
Bear Creek Mining Reports Q3 2024 Financial and Operating Results

Bear Creek Mining Reports Q3 2024 Financial and Operating Results

newsfile ·  2024/11/26 05:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 26, 2024) - Bear Creek Mining Corporation (TSXV: BCM) (OTCQX: BCEKF) (BVL: BCM) ("Bear Creek" or the "Company") reports its interim condensed consolidated financial results for the three months ended September 30, 2024 ("Q3 2024").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年11月26日) - Bear Creek Mining Corporation (tsxv: BCM) (OTCQX: BCEKF) (BVL: BCM) ("熊溪"或"公司") 報告了截至2024年9月30日爲止的三個月的中期簡明綜合財務業績("2024年第三季度")。

This news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's interim condensed consolidated financial statements and management discussion and analysis ("MD&A") for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, which are available on SEDAR+ () and the Company's website (). Monetary amounts in this news release are in United States dollars unless otherwise stated and all capitalized terms herein have the same meaning as defined in the Q3 2024 financial statements.

應閱讀此新聞稿以配合公司截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的中期簡明綜合財務報表和管理層討論與分析("MD&A"),該報表可在 SEDAR+ () 和公司網站() 上找到。除非另有說明,否則本新聞稿中的貨幣金額均爲美元,此處所有大寫字母術語的定義與2024年第三季度財務報表中定義相同。

Eric Caba, President & CEO, states, "We are very happy to report that Bear Creek recorded a gross profit of $5.9 million during the quarter, and for the first time since acquiring Mercedes, a profit after operating expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Our ongoing efforts to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and our application of operational discipline resulted in an increase in gold and silver production during the quarter. Undoubtedly, the current strength in metal prices also had a positive impact on achieving this exciting financial milestone. We continue to adapt and improve the mining methods to suit the ore bodies, and we anticipate this will further reduce dilution and contribute to improvements in profitability in 2025. The ongoing operational improvements at Mercedes, the identified exploration targets, and the inclusion of the oxide resource in Corani, leave us very excited for the year ahead."

Eric Caba,總裁兼首席執行官,表示:"我們非常高興地報告,熊溪在本季度錄得590萬美元的毛利潤,並自收購梅賽德斯以來首次在2024年9月30日結束的三個月內實現營業費用後的利潤。 我們一直在努力提高效率,降低成本,並應用操作紀律,這使得本季度黃金和白銀的產量有所增加。 毫無疑問,目前金屬價格的上漲也對於實現這一激動人心的財務里程碑起到了積極影響。我們將繼續調整和改進採礦方法以適應礦石體,我們預計這將進一步降低稀釋並有助於2025年盈利能力的改善。在梅賽德斯不斷進行的運營改進,確定的勘探目標以及在科拉尼的氧化資源的納入,讓我們對未來一年感到非常興奮。"

Selected Q3 2024 Financial and Production Results
Bear Creek's Mercedes gold mine, located in Sonora, Mexico, produced 10,751 ounces of gold and 76,939 ounces of silver during the three months ended September 30, 2024. During this period 11,066 ounces of gold were sold, of which 825 ounces of gold were delivered under streaming arrangements. Cash costs and AISC per ounce of gold sold were $1,285 and $1,697, respectively. See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures", below.

熊溪位於墨西哥索諾拉州的梅賽德斯金礦在2024年9月30日結束的三個月內產出黃金10,751盎司,白銀76,939盎司。 在此期間,銷售了11,066盎司的黃金,其中825盎司的黃金根據流媒體安排提供。每盎司銷售的現金成本和全成本分別爲1,285美元和1,697美元。 請參見下文的"非依據廣義會計原則財務指標"。

Mercedes Operating Highlights Q3 2024 Year to Date
Gold ounces produced 10,751 32,283
Silver ounces produced 76,939 161,872
Gold ounces sold 11,066 32,900
Cash costs per gold ounce sold (1) $1,285 $1,349
AISC per gold ounce sold (1) $1,697 $1,755
Tonnes mined 103,889 303,348
Tonnes processed 102,535 307,541
Average gold grade mined (g/t) 3.36 3.51
Average gold grade processed (g/t) 3.40 3.45
Recovery rate gold 96% 95%
Average realized gold price (2) $2,469 $2,266
Development (meters) 2,025 7,374
Mercedes Operating Highlights 2024年第三季度 本年度至今
金產量盎司 10,751 32,283
銀產量 76,939 161,872
黃金銷量 11,066 32,900
每賣出一盎司黃金的現金成本(1) $1,285 $1,349
每賣出一盎司黃金的全成本(1) $1,697 $1,755
開採噸數 103,889 303,348
加工噸數 102,535 307,541
平均金品位開採(克/噸) 3.36 3.51
平均黃金品位處理(克/噸) 3.40 3.45
黃金回收率 96% 95%
平均實現黃金價格(2) $2,469 $2,266
發展(米) 2,025 7,374
Financial Results
(millions of dollars, except share and per share amounts)
Three Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Revenue $29.7
Gross Profit $5.9
Profit before "other items" $0.4
Comprehensive earnings (loss) after taxes $(7.0)
Comprehensive earnings (loss) per share (3) $(0.03)
Adjusted earnings (loss) after taxes (1)(4) $(2.2)
Adjusted earnings (loss) per share (1)(3)(4) $(0.01)
Weighted average shares during period 227,658,982
Shares issued and outstanding at end of period 227,725,785

Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Cash generated from (used in) operating activities $12.6
Cash generated from (used in) investing activities $(8.2)
Cash generated from (used in) financing activities $(0.6)
Net increase (decrease) in cash $3.8
收入 $29.7
毛利潤 $5.9
其他項目之前的利潤 $0.4
稅後綜合收益(損失) $(7.0)
每股綜合收益(損失)(3) $(0.03)
調整後稅後收益(損失)(1)(4) $(2.2)
每股調整後收益(損失)(1)(3)(4) $(0.01)
期間內加權平均股份 227,658,982
期末已發行和流通的股份數量 227,725,785

經營活動產生的現金(使用現金) $12.6
投資活動產生的現金流量 $(8.2)
籌資活動產生的現金流量 $(0.6)
現金淨增加(減少) $3.8

(1) Non-GAAP Measure. Please see "Non-GAAP Measures" below for further information.
(2) Inclusive of final settlement adjustments on sales for non-streamed ounces.
(3) Per share amounts are based on weighted average shares during the period.
(4) Adjusted earnings excludes non-cash items that are significant but not reflective of the underlying operational performance of the Company and are a useful metric as they are an important indicator of the strength of operations and the performance of the Company's core business. Additional information is provided in the Company's Q3 2024 MD&A.

(4) 調整後的盈利不包括那些非現金項目,這些項目雖然重要但不反映公司基本業績,並且是一個有用的指標,因爲它們是運營強度和公司核心業務表現的重要指標。有關詳細信息,請參閱公司2024年第三季度管理討論與分析。

Mercedes Mine, Mexico
The Mercedes mine, in the state of Sonora, Mexico, is a fully mechanized, ramp-access operation that produces gold and silver. Eleven individual deposits have been mined, of which five are actively in production.


The Mercedes Mine had one lost time incident ("LTI") and no reportable environmental incidents during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.


Mercedes exploration efforts during Q3 2024 focused on underground Mineral Resource extension and infill drilling at the Marianas, Diluvio West and Barrancas deposits. Data obtained from infill drilling will assist in the upgrading of new Mineral Resources and the conversion of Resources to Mineral Reserves. Surface Mineral Resource exploration & extension drilling programs at the Diluvio Northwest and Lagunas West targets also continued during Q3 2024. Expenditures on exploration drilling during the quarter totaled $0.5 million and underground delineation drilling expenses totaled $1.34 million.


As a result of initiatives to identify new near-mine and district-wide exploration targets undertaken during Q2 and Q3 2024, six high priority brownfield targets and eight greenfield targets have now been identified in the Mercedes concessions. The Company is currently evaluating and prioritizing these targets for potential inclusion in its 2025 surface and underground exploration drilling programs. The 69,284-hectare Mercedes property is located at the convergence of discrete porphyry, epithermal & orogenic belts – a geologically highly prospective setting that is largely underexplored outside of the Mercedes mine area.

由於2024年第二季度和第三季度開展的旨在確定新近礦和區域性勘探目標的倡議,Mercedes特許區識別出六個優先級較高的棕地礦靶區和八個綠地礦靶區。公司目前正在評估和優先考慮這些目標,以便可能納入其2025年地表和地下勘探鑽探計劃中。佔地69,284公頃的Mercedes物業位於獨立斑岩、淺成礦及造山帶的交匯處 - 這是地質上極具潛力的地質環境,除了Mercedes礦區外在很大程度上尚未受到充分開發。

Development totaled 2,025 meters during Q3 2024, a slight decrease from past quarters as development in the Marianas deposit was limited in favour of driving the new lateral ramp. This ramp was completed during the quarter and production from Marianas resumed toward the end of September 2024. Portal access to the Rey de Oro Alta deposit was also initiated during Q3 2024.

2024年第三季度開展的開發總長度爲2,025米,與過去幾個季度相比有輕微減少,因爲優先推進新側向斜坡的拉開工作,而在Marianas礦牀的開發受到限制。該斜坡在本季度完成,Marianas礦牀的生產於2024年9月底恢復。2024年第三季度也啓動了通往Rey de Oro Alta礦牀的門戶。

Planning for a new tailings storage facility ("TSF3") continued during Q3 2024. A land use permit for TSF3 was issued during Q1 2024, however final permitting has been impacted by bureaucratic delays in the implementation of Mexico's new mining law announced in 2023. Alternative plans for the deposition of tailings are underway, including utilizing a third-party engineering firm to engineer and design a dry stack tailings disposal option that is expected to move into the permitting phase during Q1 of 2025.


A focus on fundamental changes to the cost structure and operating protocols continued to dominate management's efforts to improve outcomes from the Mercedes mine. Initiatives completed or further advanced during Q3 2024 include the restructuring of mining contracts to help replace aged machinery with equipment that is right sized for the extraction and exploitation of the Marianas ore body.


Mercedes' Q3 2024 production was comprised of contributions from four main deposit areas: San Martin, Marianas, Diluvio and Lupita and totalled 10,751 ounces of gold and 76,939 ounces of silver. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, 103,889 tonnes of ore were mined at an average mining grade of 3.36 g/t gold and 43.77 g/t silver, and 102,535 tonnes of ore were processed at an average grade of 3.10 g/t gold and 47.91 g/t silver. The average gold grade of ore processed during Q3 2024 was largely in keeping with the last two quarters, continuing the improvement in grade in comparison to the 2023 average of 2.77 g/t. The San Martin deposit continued to contribute the majority of Mercedes' Q3 2024 mined and processed tonnage.

Mercedes的2024年第三季度產量由四個主要礦區貢獻:San Martin、Marianas、Diluvio和Lupita,總產量爲10,751盎司黃金和76,939盎司白銀。截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,共開採103,889噸礦石,平均金品位爲3.36克/噸,銀品位爲43.77克/噸;處理了102,535噸礦石,平均金品位爲3.10克/噸,銀品位爲47.91克/噸。2024年第三季度處理的礦石的平均金品位基本與前兩個季度持平,繼續在比較2023年平均金品位爲2.77克/噸的基礎上提高。San Martin礦區繼續貢獻大部分Mercedes2024年第三季度開採和處理的礦石量。

Gold production improved during Q3 2024 relative to the previous quarter as a result of an increase in mined and processed tonnage coupled with slightly higher gold recovery rates. Notably, silver production totaled almost 77,000 ounces during the third quarter, a substantial increase over each of the first two quarters of 2024 as well as the average quarterly silver produced from Mercedes since Bear Creek acquired the mine in 2022, as a result of favorable mineralogy at San Martin that allowed to significantly improve silver recovery rates.

黃金生產在2024年第三季度相對於上一季度有所改善,這是由於採礦量和加工噸位的增加以及略微提高的黃金回收率。值得注意的是,白銀產量在第三季度達到了近77,000盎司,相較於2024年前兩個季度以及自Bear Creek在2022年收購該礦以來每個季度平均生產的白銀,產量大幅增加,這要歸功於聖馬丁礦牀有利的礦物學條件,使白銀回收率得以顯著提高。

Production from the San Martin is expected to wind down during Q1 of 2025. Both the Marianas and Rey de Oro Alta deposits are expected to begin contributing ore in the later part of 2024 and be significant contributors in 2025. During the transition of production to these deposits in the near term, we expect production levels to be highly variable as we sequentially advance through differing grades in San Martin and advance the development in Marianas and Rey de Oro.

預計2025年第一季度聖馬丁礦的產量將逐漸減少。Marianas和Rey de Oro Alta礦牀預計將在2024年後期開始貢獻礦石,並在2025年成爲重要貢獻者。在生產逐步轉移到這些礦牀的過渡期,我們預計生產水平將出現高度變化,因爲我們逐步推進聖馬丁的不同品位,同時推進Marianas和Rey de Oro的開發工作。

Upgraded geological and Mineral Resource block models for all Mercedes deposits are progressing in preparation for a 2024 update on the Mineral Resource estimate and subsequent conversion to Mineral Reserves. Modifying factors used in the resource and reserve estimates, including gold and silver prices, are being updated and the 2024 Mineral Resource and Reserve estimates will inform the mine planning, production scheduling and ultimately, determination of mining costs to be incorporated into a new 2025 economic model for the Mercedes mine. The continued focus on development as well as Resource delineation and exploration Resource extension drilling will support the plans for short and medium-term production planning as well as the 2025 budgeting process.


The Company has commenced a program to delineate new prospects, with the potential to lead to discovery of new Mineral Resources proximal to Mercedes' current operations, to be followed by a second phase of work aimed at expanding the existing interpretation of the remainder of the Mercedes concessions with a view to defining key mineralized systems and including new mineralization models.


Corani Project
Activities at the Corani Property during the three months ended September 30, 2024 focused primarily on assessment of the "Oxide Opportunity" (see news release dated September 9, 2024), which has the potential to enhance life of mine silver production, improve already robust economic returns, and meaningfully lower the initial capital required to commence operations at Corani. The Company is working toward completion of a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") that will consider a development plan for Corani consisting of an initial phase of mining near-surface, silver-rich oxidized material (the "Oxides") to be followed by the development and extraction of the silver-lead-zinc sulfide resources outlined in the 2019 Corani Feasibility Study technical report (available on the Company's website and SEDAR+). The results of the PEA, and the technical report supporting them, are expected to be announced prior to the end of 2024.

2024年9月30日結束的三個月內,Corani Property的活動主要集中在評估"氧化物機會"上(請參閱2024年9月9日的新聞發佈),該機會有潛力增加礦山銀產量,改善已經強勁的經濟回報,並顯著降低啓動Corani運營所需的初始資本。公司正在致力於完成初步經濟評估("PEA"),該評估將考慮Corani的開發計劃,包括首階段在表層開採富含銀的氧化材料("氧化物"),隨後開發和提取2019年Corani可行性研究技術報告中概述的銀-鉛-鋅硫化物資源。PEA的結果和支持它們的技術報告預計將在2024年底之前宣佈。

The Company is continuing to investigate financing alternatives to fund development of the Corani mine, supporting prior early works initiatives such as road access and completion of electrical transmission lines, and focusing on maintaining the Corani permits and the project's strong social license.


Overview of Results of Operations, Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Company recorded revenue of $29.7 million from the sale of gold and silver during the three months ended September 30, 2024 (compared to $18.8 million for the comparative period of 2023). The cost of goods sold was $16.5 million and depletion, amortization and depreciation amounted to $7.2 million during Q2 2024. Gross profit from operations was $6.0 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to a gross loss of $6.8 million for the same period in 2023.


The Company recorded a profit (before other items) of $0.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 (compared to a loss (before other items) of $11.7 million the same period a year earlier).


Adjusted Earnings for the three months ended September 30, 2024 totalled $(2.2) million or ($0.01) per share. Adjusted Earnings are a non-GAAP financial measure (see "Non-GAAP Measures", below) which excludes items that are significant but not reflective of the underlying operational performance of the Company.


Spending on the Corani property totalled $1.8 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, a small decrease compared to the same period a year earlier (Q3 2023: $2.0 million) due to decreased consulting costs. The Corani expenditures comprise both direct project expenditures and corporate overhead costs. Exploration costs, including maintenance of the Company's Peruvian property interests and exploration at Mercedes, totaled $1.9 million during the quarter (Q3 2023: $1.1 million). This increase is due to increased exploration drilling at Mercedes.


The Company fair values the conversion feature of its convertible debentures, and call options granted as part of notes payable at each period end and recorded a loss of $1.2 million (Q3 2023: gain of $1.3 million) presented as a change in fair value of the derivatives embedded into the Equinox Note and Sandstorm Loan. The major factor impacting this loss was the change in share price of the Company during the quarter.

公司對可轉換債券的轉換條款和作爲應付票據的看漲期權進行公允價值評估,並在每個期末錄得損失120萬美元(2023年第三季度:盈利130萬美元),作爲列入Equinox Note和Sandstorm Loan嵌入式衍生工具公允價值變動的損失。影響這一損失的主要因素是本季度公司股價的變動。

The Company fair values the warrant liability associated with financing in Q4 2023 and recorded a loss of $0.3 million (Q3 2023: nil) due to the fluctuations in the Company's share price.

公司對Q4 2023的融資中涉及的認股權證責任進行公允價值評估,並因公司股價波動錄得30萬美元的損失(2023年第三季度:零)。

The difference between the Q3 2024 profit (before other items) and the after-tax net loss is primarily attributable to a $(3.4) million change in the fair value of stream arrangements recorded during the quarter (compared to a $0.6 million gain in Q3 2023) due to increases in metals prices, remaining deliveries and the discount rates utilized.


After operating expenses, other income and expenses, tax expenses and recoveries the Company recorded a comprehensive net loss of $7.0 million ($0.03 per share) for the three months ended September 30, 2024 (Q3 2023: $9.8 million and $0.06 per share). The $2.8 million decrease in comprehensive loss period over period is primarily due to the $6.9 million increased loss on the valuation of embedded derivatives, stream arrangements and warrant liability and $1.1 million decrease in foreign exchange gain offset by the higher profit of $12.0 million.


On September 30, 2024, the Company held cash and short-term investments totaling $7.7 million, an increase of $3.8 million over the cash and short-term investments on December 31, 2023 of $3.9 million.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company had a cash inflow from operating activities of $12.6 million (2023: inflow of $2.0 million); a cash outflow from investing activities of $8.2 million (2023: outflow of $12.2 million); and an outflow of $0.6 million from financing activities (2023: outflow of $8.4 million).


The Company's interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were prepared following accounting principles applicable to a going concern, which assumes the Company will be able to continue operations for at least twelve months from September 30, 2024 and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the ordinary course of operations.


On September 30, 2024, the Company had a working capital (current assets minus current liabilities) deficiency of $93.2 million (December 31, 2023: $89.7 million), which was impacted by the amendments to IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements, requiring reclassification of equity-settleable convertible notes and warrant liabilities totaling $57.2 million (December 31, 2023: $47.4 million) from non-current liabilities to current liabilities.

2024年9月30日,公司的運營資本(流動資產減去流動負債)虧損9320萬美元(2023年12月31日:8970萬美元),這受到了對IAS 1 - 財務報表呈現進行修訂的影響,該修訂要求將可轉股票據和認股權證責任總計5720萬美元(2023年12月31日:4740萬美元)從非流動負債重新分類爲流動負債。

Non-GAAP Measures
This news release includes disclosure of certain financial measures or ratios, as such terms are used in National Instrument 52-112 - Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure, including Cash Cost, All-In Sustaining Cost ("AISC") and Adjusted Earnings. These Non-GAAP financial measures are not standardized financial measures under IFRS Accounting Standards ("IFRS") and might not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. The Company believes that these measures and ratios provide investors with an improved ability to evaluate the prospects of the Company as they provide additional information related to operating performance and are widely used in the mining industry.

本新聞稿包括對特定財務指標或比率的披露,這些術語如在《證券監管的國家工具 52-112 - 非依照通用會計準則和其他金融指標披露》中使用,包括現金成本、全成本和調整後收益。 這些非依照通用會計準則的財務指標不是IFRS會計準則下的標準化財務指標,可能與其他公司呈現的類似指標不可比。公司認爲這些指標和比率爲投資者提供了更好的評估公司前景的能力,因爲它們提供了有關經營績效的額外信息,而這些信息在採礦行業中被廣泛使用。

For further information regarding these non-GAAP financial measures including reconciliations of these measures to the applicable costs items as reported in the consolidated financial statements for the respective periods, please see the information under the heading "Cash Cost and All-in-Sustaining Cost ("AISC") for Mercedes" and "Adjusted Earnings and Adjusted Earnings per Share" in the Company's MD&A for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024, available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+.


On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Eric Caba
President and CEO

Eric Caba

For further information contact:
Barbara Henderson - VP Corporate Communications
Direct: 604-628-1111

Subscribe to Bear Creek Mining news

Barbara Henderson-企業傳訊副總裁


NI 43-101 Disclosure
Unless otherwise indicated, the technical and scientific information provided in this MD&A related to the Company's mineral projects is based on work programs and initiatives conducted under the supervision of, and has been reviewed and approved by, Donald Mc Iver, Fellow SEG and Fellow Aus IMM. Mr. Mc Iver is Vice President, Exploration and Geology of Bear Creek Mining Corporation and is a qualified person ("QP") as defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

NI 43-101披露
除非另有說明,本管理層討論和分析中提供的與公司礦產項目相關的技術和科學信息,均基於在Donald Mc Iver,SEG資深會員和Aus IMm會員的監督下進行的工作方案和項目,並經過其審查和批准。麥克艾弗先生是Bear Creek Mining Corporation的勘探與地質副總裁,也是根據《43-101號國家儀器-礦產項目披露標準》中定義的合格人員(「QP」)。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding: the ability of the Mercedes mine to generate free cash flow; expectations for future reductions in dilution and improvements in profitability at the Mercedes mine; expectations regarding the completion of updated estimates of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves at the Mercedes mine and the implications of these new estimates on future mining plans, economic models and mining costs; anticipated exploration plans at the Mercedes property and the goals thereof; the evaluation of exploration targets and the potential for additional mineralization, yet undiscovered, within the Mercedes property; expectations regarding volatility in near term production results; the development of contingency plans for the disposal of tailings at the Mercedes mine and the viability of such contingencies; the expected contributions of various deposits to Mercedes' future production; expectations regarding the timing and outcomes of the Corani Oxides PEA; plans to re-initiate Corani project financing discussions; and expectations regarding the maintenance of Corani permits and social license. These forward-looking statements are provided as of the date of this news release and reflect predictions, expectations or beliefs regarding future events based on the Company's beliefs at the time the statements were made, as well as various assumptions made by and information currently available to them. In making these forward-looking statements, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to: that the Company will be able to meet its debt and stream obligations; that unforeseen factors will not impede the anticipated performance of the Mercedes mine; that development work at Mercedes will continue as planned and result in contributions to production as anticipated; and that exploration drilling plans will transpire as and when predicted. Although management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information available to it, they may prove to be incorrect. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and the risk exists that estimates, forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved or that assumptions on which they are based do not reflect future experience. We caution readers not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as a number of important factors could cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from the expectations expressed in them. These risk factors may be generally stated as the risk that the assumptions expressed above do not occur, but may include additional risks as described in the Company's latest Annual Information Form, and other disclosure documents filed by the Company on SEDAR+. The foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time by the Company or on behalf of the Company, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含有關以下方面的前瞻性聲明:Mercedes礦產能否創造自由現金流的能力;對Mercedes礦產未來稀釋減少和盈利改善的預期;關於Mercedes礦產更新的礦產資源和礦藏估計完成情況的預期,以及這些新估計對未來採礦計劃、經濟模型和採礦成本的影響;對Mercedes產權的預期勘探計劃及其目標;評估勘探目標以及Mercedes產權內尚未發現的額外礦化潛力的預期;關於近期生產結果波動性的預期;在Mercedes礦產製定尾礦處理備選計劃和此類備選計劃的可行性;各礦牀對Mercedes未來生產的預期貢獻;關於Corani Oxides PEA的計時和結果預期;計劃重新啓動Corani項目融資討論;以及關於維持Corani許可證和社會許可的預期。這些前瞻性聲明是根據本新聞日期提供的,並反映了基於公司制定這些聲明時的信念以及目前對其可用信息的各種假設。在提出這些前瞻性聲明時,公司做出了幾個重要假設,包括但不限於:公司將能夠履行其債務和流轉義務;意外因素將不會妨礙Mercedes礦產預期的表現;Mercedes的開發工作將按計劃繼續並如預期地對生產做出貢獻;以及勘探鑽井計劃將按照預期的時間表實施。儘管管理層認爲根據其所掌握的信息,這些假設是合理的,但它們可能被證明是錯誤的。由於前瞻性聲明天生涉及一般和具體的固有風險和不確定性,因此存在這樣的風險,即估計、預測、投影和其他前瞻性聲明可能無法實現,或者它們所依據的假設不反映未來經驗。我們提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性聲明,因爲一些重要因素可能導致實際結果與其中所表達的期望大相徑庭。這些風險因素可能一般陳述爲上述假設未發生的風險,但可能包括在公司最新的年度信息表和公司在SEDAR+提交的其他披露文件中描述的額外風險。上述可能影響未來結果的因素清單並不詳盡。投資者和其他人士應慎重考慮上述因素和其他不確定性和潛在事件。除非法律要求,在相應公司或代表公司的公司可能不時發表的任何口頭或書面前瞻性聲明,本公司不承諾更新任何前瞻性聲明。

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TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

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