Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Sees FY25 Revenue $3.4B-$3.5B Vs $3.45B Est.
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Sees FY25 Revenue $3.4B-$3.5B Vs $3.45B Est.
Fiscal 2025 Outlook
As previously announced, the Company reaffirmed its outlook provided in its September 19, 2024 press release. The Company continues to expect the following for fiscal 2025:
- Total revenue of $3.4 billion to $3.5 billion
- Two new Cracker Barrel stores and 3 to 4 new Maple Street Biscuit Company units
- Commodity inflation of 2% to 3% compared to the prior year
- Hourly wage inflation of 3% to 4% compared to the prior year
- Adjusted EBITDA1 of $200 million to $215 million2
- Capital expenditures of $160 million to $180 million
- 營業收入34億至35億美元
- 兩家新的Cracker Barrel店鋪和3至4家新的Maple Street Biscuit Company分店
- 與上一年度相比,商品質量上漲2%至3%。
- 與上一年度相比,單位工資上漲3%至4%。
- 調整後的EBITDA1爲20000萬至21500萬2
- 資本支出爲16000萬至18000萬美元
The Company reminds investors that its outlook reflects a number of assumptions, many of which are outside the Company's control. In particular, uncertainties created by macroeconomic conditions, such as ongoing inflation, low consumer confidence and high interest rates may adversely affect consumer behavior and cause actual results to differ materially from those expected.
1 Adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted earnings per diluted share are non-GAAP financial measures. For definitions of these non-GAAP measures and reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures, please refer to the Reconciliation of GAAP-Basis Operating Results to Non-GAAP Operating Results section of this release.
1 調整後的淨利潤、調整後的EBITDA和調整後的每股攤薄收益是非GAAP財務指標。有關這些非GAAP指標的定義以及將這些非GAAP指標與最直接可比的GAAP指標協調的方法,請參閱本公告的GAAP基準營運結果與非GAAP營運結果協調部分。
2 The Company has determined to provide guidance focused on adjusted EBITDA because the Company believes it will be more useful to investors to evaluate the Company's performance prior to the impact of depreciation (given the expected increase in investments and the resulting higher expected depreciation expense), taxes, closure and impairment charges, and other items that management believes are not reflective of the Company's current operations. The Company is not able to reconcile the forward-looking estimate of adjusted EBITDA set forth above to a forward-looking estimate of net income, the most directly comparable estimated measure calculated in accordance with GAAP, without unreasonable efforts because the Company is unable to predict, forecast or determine the probable significance of certain items impacting these estimates, including interest expense, taxes, closure and impairment charges and share-based compensation, with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Accordingly, the most directly comparable forward-looking GAAP estimate is not provided.
2 公司已決定提供重點關注調整後的EBITDA的指導,因爲公司認爲在考慮折舊(考慮到預期的投資增加及隨之而來的預期更高折舊費用),稅費,關閉和減值費用以及其他管理層認爲不反映公司當前運營的事項之前對公司績效進行評估將對投資者更有用。公司無法在毫不費力的情況下將上述調整後的EBITDA的前瞻性估計與根據GAAP編制的最直接可比的預計淨利潤相協調,因爲公司無法準確預測,預測或判斷影響這些估計的某些項目的可能重要性,包括利息費用,稅費,關閉和減值費用以及股票補償。 因此,最直接可比的前瞻性GAAP估計未提供。