Vale Base Metals Complete Voisey's Bay Transition to Underground Mining
Vale Base Metals Complete Voisey's Bay Transition to Underground Mining
TORONTO, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Vale Base Metals has completed construction and commissioning of its US$2.94 billion Voisey's Bay Mine Expansion Project in northern Labrador, a major milestone that will increase production of nickel in concentrate to 45,000 tonnes per year (45 ktpy) – a critical mineral essential to security of supply, economic independence and the energy transition.
2024年12月3日,多倫多/美通社訊-- 淡水河谷金屬基地已完成北拉布拉多Voisey's Bay礦山擴建項目,總投資達29.4億美元,這標誌着一個重要里程碑的實現,將使鎳精礦產量提高到每年45,000噸(45 ktpy)- 這是安全供應、經濟獨立和能源轉型中至關重要的礦物質。
The expansion project transitioned Voisey's Bay from open pit to underground mining. The project involved the development of two underground mines – Reid Brook and Eastern Deeps – which will deliver concentrate for processing at the company's Long Harbour Processing Plant, one of the lowest-emission nickel processing plants in the world.
擴建項目將Voisey's Bay從露天採礦轉變爲地下采礦。該項目涉及兩座地下礦的開發-Reid Brook和Eastern Deeps-這將提供精礦以在公司的Long Harbour處理廠加工,後者是全球排放最低的鎳加工廠之一。
In addition to the increased nickel production, the project will add 20 ktpy of copper and 2.6 ktpy of cobalt. Full ramp-up of the project is expected in the second half of 2026.
These critical minerals, delivered from a stable jurisdiction with a long history of support for mining, are shipped globally for industrial uses including defense manufacturing, battery electric vehicles, and clean energy infrastructure. Voisey's Bay is a major supplier of nickel to the United States.
這些重要礦物質來自一個長期支持採礦的穩定司法管轄區,供應給全球用於軍工製造、電池電動車和清潔能源製造等工業用途。Voisey's Bay是美國鎳的主要供應商。
The project completion also represents a crucial milestone for enhancing the competitiveness of the company's Canadian operations and will contribute to reducing unit costs in the nickel business segment.
"The successful completion of the Voisey's Bay expansion demonstrates our commitment to unlocking the value of our endowment and delivering responsibly produced nickel to global markets," said Shaun Usmar, CEO of Vale Base Metals, the critical minerals subsidiary of Vale SA (NYSE: Vale).
"Voisey's Bay擴建項目的順利完成展示了我們解鎖資源價值、向全球市場負責生產鎳的承諾," 淡水河谷金屬CEO肖恩·厄斯馬爾如是說,淡水河谷金屬是淡水河谷SA(紐交所代碼:淡水河谷)的重要礦務子公司。
"Ensuring local economic benefits from Voisey's Bay remains a key priority for the company, and we are proud of the collaborative relationship we have with Indigenous Partners, Innu Nation & Nunatsiavut Government, on whose traditional lands the Voisey's Bay complex is located."
"確保Voisey's Bay帶來當地經濟效益仍然是公司的首要任務,我們爲與Voisey's Bay綜合體位於傳統土地Innu Nation和Nunatsiavut政府有合作關係而感到自豪。"
With the completion of the expansion, the number of direct employees at Voisey's Bay now stands at 1,100, up from about 600 pre-expansion. At the peak of the expansion project, 3,400 direct and indirect employees worked at Voisey's Bay.
隨着擴建項目的完成,Voisey's Bay的直接僱員人數現在達到1,100人,而擴建前約600人。在擴建項目的高峰期,Voisey's Bay有3,400名直接和間接僱員。
This project underscores Vale Base Metals' commitment to serve as a catalyst for social and economic growth including local employment, procurement, capacity-building, Indigenous partnership, and shared benefits for our stakeholders.
"I want to acknowledge and thank the many teams who helped to bring this complex project safely and successfully to completion," Usmar said. "I'm proud that Voisey's Bay will continue to generate shared value for the business and for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador for many years to come."
「我要感謝所有幫助將這個複雜項目安全順利完成的團隊們,」Umar說。「我爲Voisey's Bay將繼續爲業務和紐芬蘭及拉布拉多省的人們帶來共享價值而感到驕傲,而且這將延續多年。」
Voisey's Bay entered production in 2005 and, with the completion of the expansion project, will continue to be an important engine of economic growth in Newfoundland & Labrador and provide low-carbon, high-purity nickel for many years to come.
Voisey's Bay於2005年投產,並隨着擴建項目的完成,將繼續成爲紐芬蘭和拉布拉多的經濟增長重要引擎,並在未來多年內提供低碳、高純度的鎳。
About Vale Base Metals
Vale Base Metals, the business line for Vale's energy transition metals business, is one of the world's largest producers of high-quality nickel and an important producer of copper and responsibly sourced cobalt. With a corporate presence in Toronto, Canada, and operations in Newfoundland & Labrador, Ontario,
淡水河谷基本金屬是淡水河谷能源轉型金屬業務的業務線之一,是世界上最大的高質量鎳生產商之一,也是銅和負責任採購鈷的重要生產商之一。 在加拿大多倫多設有公司總部,在紐芬蘭和拉布拉多、安大略、曼尼託巴、印尼、巴西、英國和日本設有運營地點,該業務爲更清潔、更綠色的未來提供關鍵的建設基塊。
Manitoba, Indonesia, Brazil, the U.K. and Japan, the business delivers critical building blocks for a cleaner, greener future.
SOURCE Vale Base Metals