Visier Announces World's First Analytic AI Agent Platform to Augment and Extend Every Employee's Performance and Productivity
Visier Announces World's First Analytic AI Agent Platform to Augment and Extend Every Employee's Performance and Productivity
- Visier's Agentic AI Platform makes it easy to create powerful agent-based solutions that unleash productivity by giving every manager omniscient superpowers with a 360° view of every employee and the work they do.
- A pillar of Visier's ongoing "Open for Builders" strategy, the new Agentic AI Platform lets customers and partners design, build and rapidly deliver their own Agentic AI solutions embedded within any custom or commercial application or workflow.
- Visier的Agentic AI平台可以輕鬆創建強大的基於代理的解決方案,通過爲每位經理提供360°全員工視圖和他們的工作情況,釋放生產力,賦予他們無所不知的超能力。
- 作爲Visier持續推行的「爲建設者開放」戰略的支柱,新的Agentic AI平台使客戶和合作夥伴能夠設計、構建並快速交付自己的Agentic AI解決方案,嵌入到任何自定義或商業應用或工作流程中。
VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Visier, the globally recognized leader in workforce AI solutions, today announced a powerful new agent-based workforce AI platform that allows HRIT leaders and peopletech product teams to create powerful and secure agentic AI solutions. Designed to give organizations a Workforce AI Edge, this first-of-its-kind agent-based AI platform provides technical teams the foundation to launch their own team of AI-based agents that brings together all the critical enterprise data across people and work.
2024年12月3日,位於加拿大溫哥華,Visier作爲全球公認的企業AI解決方案領導者,今天宣佈推出功能強大的新一代基於代理的員工AI平台,使HRIT領導和人力技術產品團隊能夠創建強大且安全的Agent AI解決方案。這款首款基於代理的AI平台旨在爲組織提供人力資源AI優勢,爲技術團隊提供啓動自己的基於AI的代理團隊的基礎,將跨人員和工作領域的關鍵企業數據整合在一起。
"Agentic AI is the single clearest demonstration of how AI will forever change how we work—and how we work with data," said Ryan Wong, co-founder and CEO, Visier. "Unlike other agentic AI platforms that focus on automation of workflows, we're fixated on an equally important, but distinctly different challenge: unleashing AI agents to analyze people and work data, both inside and outside an organization, to quickly deliver the answers and recommendations that drive workforce impact."
Visier的Agentic AI方法將權力交到公民開發者手中,允許創造力超越技術技能,藉助低代碼無代碼開發環境。這些開發者可以創建自己的指令集合,爲Visier Agents提供指導以執行數據驅動任務。然後,Visier Agents遍歷組織內外的任意數量數據源,以回答問題,提供建議並執行操作。
Visier's approach to agentic AI puts power in the hands of citizen developers, allowing creativity to supersede technical skills with a low-code no-code development environment. These builders can create their own collections of instructions that give Visier Agents direction to perform data-driven tasks. Visier Agents then traverse any number of data sources, inside or outside of an organization, to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions.
"For all the power of large language models (LLMs), they are not known to be particularly good at making sense of enterprise data," Wong continued. "Visier has built an analytic AI agent platform that's remarkably enterprise-data-capable, delivering insights and answers that you can understand and trust."
「Agentic AI是AI如何永遠改變我們的工作方式以及我們如何處理數據的最清晰演示,」 Visier的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Ryan Wong說。「與其他基於代理的AI平台不同,專注於自動化工作流程,我們則關注同樣重要但明顯不同的挑戰:釋放AI代理來分析組織內外的人員和工作數據,快速提供推動工作影響的答案和建議。」
Data analytics software has evolved over the past 30 years with a range of innovations designed to extract, integrate, transform, and organize data so humans can draw insights through data exploration. With Visier's Agentic AI Platform, the target focus of Visier's innovation is extracting, integrating, transforming, and organizing data so LLMs, not just humans, can understand the data. Once LLMs understand the data, they can produce richer, more useful insights back to the business. The result is better insights in the hands of everyone, not just analysts and the most data literate employees.
過去30年來,數據分析軟件經過一系列創新的發展,旨在提取、整合、轉換和組織數據,以便人類通過數據探索獲得洞見。藉助Visier的Agentic AI平台,Visier創新的目標焦點是提取、整合、轉換和組織數據,以便LLMs不僅人類可以理解數據。一旦LLMs理解了數據,他們可以向業務部門提供更豐富、更有用的見解。結果是更好的見解掌握在每個人手中,而不僅僅是分析師和最具數據素養的員工。
Visier's AI Agent platform provides a panoramic view of what has happened, what is happening and can suggest best practices to create impactful change. Visier Agents can then continue to monitor and report on these actions, alerting managers to any changes or divergence so they have a real-time view of how work is translating into impact and results.
Visier的AI Agent平台提供了對已發生事件、正在發生事件的全景視圖,並可以建議制定產生重大變革的最佳實踐。Visier Agents隨後可以繼續監控和報告這些行動,向管理者提醒任何變化或偏離,以便他們實時了解工作如何轉化爲影響和結果。
With this platform, Visier customers and partners can develop their own agents to carry out any task that depends on data across any number of internal and external sources. For example:
- An IT organization or systems integrator could build a solution that allows managers to ask the Visier AI Agent to compile insights for understanding an employee's activity, output and achievements over a six-month period and how this compares with peers.
- A talent acquisition software vendor could use the platform to create a virtual assistant inside its products that automatically parses resumes, or helps to compile and distribute monthly reports with relevant insights to a diverse set of audiences at scale.
- An IT organization or systems integrator could use the platform to create an AI agent-based sales manager assistant to compile and present a report in advance of a sales forecast meeting; or a win/loss analysis in support of a post-mortem review, emailing updates to all relevant stakeholders.
- 一個IT組織或系統集成商可以構建一個解決方案,允許管理者要求Visier AI Agent整理洞見,了解員工在六個月內的活動、產出和成就,以及與同行的比較。
- 人才招聘軟件供應商可以利用該平台在其產品內創建一個虛擬助手,自動解析簡歷,或幫助編制和分發具有相關見解的月度報告給廣泛的受衆群體。
- 一個IT組織或系統集成商可以利用該平台創建一個基於AI代理的銷售經理助手,編制並在銷售預測會議之前呈現報告;或者在支持事後檢討審查中進行贏家/輸家分析,向所有相關利益相關方發送更新。
This launch comes on the heels of substantial workforce AI momentum from Visier, including:
- Visier's generative AI digital assistant, Vee, in its first year of commercial availability is in active use by thousands of organizations, representing one of the few examples of scaled deployment of generative AI in the HR technology ecosystem.
- Vee was licensed and deployed by Visier Embedded partner, Paycor, to over two million users.
- Vee won two major awards at this year's HR Tech conference, including Product of the Year and Top Tech Innovation, their equivalent of best in show.
- Visier announced major enhancements to Vee, including integration with Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Teams, document indexing; and "Vee Boards," a brand new AI-driven product experience designed to deliver targeted workforce insights and recommendations to c-suite executives, including CHROs and CFOs.
- Visier的生成式人工智能數字助手Vee在商業上首年上線後,已經被數千家組織積極使用,代表着HR技術生態系統中生成式人工智能大規模部署的少數案例之一。
- Vee由Visier嵌入式合作伙伴Paycor授權並部署,覆蓋了超過兩百萬用戶。
- Vee在今年的HR Tech大會上榮獲兩項重要獎項,包括年度產品和頂尖技術創新,相當於最佳展示獎。
- Visier宣佈了對Vee的重大增強,包括與微軟Copilot、微軟Teams、文檔索引的集成;以及「Vee Boards」,一個全新的由人工智能驅動的產品體驗,旨在向首席人力資源官和首席財務官等高管傳遞定向的員工洞察和建議。
"Visier is making huge strides in the world of workforce AI," said Neal Meister, director of people data solutions at eBay. "We're excited for Vee, Vee Boards and the massive potential of this agent-based platform. Everyone talks about AI these days, of course, but few companies can walk the talk the way Visier does."
「Visier在工作力人工智能領域正在取得巨大進展,」ebay的人才數據解決方案董事Neal Meister表示。「我們對Vee、Vee Boards以及這個基於代理的平台的巨大潛力感到激動。現在人人都在談論人工智能,當然,但很少公司能像Visier一樣實踐自己說過的話。」
Visier's Agentic AI Platform is currently available for limited customer and partner preview, and was featured as a sneak-peak to customers in November, as part of OUTSMART Local, a regional customer event held in New York City. Wider commercial availability for customers and partners is expected in the first half of next year.
Visier的Agentic人工智能平台目前僅供有限的客戶和合作夥伴預覽,並作爲今年11月OUTSMART Local區域客戶活動的一部分,在紐約市舉行。預計明年上半年將爲更廣泛的客戶和合作夥伴提供商業上線。
You can learn more about this announcement and the role of agents in workforce AI strategies by attending a public Fireside Chat on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024 at 11:00 am ET/8:00 am PT, hosted by Stacia Garr, co-founder and principal analyst of RedThread Research; and featuring Keith Bigelow, Visier's chief product officer. Register here to reserve your spot.
您可以通過參加2024年12月18日(週三)美東時間上午11:00 / 太平洋時間上午8:00 由RedThread Research的聯合創始人兼首席分析師Stacia Garr主持,並由Visier的首席產品官Keith Bigelow參加的公開爐邊聊天,了解更多關於此公告以及工作力人工智能策略中代理的作用。請在此處註冊以預留位置。
About Visier
關於Visier:Visier是人力分析和基於需求的人員答案的全球領導者。Visier是由商業智能先鋒成立於2010年,專注於對企業領導者關心的問題進行回答,即使這些問題可能是人不知道要問的。這些問題塑造了商業策略,爲採取行動提供了動力,並通過優化勞動力來推動更好的業務結果。總部位於加拿大溫哥華,世界各地設有辦事處和團隊成員,在全球75個國家擁有15000名客戶,包括Adobe、BASF、Bridgestone、Electronic Arts、McKesson、Merck KGaA、Uber等企業。
Visier gives organizations a Workforce AI Edge: a set of AI-powered capabilities that help leaders understand the relationship between people and work, elevate the productivity of their employees, and win by adapting to change faster. The company is the global leader in AI-powered people analytics, workforce planning, and compensation allocation. All Visier technology is underpinned by its Real-time People Data Platform, which uses AI to unlock the business-transforming potential of people data, work data, and the fusion of both. Founded in 2010 by the pioneers of business intelligence, Visier has over 60,000 customers in 75 countries—including enterprises like BASF, Panasonic, Experian, Amgen, eBay, Ford Motor Company, and more. To learn more about Visier, visit .
Visier爲組織提供了「Workforce AI Edge」:一套由人工智能驅動的能力,幫助領導者理解人與工作之間的關係,提升員工的生產力,並通過更快適應變化取得勝利。該公司是人工智能人員分析、勞動力規劃和薪酬分配的全球領導者。所有Visier技術均以其實時人力數據平台爲基礎,該平台利用人員數據、工作數據以及兩者的融合來釋放商業變革潛力。Visier由商業智能先驅者於2010年創立,擁有來自75個國家的逾60,000家客戶,涵蓋諸如巴斯夫、松下、信永中和、安進、ebay、福特汽車公司等企業。要了解更多關於Visier的信息,請訪問。
Media Contact:
Walker Sands
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Walker Sands
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