AI Driven Asset Manager Liquidity Group Purchases '' Domain for 7 Figure Amount to Conclude Milestone Year
AI Driven Asset Manager Liquidity Group Purchases '' Domain for 7 Figure Amount to Conclude Milestone Year
NEW YORK, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following a record year of over $1 Billion dollars in capital committed to clients, AI-enabled Liquidity Group, the global $2.75B AUM asset manager specializing in growth-stage private credit, today announced the purchase of the "" domain for a 7 figure amount. The acquisition accompanies an active year of investing globally for the firm with both private credit deals and for the first time, 5 late-stage equity investments across 26 different countries ranging from $5M at the lower end to $130M at the higher end.
紐約,2024年12月5日 /PRNewswire/ -- 在爲客戶承諾超過10億美元資本的創紀錄年之後,專注於成長階段私募信貸的人工智能驅動流動性集團,今天宣佈以七位數的金額收購「」域名。這項收購伴隨着該公司在全球範圍內投資活動的一年,包括私募信貸交易,以及首次在26個不同國家進行5項晚期股權投資,金額從500萬美元到13000萬美元不等。
Founded in 2018 by Ron Daniel and Oron Maymon, Liquidity Group has established itself as a leading AI-driven direct lender operating a multibillion-dollar portfolio globally, having facilitated transactions in the last 12 months with leading global tech companies such as InMobi, HungryPanda, Infra.Market, Trukker, Cohesity, Meesho and other. The firm is backed by leading financial institutions such as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) and Spark Capital, IDB and others, and has raised multiple funds for growth-stage companies in the last year throughout the APAC and MENA regions.
流動性集團成立於2018年,由Ron Daniel和Oron Maymon創辦,已成爲一家領先的人工智能驅動的直接貸款機構,在全球範圍內運營着數十億美元的投資組合,過去12個月與全球領先的科技公司如InMobi、HungryPanda、Infra.Market、Trukker、Cohesity、Meesho等完成了交易。該公司得到了諸如mitsubishi ufj financial集團(MUFG)、Spark Capital、IDb等領先金融機構的支持,並在過去一年內爲亞太地區和中東北非地區的成長階段公司籌集了多個基金。
"The purchase of the '' domain is an important stepping stone for the Liquidity brand," said Ron Daniel, Co-Founder and CEO of Liquidity Group. "The term 'liquidity' has incredible significance within the industry and this domain was a highly sought-after asset. As we conclude a monumental year for the firm, we remain committed to offering high-growth companies tailored financing solutions with our signature speed and accuracy."
流動性集團的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Ron Daniel表示:「收購『』域名是流動性品牌的重要里程碑。『流動性』這個詞在行業中具有重要意義,而這個域名是一個備受追捧的資產。隨着我們結束這一具有里程碑意義的一年,我們依然致力於爲高增長公司提供量身定製的融資解決方案,以我們獨特的速度和準確性。」
The domain traces back to the early nineties and had previously been held by a UK-based investment advisor, making it one of the longest-standing and unresolved online assets in the financial world. The acquisition underscores Liquidity Group's commitment to securing a premium online presence, enhancing its ability to connect with a diverse audience across industries and markets.
"2025 is shaping up to be a really exciting year," said Daniel. "We have a strong pipeline of deals and activity on the horizon that will further cement our position in the market as a premier provider of unique, data-driven capital solutions for our investors."
About Liquidity Group
Liquidity is the leading AI-driven direct lender globally. Our unique edge is our proprietary technology engine that powers our investment process from origination, underwriting through to exit. With over $2.75 billion in assets under management, Liquidity focuses on providing growth capital to technology companies globally, our process enabling fast and flexible financing that scales with them. Liquidity is backed by leading global financial institutions including Japan's largest bank, MUFG, Spark Capital and Apollo Global Management. For more information, visit .
流動性是全球領先的人工智能驅動的直接貸款機構。我們的獨特優勢在於我們專有的技術引擎,它支持我們的投資流程,從初始融資、承保到退出。流動性管理的資產超過27.5億美元,專注於爲全球科技公司提供增長資本,我們的流程能夠實現快速靈活的融資,進而與他們共同擴展。流動性得到了包括日本最大銀行 mitsubishi ufj financial、Spark Capital 和 阿波羅全球管理 在內的領先金融機構的支持。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .
Media Contact:
For Liquidity Group
Prosek Partners
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Prosek Partners
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SOURCE Liquidity Group
來源 流動性集團