thrilling turns and bends, with track switches adding surprises at every lap. Celebrate victories on the winners' podium with fun role-play phrases. Explore interactive SmartPoint spots for first words, songs and racing sounds. This engaging toy develops fine motor skills and offers endless racing fun for toddlers!
  • VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels 方格賽道電動軌道套裝:這款有趣的賽道套裝讓人興奮不已!使用遙控器控制RC賽車,並挑戰電動賽車。在激動人心的彎道和彎道上飛馳,軌道開關每一圈都會帶來驚喜。在優勝者領獎臺上慶祝勝利,並享受有趣的角色扮演短語。探索互動式SmartPoint點,學習首個單詞、歌曲和賽車聲音。這款有趣的玩具可以培養幼兒的精細運動技能,爲幼兒提供無窮無盡的賽車樂趣!
  • LeapFrog Get Ready for Phonics Spin & Learn: This interactive toy is designed to boost vocabulary and early reading skills for kids ages 18+ months. With colorful lights, sounds and fun illustrations, kids can explore word sounds and vocabulary through four engaging modes. Press the big red button to light up pictures and hear fun phrases. Flip through ten easy-turn pages featuring playful scenes and characters. It's a fun, educational adventure that helps little ones discover the magic of words!
  • LeapFrog 動感拼音盤 識字學習:這款互動玩具旨在提升18個月以上兒童的詞彙和早期閱讀能力。通過豐富多彩的燈光、聲音和有趣的插圖,兒童可以通過四種引人入勝的模式探索單詞音和詞彙。按下大紅色按鈕點亮圖片,聽到有趣的短語。翻閱十頁易翻動的頁面,展示歡樂場景和角色。這是一次有趣的教育冒險,幫助小朋友發現文字的魔力!
  • LeapFrog Magic Adventures Binoculars: Explore the world up close with these real high-tech binoculars, featuring a digital camera and vibrant video screen that magnifies up to 10x with day and night vision. Embark on virtual adventures with 340+ preloaded BBC videos and images of animals, insects, plants and more. Interactive games and trivia boost learning while exploring. Perfect for curious kids, these binoculars combine fun and education, letting them capture and save pictures of their discoveries and making every outdoor adventure an exciting learning experience!
  • LeapFrog 魔法冒險望遠鏡:使用這款真實的高科技望遠鏡,通過數字相機和色彩鮮豔的視頻屏幕近距離探索世界,放大高達10倍,具有日夜視功能。通過340多個預裝的BBC視頻和動物、昆蟲、植物等圖像,踏上虛擬冒險之旅。交互式遊戲和問答增強學習,同時探索。對好奇的孩子來說,這款望遠鏡將娛樂和教育相結合,讓他們捕捉和保存他們的發現圖片,使每次戶外冒險都成爲令人激動的學習體驗!

Highlights of the award wins include:


Parents Best Toys Award Winners


  • VTech Sort & Discover Activity Wagon
  • VTech Sandy Snacks-a-Lot
  • LeapFrog Get Ready for Phonics Spin & Learn
  • LeapFrog Magic Adventures Binoculars
  • 偉易達尋找與發現活動車
  • 偉易達Sandy Snacks-a-Lot
  • LeapFrog 爲拼讀做好準備 旋轉與學習
  • LeapFrog 魔法探險雙筒望遠鏡

Good Housekeeping Best Toy Award Winners

Good Housekeeping 最佳玩具獎獲獎者

  • VTech Sort & Discover Activity Wagon
  • VTech KidiZoom Smartwatch DX4
  • VTech Baby Bopping & Cruising Baby Driver
  • LeapFrog 4-in-1 Learning Hamburger
  • 偉易達尋找與發現活動車
  • 偉易達KidiZoom智能手錶DX4
  • 偉易達Baby Bopping & 巡航嬰兒駕駛員
  • LeapFrog 4合1學習漢堡包

Toy of the Year (TOTY) Finalists


  • VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels Checkered Flag Motorized Track Set (Vehicle of the Year Finalist)
  • LeapFrog Magic Adventures Binoculars (Preschool Toy of the Year Finalist)
  • 偉易達Go!Go!Smart Wheels格子旗帶動軌道套裝(年度車輛入圍者)
  • LeapFrog魔法冒險雙筒望遠鏡(學齡前年度玩具入圍者)

For more information about VTech and LeapFrog products, available at major retailers, visit and .


About VTech
VTech is a world leader in age-appropriate and developmental stage-based electronic learning products for children. As a pioneer in the learning toy category, VTech develops high-quality, innovative educational products that enrich children's development and make learning fun. With a rich 45-year history, VTech has not only established itself as a learning authority but also consistently remains at the forefront of innovation with multiple award-winning products, including prestigious Toy of the Year (TOTY) Award winners. The company also has a broad range of award-winning infant, toddler and preschool products available in 28 different languages worldwide, with more than 100 new products introduced every year. In order to further strengthen VTech's position as a learning authority, new products are developed with critical insights from a dedicated team of in-house learning experts.


VTech Electronics North America, L.L.C. is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. VTech Electronics Limited is headquartered in Hong Kong with distribution globally.


About LeapFrog
LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. is the leader in innovative learning toys for children that encourage a child's curiosity and love of learning throughout their early developmental journey. For more than 25 years, LeapFrog has helped children expand their knowledge and imagination through award-winning products that combine state-of-the-art educational expertise led by the LeapFrog Learning Team, innovative technology, and engaging play – turning playtime into quality time that helps children leap ahead. LeapFrog's proprietary learning tablets and ground-breaking developmental games, learn to read and write systems, interactive learning toys and more are designed to create personalized experiences that encourage, excite and build confidence in children. LeapFrog is a subsidiary of VTech Holdings Limited, which is based in Hong Kong. LeapFrog was founded in 1995 by a father who revolutionized technology-based learning solutions to help his child learn how to read. Learn more at .

LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc.是領先的創新學習翫具製造商,爲兒童提供鼓勵好奇心和學習熱情的玩具,助力他們在早期發展過程中培養興趣。超過25年來,LeapFrog通過屢獲獎的產品幫助兒童擴大知識面,激發想象力,結合LeapFrog學習團隊領導的最先進的教育專業知識、創新科技和有趣的遊戲,將玩耍時間轉化爲有益的時間,助力兒童躍卓前行。LeapFrog的獨家學習平板、開創性的發展遊戲、學習閱讀和寫作系統、互動學習翫具等產品旨在創造個性化體驗,激勵、激動並增強兒童的信心。LeapFrog是總部位於香港的偉易達控股有限公司的子公司。LeapFrog成立於1995年,由一位父親創立,通過革新性的基於技術的學習解決方案幫助孩子學會閱讀。更多詳情請訪問。

Media Contact:
Lauren Fagan
Coyne Public Relations
[email protected]

[email protected]

SOURCE VTech Electronics North America, L.L.C.





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