Are You Missing Out On This NASDAQ-Listed Weed Stock? Low-Cost Model Meets European Demand
Are You Missing Out On This NASDAQ-Listed Weed Stock? Low-Cost Model Meets European Demand
您是否錯過了這隻納斯達克上市的 cannabis 股票?低成本模型滿足歐洲需求
In a recent note, senior analyst Pablo Zuanic digs into the financial standing and valuation of Village Farms (NASDAQ:VFF), the only cannabis company anointed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as one of the 25 DPs ("designated participants") in the administrative hearing for the rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III.
在最近的一份備忘錄中,高級分析師Pablo Zuanic深入研究了Village Farms(納斯達克:VFF)的財務狀況和估值,該公司是唯一被美國緝毒局(DEA)指定爲25個DP("指定參與者")之一,參加了大麻重新定位爲第三級別的行政聽證會。
According to Zuanic, the company experienced temporary sales disruptions in the second half of the year, primarily due to stockouts caused by strong first-half demand. These disruptions are expected to normalize by the first quarter of 2025. Although the overall demand for Canadian recreational cannabis is slowing down, Village Farms...