Karyopharm Therapeutics Will Update On Endometrial Cancer Program Following US FDA Meet
Karyopharm Therapeutics Will Update On Endometrial Cancer Program Following US FDA Meet
Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:KPTI), a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company pioneering novel cancer therapies, today announced that it is in discussions and has an upcoming meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the evolving treatment landscape in endometrial cancer and any implications this may have with respect to the Company's Phase 3 XPORT-EC-042 trial. In light of this, Karyopharm does not plan to discuss its endometrial cancer program during the Piper Sandler 36th Annual Healthcare Conference being held in New York, NY today. The Company intends to provide an update on its endometrial cancer program as soon as practical following the discussion with FDA.
Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc.(納斯達克:KPTI)是一家商業階段的藥品公司,致力於開創新的癌症療法,今天宣佈它正在與美國食品和藥品管理局(FDA)進行討論,並將於即將召開的會議上討論子宮內膜癌的治療現狀,以及這可能對公司的第三階段XPORt-EC-042試驗有什麼影響。考慮到這一點,Karyopharm不打算在今天於紐約舉行的派傑投資第36屆年度醫療保健會議上討論其子宮內膜癌項目。公司計劃在與FDA討論後儘快提供關於其子宮內膜癌項目的更新。