
Momentum Launches Nuance Matters

Momentum Launches Nuance Matters

動量推出Nuance Matters
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/03 11:30

A New Offering to Help Brands Grow Through Authentic Connections and Cultural Resonance


New York, NY, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Momentum Worldwide, a global experiential marketing agency that is part of Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG), launches Nuance Matters to help brands grow through authentic connections and resonance with cultures. Understanding the "nuance" of a person's identity and the communities they belong to is essential for brands seeking to create deeper connections. Nuance Matters will bridge the gap between brands and the consumers they serve by offering both innovative and culturally relevant strategies.

紐約,NY,2024年12月3日(全球新聞快訊)-- Momentum Worldwide是一家全球貨幣體驗營銷機構,隸屬於英特保集團(紐交所:IPG),推出Nuance Matters,以幫助品牌通過真實的連接和與文化的共鳴實現增長。理解個人身份和他們所屬社區的「細微差別」是品牌尋求建立更深聯繫的關鍵。Nuance Matters將通過提供創新和具有文化相關性的策略,架起品牌與他們服務的消費者之間的橋樑。

Understanding identities is multifaced and deeply tied to culture, and Nuance Matters focuses on helping brands understand what truly matters to their audience. This insight is critical at a time when research reflects consumer expectations for authenticity:

理解身份是多面的,深深與文化相連,Nuance Matters專注於幫助品牌理解對他們的受衆真正重要的是什麼。這一洞察在消費者對真實性的期望反映出來的時代尤爲重要:

  • 1 in 4 people say brands don't reflect their values or culture.
  • 四分之一的人表示品牌並未反映他們的價值觀或文化。
  • 44% of people feel brands seem too focused on surface-level representation, missing who they are and what is truly important to them.
  • 44%的人認爲品牌似乎過於注重表面表現,錯過了他們是誰以及對他們真正重要的事情。

Nuance Matters will be led by Marc Charles and Sabrina Lynch, offering an integrated marketing approach. Charles and Lynch's partnership will lead the creation of experience ecosystems to help businesses thrive economically through cultural diversity.

Nuance Matters將由Marc Charles和Sabrina Lynch領導,提供一體化的營銷策略。Charles和Lynch的合作將促進體驗生態系統的創建,幫助企業通過文化多樣性實現經濟繁榮。

Charles, EVP at Momentum Worldwide, adds General Manager to his role. In addition, Lynch joins as Head of Strategy, and is an expert in brand strategy who previously consulted with Parson's School of Design.

查爾斯,Momentum Worldwide的執行副總裁,擔任總經理的職務。此外,林奇加入擔任策略負責人,是品牌策略的專家,之前曾爲帕森設計學院提供諮詢。

"Our offering focuses on understanding culture by looking at how people define themselves through various aspects of their identity, such as beliefs, values, ideologies, religion, language and even fandoms. This approach is what makes the offering so unique," comments Marc Charles, General Manager of Nuance Matters & EVP at Momentum Worldwide.

"我們的產品專注於通過各種身份方面來理解文化,這些方面包括信仰、價值觀、意識形態、宗教、語言,甚至是粉絲文化。這個方法使得我們的產品如此獨特," Nuance Matters的總經理及Momentum Worldwide的執行副總裁馬克·查爾斯評論道。

"Culture is continuously evolving, it is imperative for brands to understand and engage authentically with their consumers now and in the future," adds Global CEO, Donnalyn Smith at Momentum Worldwide.

"文化在不斷髮展,品牌必須理解並與他們的消費者進行真實的互動,這在現在和未來都是至關重要的," Momentum Worldwide的全球首席執行官多娜琳·史密斯補充說道。

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About Momentum Worldwide
Momentum Worldwide is a global experience agency partnering with and transforming the world's most famous brands since 1987. Built on the simple truth that it's not what brands say, it's what they do that matters, the agency blends creativity, technology, strategy, design, and execution to change the world and impact culture. Agency accolades include Cannes Lions, Effies, Clios, Agency of the Year, Best Place to Work and industry-leading Sustainability practices. Learn more by visiting .
About Interpublic
Interpublic (NYSE: IPG) () is a values-based, data-fueled, and creatively-driven provider of marketing solutions. Home to some of the world's best-known and most innovative communications specialists, IPG global brands include Acxiom, Craft, FCB, FutureBrand, Golin, Huge, Initiative, IPG Health, IPG Mediabrands, Jack Morton, KINESSO, MAGNA, McCann, Mediahub, Momentum, MRM, MullenLowe Global, Octagon, R/GA, UM, Weber Shandwick and more. IPG is an S&P 500 company with total revenue of $10.89 billion in 2023.

關於Momentum Worldwide
Momentum Worldwide是一家全球體驗機構,自1987年以來與世界上最著名的品牌合作並進行轉型。該機構基於一個簡單的真理:品牌所說的並不重要,重要的是他們所做的。該機構結合創造力、科技、策略、設計和執行,改變世界並影響文化。機構榮譽包括戛納國際創意節金獅獎、艾菲獎、克里奧獎、年度最佳機構、最佳工作場所和行業領先的可持續發展實踐。通過訪問了解更多信息。
Interpublic (紐交所: IPG) 是一家基於價值、數據驅動和創意驅動的營銷解決方案提供商。作爲一些世界上最知名和最具創新性的通信-半導體專業人士的家,其全球貨幣品牌包括Acxiom、Craft、FCb、FutureBrand、Golin、Huge、Initiative、IPG Health、IPG Mediabrands、Jack Morton、KINESSO、MAGNA、McCann、Mediahub、Momentum、MRm、MullenLowe Global、Octagon、R/GA、Um、Weber Shandwick等。IPG是一家標準普爾500公司,2023年總營業收入爲108.9億美元。

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Contact Information
Anna Dalziel
(Press, Momentum)


Tom Cunningham
(Press, Interpublic)
(212) 704-1326

(212) 704-1326

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