CLICK Announced to Expand Service to the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme for Elderly (CCSV Scheme) in Hong Kong
CLICK Announced to Expand Service to the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme for Elderly (CCSV Scheme) in Hong Kong
- CLICK will collaborate with Care U Professional Nursing Service Limited, being the first non-NGOs private company to become a licensed recognized service provider under the CCSV scheme, to provide integrated Home-based service for elderly under scheme in Hong Kong
- CLICk將與Care U專業護理服務有限公司合作,成爲首家獲得CCSV計劃認可的非非政府組織的私營公司,爲香港的老年人提供綜合居家服務。
- The CCSV scheme is a government-sponsored program that provides community care services through a "money-following-the-user" and "affordable users pay" subsidy model.
- CCSV計劃是一個由政府資助的項目,通過「資金跟隨用戶」和「用戶負擔得起」補貼模式提供社區護理服務。
Hong Kong, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Click Holdings Limited ("Click Holdings" or "we" or "our", NASDAQ: CLIK) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company"), signed a cooperation agreement with Care U Professional Nursing Service Limited ("Care U") and agreed to jointly provide integrated Home-based service for elderly under the CCSV scheme in Hong Kong.
香港,2024年12月03日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Click Holdings Limited(「Click Holdings」或「我們」或「我們的」,納斯達克:CLIK)及其子公司(統稱爲「公司」)與Care U專業護理服務有限公司(「Care U」)簽署了合作協議,決定共同爲香港的老年人提供CCSV計劃下的綜合居家服務。
The CCSV scheme is a government-sponsored program that provides community care services through a "money-following-the-user" and "affordable users pay" subsidy model. Elderly individuals can select a voucher value between the ceiling and floor amounts (both inclusive), with the government co-paying for the services. For the 2024-25 period, the monthly ceiling and floor voucher values are $10,455 (US$1,340 per month) and $4,372 (US$561 per month), per case respectively. There are in total 10,000 vouchers and 12,000 vouchers available for eligible elderly for the 2023/24 and 2025/26 fiscal year respectively. It is expected that CCSV scheme will involve an annual expenditure of more than HK$900 million (US$115 million).
CCSV計劃是一個由政府資助的項目,通過「資金跟隨用戶」和「用戶負擔得起」補貼模式提供社區護理服務。老年 individuals可以選擇一個在上限和下限金額之間(兩者均包含)的代金券金額,政府爲服務共同支付。在2024-25年度,每個案例的每月代金券的上限和下限金額分別爲$10,455(每月US$1,340)和$4,372(每月US$561)。2023/24和2025/26財政年度分別有總共10,000個和12,000個代金券可供符合條件的老年人使用。預計CCSV計劃每年的支出將超過HK$90000萬(US$11500萬)。
Care U is one of the leading nursing service providers in Hong Kong. Since its establishment, Care U accumulated more than 3.4 million total service hours and served over 400 nursing/elderly homes and 1,000 private customers in Hong Kong. In 2018, the first non-NGOs private company to become a licensed recognized service provider under the CCSV scheme. Since then, Care U has completed more than 67,000 service hours under the scheme.
Care U是香港領先的護理服務提供者之一。自成立以來,Care U累計超過340萬總服務小時,服務了超過400家護理/養老院和1000名私人客戶。在2018年,成爲首個非NGOs的私人公司,獲得CCSV計劃下的認可服務提供者許可證。從那時起,Care U已在該計劃下完成超過67,000小時的服務。
Click Holdings considered this collaboration as an opportunity to further strengthen its elderly care business under Hong Kong's government-subsidized elderly care programs. This aligns with our strategy to enhance the quality of its human resources and expand our integrated services for the elderly. Our management also considered the cooperation is the key milestone to tap into "Home Caring Services for Elderly" in HK. The synergy brought by this partnership is expected to further promote public awareness of our Company's high-quality services, creating additional momentum for growth and development in Hong Kong.
Click Holdings將此次合作視爲進一步加強其在香港政府資助的養老護理計劃下的老年護理業務的機會。這與我們提升人力資源質量和擴展老年人綜合服務的策略一致。我們的管理層也認爲,這次合作是進入香港"老年人居家護理服務"的關鍵里程碑。該合作帶來的協同效應預計會進一步提升公衆對我們公司高質量服務的認識,爲香港的發展和增長創造額外的動力。
About Click Holdings Limited
關於Click Holdings有限公司
We are a fast-growing human resources solutions provider based in Hong Kong, aiming to match our client's human resources shortfall through our proprietary AI-empowered talent pool by one "click". Our key businesses primarily include nursing solution (mainly elderly) services, logistics solution services and professional solution services.
For more information, please visit .
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Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on the Company's current expectations and projections about future events that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Investors can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "is/are likely to," "potential," "continue" or other similar expressions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to review other factors that may affect its future results in the Company's registration statement and other filings with the SEC, which are available for review at
For enquiry, please contact:
Click Holdings Limited
Unit 709, 7/F., Ocean Centre
5 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2691 8200
單位709, 7樓, 海洋中心
尖沙咀, 九龍
電話: +852 2691 8200