
Aecon Utilities Expands Electrical Services and Power Systems Capabilities With Acquisition of Ainsworth's Power Construction Business

Aecon Utilities Expands Electrical Services and Power Systems Capabilities With Acquisition of Ainsworth's Power Construction Business

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/02 11:30

TORONTO, Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aecon Group Inc. (TSX: ARE) ("Aecon" or the "Company") announced today that its subsidiary, Aecon Utilities Group Inc. ("Aecon Utilities"), has acquired Ainsworth Power Construction ("APC"), an electrical services and power systems business unit of Ainsworth, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, from GDI Integrated Facility Services (the "Transaction"). APC's management and operational teams are joining Aecon Utilities through the transaction, which is being financed through Aecon Utilities' standalone committed revolving credit facility.

多倫多,2024年12月2日(環球新聞網)-- Aecon集團公司(TSX:ARE)("Aecon"或"公司")今天宣佈,其子公司Aecon公用事業集團公司("Aecon Utilities")已收購Ainsworth電力施工("APC"),這是一家總部位於安大略省多倫多的電氣服務及電力系統業務單元,前身爲GDI綜合設施服務公司("交易")。APC的管理和運營團隊將通過此次交易加入Aecon Utilities,融資通過Aecon Utilities的獨立承諾循環信貸設施進行。

APC has over 80 employees and 80 years of experience as a comprehensive technical services contractor for electrical utility clients, primarily in Ontario. The majority of APC's revenues are recurring in nature and are conducted under long-term Master Service Agreements. Aecon Utilities and APC are collaboratively engaged as joint venture partners delivering programs to utility and private sector clients to expand electricity distribution infrastructure across Ontario.

APC擁有超過80名員工,作爲電力公用事業客戶的全面技術服務承包商,在安大略省擁有80年的經驗。APC的大部分營業收入具有循環性質,並且是在長期主服務協議下進行的。Aecon Utilities和APC作爲聯合創業公司合作,爲公用事業和私營部門客戶提供項目,以擴大安大略省的電力分配基礎設施。

"The acquisition of APC builds on our strong collaborative partnership, strengthens relationships with key clients, and further diversifies our comprehensive self-perform utility infrastructure expertise," said Jean-Louis Servranckx, President & Chief Executive Officer, Aecon Group Inc.

「收購APC建立在我們強大的合作伙伴關係基礎上,增強了與關鍵客戶的關係,進一步豐富了我們全面自我運營的公用事業基礎設施專業知識,」Aecon集團公司總裁兼首席執行官Jean-Louis Servranckx表示。

"Along with our strategic partner Oaktree, we are pleased to welcome the experienced APC team to Aecon Utilities as we continue to advance our growth and evolve our business to harness the significant opportunities linked to the energy transition," said Eric MacDonald, Executive Vice President, Aecon Utilities.

「與我們的戰略合作伙伴Oaktree一起,我們很高興歡迎經驗豐富的APC團隊加入Aecon Utilities,因爲我們繼續推動我們的成長並發展我們的業務,以利用與能源轉型相關的重大機遇,」Aecon Utilities執行副總裁Eric MacDonald表示。

"Building on over a decade-long relationship, the acquisition of APC is the next natural step to expand our market share and capacity, and allows us to offer a scalable, purpose-built, turnkey solution for our valued utility customers," said Chris Manielly, Vice President, Electrical, Aecon Utilities.

「在超過十年的關係基礎上,收購APC是擴大我們的市場份額和能力的下一個自然步驟,使我們能夠爲我們寶貴的公用事業客戶提供可擴展、專用的交鑰匙解決方案,」Aecon Utilities電氣部門副總裁Chris Manielly表示。

About Aecon


Aecon Group Inc. is a North American construction and infrastructure development company with global experience. Aecon delivers integrated solutions to private and public-sector clients through its Construction segment in the Civil, Urban Transportation, Nuclear, Utility, and Industrial sectors, and provides project development, financing, investment, management, and operations and maintenance services through its Concessions segment. Join our online community on X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram @AeconGroupInc.


About Aecon Utilities

關於Aecon Utilities

Aecon Utilities is a leading provider of utility infrastructure solutions in Canada, with a growing presence in the U.S., operating in four end markets: electrical transmission and distribution, renewables and in-home services, telecommunications, and pipeline distribution. A significant portion of Aecon Utilities' revenues are generated from recurring revenue programs for public and leading private utility-sector clients. Funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P., through its Power Opportunities strategy, invested in a net $150 million convertible preferred equity investment in October 2023 that is convertible into a 27.5% ownership interest in Aecon Utilities.

Aecon Utilities is a leading provider of utility infrastructure solutions in Canada, with a growing presence in the U.S., operating in four end markets: electrical transmission and distribution, renewables and in-home services, telecommunications, and pipeline distribution. A significant portion of Aecon Utilities' revenues are generated from recurring revenue programs for public and leading private utility-sector clients. Funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P., through its Power Opportunities strategy, invested in a net $15000萬 convertible preferred equity investment in October 2023 that is convertible into a 27.5% ownership interest in Aecon Utilities.

About Ainsworth Power Construction


Ainsworth Power Construction ("APC") is a comprehensive electrical services and power systems contractor, providing on-demand emergency response and powerline repair services, as well as a full range of engineering, servicing and construction services for electrical utility clients. With over 80 years of experience, and with licensed electricians, powerline workers and engineers, APC is a diverse technical services provider that can deliver power system projects as either standalone work or integrated into a larger scope.

Ainsworth Power Construction ("APC") is a comprehensive electrical services and power systems contractor, providing on-demand emergency response and powerline repair services, as well as a full range of engineering, servicing and construction services for electrical utility clients. With over 80 years of experience, and with licensed electricians, powerline workers and engineers, APC is a diverse technical services provider that CAN deliver power system projects as either standalone work or integrated into a larger scope.

Statement on Forward-Looking Information


The information in this press release includes certain forward-looking statements which may constitute forward-looking information under applicable securities laws. These forward-looking statements are based on currently available competitive, financial and economic data and operating plans but are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements regarding the operations, business, financial condition, expected financial results, performance, prospects, ongoing objectives, strategies and outlook for Aecon, including statements regarding: the expected growth of the Aecon Utilities business, expansion of market share and operational capacity, the ability of Aecon Utilities and APC to integrate successfully following the Transaction, and the expansion in the U.S. utility services market. Forward-looking statements may in some cases be identified by words such as "may," "will," "expects," "target," "future," "plans," "believes," "anticipates," "estimates," "projects," "intends," "should" or the negative of these terms, or similar expressions.

本新聞稿中的信息包括某些可能構成適用證券法下前瞻性信息的前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述基於當前可用的競爭、財務和經濟數據以及經營計劃,但受到風險和不確定性的影響。前瞻性陳述可能包括但不限於關於Aecon的操作、業務、財務狀況、預期財務業績、表現、前景、持續目標、策略和展望的聲明,包括關於:Aecon Utilities業務預計的增長、市場份額和運營能力的擴展、Aecon Utilities和APC在交易後成功整合的能力,以及在美國公用事業服務市場的擴展。前瞻性陳述在某些情況下可通過諸如「可能」、「將」、「期望」、「目標」、「未來」、「計劃」、「相信」、「預期」、「估計」、「項目」、「打算」、「應該」或這些術語的否定形式或類似表達等詞語來識別。

In addition to events beyond Aecon's control, there are factors which could cause actual or future results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or inferred herein including, but not limited to: the risk of not being able to meet contractual schedules and other performance requirements, the risk of not being able to capitalize on opportunities linked to the energy transition, the risk of not being able to meet its labour needs, the risk of costs or difficulties related to the integration of Aecon Utilities and APC being greater than expected, the risk of the anticipated benefits and synergies from the Transaction not being fully realized or taking longer than expected to realize, the risk of being unable to retain key personnel, including APC management, and the risk of being unable to maintain relationships with customers, suppliers or other business partners of APC. These forward-looking statements are based on a variety of factors and assumptions including, but not limited to that: none of the risks identified above materialize, there are no unforeseen changes to economic and market conditions and no significant events occur outside the ordinary course of business. These assumptions are based on information currently available to Aecon, including information obtained from third-party sources. While Aecon believes that such third-party sources are reliable sources of information, Aecon has not independently verified the information. Aecon has not ascertained the validity or accuracy of the underlying economic assumptions contained in such information from third-party sources and hereby disclaims any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of any information obtained from third-party sources.

除了Aecon無法控制的事件外,還有一些因素可能導致實際或未來的結果、表現或成就與此處表達或暗示的內容存在重大差異,包括但不限於:無法滿足合同時間表和其他表現要求的風險、無法抓住與能源轉型相關的機會的風險、人力需求無法滿足的風險、Aecon Utilities與APC整合的成本或困難大於預期的風險、交易的預期收益和協同效應未能完全實現或實現時間比預期更長的風險、無法保留關鍵人員(包括APC管理層)的風險,以及無法維持與客戶、供應商或APC其他商業夥伴關係的風險。這些前瞻性陳述基於多種因素和假設,包括但不限於:上述風險無一發生,經濟和市場條件沒有意外變化,並且沒有重大的事件發生在正常業務之外。這些假設基於Aecon目前可獲得的信息,包括從第三方來源獲得的信息。雖然Aecon認爲這些第三方來源是可靠的信息來源,但Aecon未對該信息進行獨立驗證。Aecon未確定從第三方來源獲得的信息中所包含的基礎經濟假設的有效性或準確性,並在此聲明對從第三方來源獲得的任何信息不承擔任何責任或義務。

Risk factors are discussed in greater detail in Section 13 - "Risk Factors" in Aecon's 2023 Management's Discussion and Analysis for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and Aecon's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, each filed on SEDAR+ (). Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Aecon undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

風險因素在2023年財政年度截至2023年12月31日的Aecon管理層討論與分析第13節 - "風險因素"中進行了更詳細的討論,以及截至2024年9月30日的Aecon管理層討論與分析中,每個文件均在SEDAR+上歸檔()。除適用的證券法要求外,前瞻性聲明僅在作出聲明的日期有效,Aecon沒有義務公開更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

For further information:


Adam Borgatti
SVP, Corporate Development and Investor Relations


Nicole Court
Vice President, Corporate Affairs


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