Westcon-Comstor Taps TTEC Digital to Lead Global Sales Process Optimization
Westcon-Comstor Taps TTEC Digital to Lead Global Sales Process Optimization
DENVER, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TTEC Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC), a leading global CX (customer experience) technology and services innovator for AI-enabled CX with solutions from TTEC Engage and TTEC Digital, today announced that TTEC Digital has completed the first phases of a successful global sales process optimization program with Westcon-Comstor, a global technology provider and specialist distributor.
丹佛,2024年12月2日 /PRNewswire/ -- TTEC控股公司(納斯達克:TTEC)是一家領先的全球客戶體驗(CX)科技和服務創新者,專注於人工智能驅動的客戶體驗,提供來自TTEC Engage和TTEC Digital的解決方案,今天宣佈TTEC Digital已完成與全球科技供應商和專業分銷商Westcon-Comstor的成功全球銷售流程優化計劃的首個階段。
Westcon-Comstor operates across EMEA and APAC, connecting the world's leading IT vendors with a channel of technology resellers, systems integrators and service providers. It goes to market through two lines of business: Westcon and Comstor.
While embarking on a business-wide digital transformation, the company saw an opportunity to optimize its selling activities and data systems by streamlining its sales process, unifying its data, and empowering its teams with modern, data-driven tools. Through a rigorous request for proposals (RFP) process, Westcon-Comstor sought a partner with deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and proven ability to execute complex projects on a global scale. Ultimately, Westcon-Comstor selected TTEC Digital to execute a full sales process optimization (SPO) program.
在進行全公司的數字化轉型時,該公司看到了一次通過精簡銷售流程、統一數據以及賦能團隊使用現代數據驅動工具來優化銷售活動和數據系統的機會。通過嚴格的提案請求(RFP)過程,Westcon-Comstor尋求與在微軟Dynamics 365銷售領域擁有深厚專業知識和在全球範圍內執行復雜項目的能力的合作伙伴。最終,Westcon-Comstor選擇了TTEC Digital來執行全面的銷售流程優化(SPO)計劃。
"As a global firm, we wanted a partner who understood our culture and could work on a global basis," said Dwight Pitter, Chief Information Officer, Westcon-Comstor. "We recognized that TTEC Digital could take a multi-pronged approach by levering its teams in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India to ensure a comprehensive and holistic strategy. TTEC Digital has been instrumental in enabling us to achieve our vision of having a unified, consistent way of presenting the right opportunities, data, and leads to our people on a global basis."
"作爲一家全球公司,我們希望找到一個了解我們文化並可以在全球範圍內合作的合作伙伴,"Westcon-Comstor首席信息官Dwight Pitter表示。"我們意識到TTEC Digital可以通過在歐洲、中東、非洲和印度的團隊採取多方位的方式,以確保一個全面和整體的策略。TTEC Digital在幫助我們實現統一、可持續的方式,以在全球範圍內向我們的團隊展示合適的機會、數據和線索方面發揮了重要作用。"
The SPO program is active in 62 countries, and has achieved impressive results to date, including:
- more than 1,700 users with a 92% adoption rate for daily sales activities
- 158,000 new sales leads
- substantial increases in data accuracy and win rates.
- 超過1700個用戶,日常銷售活動的採用率達到92%
- 158,000個新的銷售線索
- 數據準確性和勝率的大幅提高。
"Westcon-Comstor recognizes the important role that a consistently excellent sales process plays within the customer experience. Often a customer's first meaningful interaction with a brand, the sales engagement sets the tone for how the customer perceives the brand and ultimately whether they decide to become a repeat customer," said Dave Seybold, CEO, TTEC Digital. "As a leading global CX consulting and technology services firm, TTEC Digital has helped many clients through similar transformations, and we are proud help Westcon-Comstor improve their CX through sales process optimization."
"Westcon-Comstor 認識到,穩定優秀的銷售流程在客戶體驗中扮演着重要角色。客戶與品牌的第一次重要互動往往是銷售接洽,這爲客戶如何看待品牌定下了基調,最終決定他們是否願意成爲回頭客," TTEC Digital 的首席執行官 Dave Seybold 說道。"作爲一家領先的全球客戶體驗諮詢和科技服務公司,TTEC Digital 已幫助許多客戶完成類似的轉型,我們很自豪能夠通過銷售流程優化幫助 Westcon-Comstor 改善其客戶體驗。"
Through deep-dive workshops with Westcon-Comstor, TTEC Digital was able to understand the firm's challenges and requirements, identify key metrics for measuring progress, ensure end user buy-in, and establish a transformation plan. Work on the project has advanced in two phases, beginning with a pilot in 2023 and continuing with a global rollout in 2024 across more than 60 countries. Work to further optimize the SPO program is ongoing.
通過與 Westcon-Comstor 深入交流的研討會,TTEC Digital 能夠理解該公司的挑戰和需求,確定衡量進展的關鍵指標,確保最終用戶的買入,並建立轉型計劃。項目工作分爲兩個階段進行,2023 年啓動試點,並在 2024 年繼續在超過 60 個國家進行全球推廣。進一步優化 SPO 計劃的工作仍在進行中。
For more information about TTEC Digital's work with Westcon-Comstor, please visit .
有關 TTEC Digital 與 Westcon-Comstor 合作的更多信息,請訪問。
About TTEC
TTEC (讀作 T-TEK) Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTEC) 是一家全球領先的客戶體驗技術和服務創新公司,爲標誌性和顛覆性品牌提供基於結果的解決方案,涵蓋整個企業業務,觸達所有虛擬交互渠道,改善客戶旅程的每一個環節。藉助下一代數字技術,該公司的TTEC Digital業務設計、構建和運營聯繫中心技術、CRM、人工智能和分析解決方案。公司的TTEC Engage業務提供增強型人工智能的客戶參與、客戶獲取和增長、技術支持、後勤和防欺詐服務。成立於1982年,該公司的CX卓越的獨一無二的執着精神,憑藉全球領先的客戶、客戶和員工滿意度分數,使其在全球六大洲擁有超過60,000名員工,並將技術和人性相結合,提供快樂的客戶和差異化的業務成果。要了解更多信息,請訪問我們。
TTEC (pronounced T-TEC) Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC) is a leading global CX (customer experience) technology and services innovator for AI-enabled digital CX solutions. Serving iconic and disruptive brands, TTEC's outcome-based solutions span the entire enterprise, touch every virtual interaction channel, and improve each step of the customer journey. Leveraging next-gen digital technology, the Company's TTEC Digital business designs, builds, and operates omnichannel contact center technology, CRM, AI and analytics solutions. The Company's TTEC Engage business delivers AI-enhanced customer engagement, customer acquisition and growth, tech support, back office, and fraud prevention services. Founded in 1982, the Company's singular obsession with CX excellence has earned it leading client, customer, and employee satisfaction scores across the globe. The Company's employees operate on six continents and bring technology and humanity together to deliver happy customers and differentiated business results. To learn more visit us at .
TTEC(讀作t-TEC)控股有限公司(納斯達克代碼:TTEC)是一家領先的全球CX(客戶體驗)技術和服務創新者,提供基於人工智能的數字CX解決方案。爲知名品牌和顛覆性品牌提供基於結果的解決方案,覆蓋整個企業,涉及每個虛擬互動渠道,並改進客戶旅程的每一步。利用下一代數字技術,公司的TTEC數碼業務設計、構建並運營全渠道聯絡中心技術、CRm、AI和分析解決方案。公司的TTEC Engage業務提供經人工智能增強的客戶參與、客戶獲取和增長、技術支持、後勤辦公及防欺詐服務。公司成立於1982年,公司對客戶體驗卓越的狂熱追求使其在全球獲得領先的客戶、顧客和員工滿意度得分。公司員工遍佈六大洲,融合科技與人文精神,帶來愉快客戶和差異化業務結果。要了解更多,請訪問我們的網站。
Media Contact:
Meredith Matthews
[email protected]
Meredith Matthews
[email protected]
SOURCE TTEC Holdings, Inc.
資訊TTEC Holdings,Inc.