
Orezone Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

Orezone Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/03 21:30

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Orezone Gold Corporation (TSX: ORE, OTCQX: ORZCF) (the "Company" or "Orezone") is pleased to announce the publication of its 2023 Sustainability Report (the "Report"). The Report details the steps taken by the Company to affirm its commitment to sustainability and presents the Company's achievements in environmental, social and governance for 2023.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2024年12月3日(環球新聞)-- Orezone黃金公司(tsx: ORE,OTCQX:ORZCF)(以下簡稱"公司"或"Orezone")很高興地宣佈發佈其2023年可持續發展報告(以下簡稱"報告")。該報告詳細說明了公司爲確認其對可持續發展的承諾所採取的步驟,並展示了公司在2023年在環境、社會和治理方面的成就。

Patrick Downey, President & CEO stated, "We are pleased to present our inaugural sustainability report. The health and safety of employees is paramount to our operations, and our dedication to sustainability and social responsibility is core to our business strategy. Partnership, community and sustainability are fundamental to how the Company operates to ensure its long-term success. The Report is available in English and French, and we encourage all stakeholders to review the Report."

總裁兼首席執行官Patrick Downey表示:"我們很高興發佈我們的首份可持續發展報告。員工的健康和安全是我們運營的首要任務,我們對可持續發展和社會責任的承諾是我們業務策略的核心。合作、社區和可持續性是公司運營的基本原則,以確保其長期成功。報告提供英語和法語版本,我們鼓勵所有利益相關者查看報告。"

2023 Sustainability Highlights


  • Continued the Company's strong safety performance with 4.4 million hours worked without a lost-time injury. Orezone remains steadfast in promoting employee health through continuous training and deployment of safety resources.
  • 1,872 contractor personnel and 888 permanent and temporary Company employees were directly involved with or supporting mining, processing, exploration, and capital project activities at the Bomboré Mine. Burkinabé citizens comprised over 98% of this direct workforce with female representation at 8%.
  • Approximately 71% of the value for goods and services required to operate the Bomboré Mine was sourced from local content.
  • Direct contributions of over US$170 million to the Burkina Faso economy from taxes, royalties, expenditures and salaries from the Bomboré Mine.
  • Construction to connect the Bomboré Mine to the national grid commenced in 2023 with the connection successfully commissioned in January 2024. By transitioning to grid power as opposed to other fuel sources such as heavy fuel oil, the Company is enhancing the sustainability of its operations, reducing its carbon footprint and supporting national energy goals.
  • The Company significantly advanced Phases II and III of its Resettlement Action Plan ("RAP") which follows the requirements of IFC Performance Standard 5. Community involvement in the planning and construction of current and former RAP sites, and feedback on the quality of the resettlement communities, have been overwhelmingly positive.
  • The Company continued to invest in livelihood restoration programs in surrounding communities in order to improve the well-being of local residents and empowering them to be self-sufficient for the long term.
  • 公司繼續保持強勁的安全表現,工作了440萬小時而沒有發生失時傷害。Orezone堅持通過持續培訓和安全資源的投放,促進員工的健康。
  • 1,872名承包商人員和888名公司永久和臨時員工直接參與或支持在Bomboré礦的採礦、加工、勘探和資本項目活動。布基納法索公民佔直接勞動力的98%以上,女性比例爲8%。
  • 運營Bomboré礦所需的商品和服務價值中大約71%來自本地內容。
  • Bomboré礦通過稅收、特許權使用費、支出和薪資對布基納法索經濟的直接貢獻超過17000萬美元。
  • 連接Bomboré礦與英國國家電網公司的施工於2023年開始,連接在2024年1月成功投入使用。通過轉向電網供電而不是重燃油等其他燃料來源,公司正在增強其運營的可持續性,減少碳排放,並支持國家能源目標。
  • 公司在其安置行動計劃("RAP")的第二和第三階段上取得了顯著進展,該計劃遵循IFC績效標準5的要求。社區參與當前和過去RAP地點的規劃和施工,以及對安置社區質量的反饋,均得到了壓倒性的積極評價。
  • 公司繼續在周邊社區投資生計恢復項目,以改善當地居民的福祉,並使他們能夠在長期內自給自足。

A copy of the Report can be found on the Company's website at: .


Contact Information


Patrick Downey
President and Chief Executive Officer


Vanessa Pickering
Manager, Investor Relations

Vanessa Pickering

Tel: 1 778 945 8977 / Toll Free: 1 888 673 0663 /

電話:1 778 945 8977 / 免費電話:1 888 673 0663 /

For further information please contact Orezone at +1 (778) 945-8977 or visit the Company's website at .

如需進一步了解,請聯繫黃金礦業公司:+1 (778) 945-8977或訪問公司網站。

The Toronto Stock Exchange neither approves nor disapproves the information contained in this news release.


Cautionary Note


Independent reference should be made to the full text of the Company's 2023 Sustainability Report for the assumptions, qualifications and limitations relating thereto. The Report is available on the Company's website.


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