MISC Partners With Gentari For Clean Ammonia Shipping Solutions
MISC Partners With Gentari For Clean Ammonia Shipping Solutions

MISC Bhd (MISC), a global leader in energy-related maritime services, has signed a Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Gentari Sdn Bhd, through its subsidiary Gentari Hydrogen Sdn Bhd, to develop integrated shipping and floating solutions for clean ammonia. The project is targeted for completion by 2027.
全球能源相關海事服務領域的領導者MISC與Gentari Sdn Bhd簽署了戰略合作協議,通過其子公司Gentari Hydrogen Sdn Bhd,共同開發清潔氨的集成航運和浮動解決方案。該項目計劃於2027年完成。
President and Group Chief Executive Officer of MISC, Zahid Osman, stated, "This partnership is not only about creating solutions for today but also about building the foundation for tomorrow's low-carbon maritime ecosystem. Together, we will drive innovation in the way clean ammonia is transported globally and enhance Malaysia's standing as a forward-looking maritime and energy hub."
MISC總裁兼集團首席執行官Zahid Osman表示:「這一合作伙伴關係不僅關乎爲當下創造解決方案,也關乎爲未來低碳海事生態系統奠定基礎。我們將共同推動清潔氨在全球運輸方式上的創新,並提升馬來西亞作爲具前瞻性的海事和能源樞紐的地位。」
Gentari's Chief Hydrogen Officer, Michèle Azalbert, highlighted the significance of the collaboration, saying, "By developing innovative ammonia shipping solutions, we are addressing critical infrastructure needs and paving the way for ammonia to become a key energy carrier in the global transition towards a sustainable future."
Gentari的首席氫官Michèle Azalbert強調了合作的重要性,稱:「通過開發創新的氨航運解決方案,我們正在應對關鍵的基礎設施需求,爲氨成爲全球向可持續未來過渡的關鍵能源載體鋪平道路。」
The agreement was signed by Wong Zun Haur, Head of Business Development, New Energy Division, MISC, and Nizam Ahmadi Shah Abd Hakim, Head of Marketing and Sales (SEA), Gentari Hydrogen.
該協議由MISC新能源部門的業務發展負責人Wong Zun Haur和Gentari Hydrogen的市場與銷售負責人(SEA)Nizam Ahmadi Shah Abd Hakim簽署。
This partnership aims to strengthen infrastructure for ammonia transportation, enabling the energy sector to meet the rising demand for alternative energy sources, while offering end-to-end logistics and transportation solutions for clean ammonia.