ZJK Industrial Receives Request To Produce Samples For One Of NVIDIA's Upcoming Liquid Cooling Manifold Projects
ZJK Industrial Receives Request To Produce Samples For One Of NVIDIA's Upcoming Liquid Cooling Manifold Projects
Following a recent meeting at NVIDIA's Santa Clara headquarters, ZJK Industrial received a request to produce samples for one of NVIDIA's upcoming liquid cooling manifold projects. The expansion of the cooperation reinforces ZJK Industrial's position as one of the select, approved vendors for NVIDIA's liquid cooling systems – which have rapidly become a necessity in the industry – and highlights ZJK's capabilities of delivering advanced solutions tailored to evolving market demands.
繼最近在英偉達聖塔克拉拉總部舉行會議之後,zjK Industrial收到了爲NVIDIA即將推出的液體冷卻歧管項目生產樣品的請求。合作的擴大鞏固了zjK Industrial作爲NVIDIA液體冷卻系統的精選、經批准的供應商之一的地位,液體冷卻系統已迅速成爲該行業的必需品,也凸顯了ZJK提供針對不斷變化的市場需求量身定製的先進解決方案的能力。
In response to the request, ZJK Industrial has assembled a specialized team of engineers and technical support specialists to focus exclusively on NVIDIA's liquid cooling systems. This team ensures ZJK's standards of fast, high-quality production while aligning with NVIDIA's evolving needs.
針對這一要求,zjK Industrial組建了一支由工程師和技術支持專家組成的專業團隊,專門研究NVIDIA的液體冷卻系統。該團隊確保 ZJK 的快速、高質量生產標準,同時與 NVIDIA 不斷變化的需求保持一致。